/| Mario Kart PC |\

Very Important News About Me. Must Read if You have witnessed My Cringyness from 2023.


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Messages 1266 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14101 pts ★ Champion
battle6136 pts ★ Racer
United States
Okay, You all have Seen My "FuNnY mEmEs!" "Oh My MeMeS aRe SoOoO fUnNy!" Well I'm done with that Stupid Dumb Behavior. In fact I've been done with that Stupidity since September of 2023 Ever Since I started  Mario Kart Remastered. But My Change has been more noticeable Since 2024. Kirby Boy is now Gone and Allertor Gamer has taken his Place.
I've grown and matured since the MKPC Fallout of Memes. I may be a little Imature at times but It will never be like what I was back in May of 2023.
I would delete everything I said before May of 2023 but that would take forever and lot's of Topic Deletions so just forget about what I said back when I was Imature and if You ever come across those stuff, just ignore it.

In Conclusion, I am no longer Kirby Boy. I have Modified My Profile, My Description, and most importantly, My Behavior.

One last thing. I probably won't ever cause an MKPC fallout for a looong time. If not ever.

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