Fight your wars here:
On 2023-02-17 at 09:25:38
Become a vampire
Stay human but have lots of power
Stay human but have lots of power
Stay human but have lots of power, what's the point off becoming a vampire ? Making everybody fall in love ? Not Not that, since vampires are actually ugly. Nah never.
On 2023-02-17 at 09:28:19
Become a vampire
Stay human but have lots of power
Stay human but have lots of power
Stay human so I can go outside and touch grass, and unlike league of legends players, I can actually go out during the day.
On 2023-02-17 at 10:38:49
Aw, man. Wish I could choose both, but I'll go with watermelon. I like how watery it is, it's a very nice fruit for summer, very refreshing, however what ??? Watermelon sweets does exist ???I think I had a melon one ONCE IN MY LIFE but I never thought it actually existed.
Also melon is way worse when it's a fail, either super rough and hard to eat, or sometimes it feels like you're drinking pure alcohol, while you can't really go wrong with a watermelon
Also melon is way worse when it's a fail, either super rough and hard to eat, or sometimes it feels like you're drinking pure alcohol, while you can't really go wrong with a watermelon
h o w d o y o u k n o w w h a t p u r e a l c o h o l t a s t e s l i k e
On 2023-02-17 at 10:55:25
Become a vampire
Stay human but have lots of power
Stay human but have lots of power
I'll take Option 3: YOSH
On 2023-02-17 at 11:21:37
Aw, man. Wish I could choose both, but I'll go with watermelon. I like how watery it is, it's a very nice fruit for summer, very refreshing, however what ??? Watermelon sweets does exist ???I think I had a melon one ONCE IN MY LIFE but I never thought it actually existed.
Also melon is way worse when it's a fail, either super rough and hard to eat, or sometimes it feels like you're drinking pure alcohol, while you can't really go wrong with a watermelon
Also melon is way worse when it's a fail, either super rough and hard to eat, or sometimes it feels like you're drinking pure alcohol, while you can't really go wrong with a watermelon
h o w d o y o u k n o w w h a t p u r e a l c o h o l t a s t e s l i k e
Well, I don't know. I thought it had a weird, very sugary and very weird taste, but since even my parents think it tastes like alcohol, well then. If someone told me it tasted like a d***, I would maybe have believed it, who knows ? Even if I never...
On 2023-02-17 at 11:51:36
Neither. They’re both bad
On 2023-02-17 at 12:22:43
Red grapes
Green grapes
It might not matter but I go for red grapes
Green grapes
It might not matter but I go for red grapes
On 2023-02-17 at 14:02:25
Red grapes
Green grapes
It might not matter but I go for red grapes
Green grapes
It might not matter but I go for red grapes
I like them both. White grapes (that's what they're called) are sort of sour while red grapes are sweet.
On 2023-02-17 at 15:48:06
Red grapes
Green grapes
It might not matter but I go for red grapes
Green grapes
It might not matter but I go for red grapes
I Like Green Grapes More Because The Red Ones Are Too Squishy
On 2023-02-17 at 15:53:49
Become a vampire
Stay human but have lots of power
Stay human but have lots of power
Human with lots of power is much better than only be alive at night
On 2023-02-17 at 16:07:43
So among us is a party social deduction game which is best played locally, and fortnite is an online Zombie third person shooter with a building mechanic. Both games got popular and fairly overrated, but fortnite has more replayability and the online makes playing with others easy.
On 2023-02-17 at 16:23:11
Among Us. Yeah.
On 2023-02-18 at 04:33:16
Super Mario Odyssey
Breath of the Wild?
Breath of the Wild?
On 2023-02-18 at 09:00:13
Breath of the Wild?
Super Mario Odyssey
On 2023-02-18 at 10:05:19
Breath of the Wild?
Super Mario Odyssey, I don't really know Zelda and when I played it once I didn't like it as much as Mario games. It's also a safe pick since it's an amazing game
On 2023-02-18 at 10:17:46
Breath of the Wild?
Mario Odyssey, even though I haven't played it because I'm s*** at Zelda, I was playing Minish Cap and I was stuck for 3 hours when all I had to do was PUSH THE F***ING POT
On 2023-02-18 at 10:39:30
Breath of the Wild?
SMO because its' much more unique than any other games of that genre. BOTW however is much less unique and there are many better games of the same genre.
On 2023-02-18 at 11:49:39
Breath of the Wild?
Mario Oddysey i never played zelda
On 2023-02-18 at 11:54:51
Breath of the Wild?
Odyssey easily. BoTW lost most of the original Hylian flair that many of the other games from the same franchise had, like Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. Also in all of those games mentioned the bosses were far superior to the Blight Ganons. Examples of such include Volvagia, Bongo Bongo, Twinrova, Morpha (to some extent), Argorok, Stallord, Twinmold, Gyorg, Odolwa, Majora and Ghirahim.