Movable item boxes revamp
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On 2024-02-07 at 18:16:43
I already created a topic a while ago, but I want to create a new topic about this, and I want to make some of those Item Boxes move around the track like the actual Mario Kart Games. DS Luigi’s Mansion has moving item boxes near the finish, for example.
On 2024-02-07 at 18:48:56
I Think that's a Great Idea.
On 2024-02-07 at 19:00:30
I wonder how that could work... Maybe make a choice if it either moves around in a circle (clockwise or counterclockwise) or follows the truck's route like in traffic tracks!
On 2024-02-07 at 22:38:44
It really is a shame that we haven't had the option to do that yet. It's actually really simple to program moving item boxes. Because we can place bus decors that can move along the track.
On 2024-02-08 at 02:14:44
the closest thing we have is item boxes that damage you
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