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Messages 5379 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Kr4mpus wrote:
I'm gonna go to my friend's house tomorrow for a project and i'm scared that he's gonna start spitting out weird comments

I'm starting to wonder if any of your friends are platonically married to any ethnic British person in my friend group... no offence to any ethnic Brits but in my friend group all the ethnic Brits are so weird πŸ’€ (I mean there's me who's ethnic Mongolian but I don't run around fingering everyone's asses as a 'joke' I'm just mentally ill πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€)

Baring in mind the only normal person in my school is Ukrainian, I'd have to fully agree with you
Messages 1210 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
OK but hear me out

New MKPC speedrun category: Speedrun making a QM track

(credit to Chilli)
Messages 5379 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
OK but hear me out

New MKPC speedrun category: Speedrun making a QM track

(credit to Chilli)

14s7 from opening of the website to sharing a legal track with the name "speedrun"

EDIT: Just got 10s8. Might try pushing for sub 10s
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
hi i'm Choco and *the rock eyebrow raise sfx*
Messages 2379 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
2022 be like

Messages 11383 - King Mario King Mario
vs35065 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Daisanko wrote:
2022 be like


I remember noticing that in last December too πŸ˜‚
Messages 999 - Mario Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Daisanko wrote:
2022 be like


love how the gif just aligns with the messages
Messages 4766 - King Mario King Mario
vs74511 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Daisanko wrote:
2022 be like


memories from The MK Hype lmao
also at that time 59 pages was among the biggest topics ever but now it means nothing wtf happened
Messages 11383 - King Mario King Mario
vs35065 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Kim_Skymin wrote:
Kim_Skymin wrote:
Kim_Skymin wrote:
What is y'alls opinion on parents beating their children?

Personally it's a much more effective way of correcting people and has made me what I am today.

Are we talkin' a smack in the hiney or a 10-minute session with a metal-buckle belt? Because while the former is a rather effective way of chastising toddlers, the whipping'd just be cruel. Really cruel

Most certainly block of wood/leather belt/bamboo type beat. Belt buckle is too slow. Ask any professional. It hits harder but it's much flimsier to control. It also looks hilarious, & there shouldn't be anything hilarious about punishment. It's definitely not meta.

It's all in the wrist. Not that I've ever practiced using improvised weapons on living beings. In any case, prolonged beating = not cool

But let's move on to new topics shall we?

Oh yeah sure. Sorry if this made anybody feel uncomfortable(for some reason).

I don't think it did but it's quite an... uninteresting subject tbh

Me personally I find getting it handed to you to be a very interesting topic, and  a necessary tradition that one must have atleast once to be a real human being in my culture, but I understand that most people don't quite see it that way.

I don't want to sound like a white nonbinary gay pan trans kid but that's very toxic towards the children. Some kids are going to be toxic and abuse their own children later because they grew up in a toxic environnment. I remember my mom slapped me when I was 3 and she got traumatised from it ; she never even did any physical "damage" to me ever again, and I think it wasn't necessary to my education. There is most of the time, a better way to educate than physical abuse, and some parents either do it because their own parents did it to them, or because it's the easiest way. But tbh, it's unnecessary most of the time, and fight me but abuse isn't a thing that people should receive in their education, but something that they shouldn't... As long as you can avoid it then avoid it imo.

Well, if you guys can make words work better than actions, please come down here and fix our region. "Cuz only pussies listen to words." Apparently.

Well yeah I'm a pussy so what

Different spice, different life. Unless you're one of those guys who likes getting fucked, you'd rather not want to be considered a pussy. No I will not elaborate.
EDIT: And also I will stop now, I didn't see that message @TheNudgyHampter.
Also why people putting there arms around you? HUGS? Those are usually accompanied by a smile or tears. What kinda psycho smiles will beating someone?

What if I like getting f--
Messages 2012 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs11652 pts ★ Champion
battle6099 pts ★ Racer
Kim_Skymin wrote:
Kim_Skymin wrote:
Kim_Skymin wrote:
Kim_Skymin wrote:
What is y'alls opinion on parents beating their children?

Personally it's a much more effective way of correcting people and has made me what I am today.

Are we talkin' a smack in the hiney or a 10-minute session with a metal-buckle belt? Because while the former is a rather effective way of chastising toddlers, the whipping'd just be cruel. Really cruel

Most certainly block of wood/leather belt/bamboo type beat. Belt buckle is too slow. Ask any professional. It hits harder but it's much flimsier to control. It also looks hilarious, & there shouldn't be anything hilarious about punishment. It's definitely not meta.

It's all in the wrist. Not that I've ever practiced using improvised weapons on living beings. In any case, prolonged beating = not cool

But let's move on to new topics shall we?

Oh yeah sure. Sorry if this made anybody feel uncomfortable(for some reason).

I don't think it did but it's quite an... uninteresting subject tbh

Me personally I find getting it handed to you to be a very interesting topic, and  a necessary tradition that one must have atleast once to be a real human being in my culture, but I understand that most people don't quite see it that way.

I don't want to sound like a white nonbinary gay pan trans kid but that's very toxic towards the children. Some kids are going to be toxic and abuse their own children later because they grew up in a toxic environnment. I remember my mom slapped me when I was 3 and she got traumatised from it ; she never even did any physical "damage" to me ever again, and I think it wasn't necessary to my education. There is most of the time, a better way to educate than physical abuse, and some parents either do it because their own parents did it to them, or because it's the easiest way. But tbh, it's unnecessary most of the time, and fight me but abuse isn't a thing that people should receive in their education, but something that they shouldn't... As long as you can avoid it then avoid it imo.

Well, if you guys can make words work better than actions, please come down here and fix our region. "Cuz only pussies listen to words." Apparently.

Well yeah I'm a pussy so what

Different spice, different life. Unless you're one of those guys who likes getting fucked, you'd rather not want to be considered a pussy. No I will not elaborate.
EDIT: And also I will stop now, I didn't see that message @TheNudgyHampter.
Also why people putting there arms around you? HUGS? Those are usually accompanied by a smile or tears. What kinda psycho smiles will beating someone?

What if I like getting f--

Messages 1225 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17573 pts ★ Master
battle5983 pts ★ Novice
Kim_Skymin wrote:
Kim_Skymin wrote:
Kim_Skymin wrote:
Kim_Skymin wrote:
What is y'alls opinion on parents beating their children?

Personally it's a much more effective way of correcting people and has made me what I am today.

Are we talkin' a smack in the hiney or a 10-minute session with a metal-buckle belt? Because while the former is a rather effective way of chastising toddlers, the whipping'd just be cruel. Really cruel

Most certainly block of wood/leather belt/bamboo type beat. Belt buckle is too slow. Ask any professional. It hits harder but it's much flimsier to control. It also looks hilarious, & there shouldn't be anything hilarious about punishment. It's definitely not meta.

It's all in the wrist. Not that I've ever practiced using improvised weapons on living beings. In any case, prolonged beating = not cool

But let's move on to new topics shall we?

Oh yeah sure. Sorry if this made anybody feel uncomfortable(for some reason).

I don't think it did but it's quite an... uninteresting subject tbh

Me personally I find getting it handed to you to be a very interesting topic, and  a necessary tradition that one must have atleast once to be a real human being in my culture, but I understand that most people don't quite see it that way.

I don't want to sound like a white nonbinary gay pan trans kid but that's very toxic towards the children. Some kids are going to be toxic and abuse their own children later because they grew up in a toxic environnment. I remember my mom slapped me when I was 3 and she got traumatised from it ; she never even did any physical "damage" to me ever again, and I think it wasn't necessary to my education. There is most of the time, a better way to educate than physical abuse, and some parents either do it because their own parents did it to them, or because it's the easiest way. But tbh, it's unnecessary most of the time, and fight me but abuse isn't a thing that people should receive in their education, but something that they shouldn't... As long as you can avoid it then avoid it imo.

Well, if you guys can make words work better than actions, please come down here and fix our region. "Cuz only pussies listen to words." Apparently.

Well yeah I'm a pussy so what

Different spice, different life. Unless you're one of those guys who likes getting fucked, you'd rather not want to be considered a pussy. No I will not elaborate.
EDIT: And also I will stop now, I didn't see that message @TheNudgyHampter.
Also why people putting there arms around you? HUGS? Those are usually accompanied by a smile or tears. What kinda psycho smiles will beating someone?

What if I like getting f--


What's wrong with you Illu? He's obviously saying "What if I like getting flipped off by random Americans" :D
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
"YOLO," said Millennials and "yeet," the Zoomers cried
"Rizzler gyatt fanum tax," the Alphas then replied
And lo there came a shaking as an ebon spire rose
Upon it writ the tongues of men, their generations' prose
And from the sky a thund'rous voice called out unto the stone
As golden letters glowed upon its surface, newly shown:
And all beheld the words embossed therone in great timidity
With shaking and wavering voice, the grim refrain began
As all the generations sang the verse at its command
Their weeping and their running sores did nothing to delay
The chanting of that fevered song as night succumbed to day
But rose that morn a blighted sun whose light scoured like a flood
The sky was rent asunder and the rivers turned to blood
Their flesh peeled off in sickly strips, their bones were rendered bare
And still they chanted ever on, the words they uttered there
Until bone and flesh and earth and death were all forgotten things
And still unbidden, undesired, the blackened spire sings
Around it wind the whispers of the souls in its captivity:
"rizzler gyatt fanum tax... sigma ohio skibidi"
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
another copypasta

No you're NOT a gamer
No you're NOT a gamer
I'm so sick of all these people who think they're gamers. No, you're not. Most of you are not even close to being gamers. I see these people saying "I put well over 100hrs in this game and it's great!" That's nothing, most of us can easily put 300+ in all of our games. I see people who only have the Nintendo Switch and claim to be gamers. Come talk to me when you pick up a PS4 controller. Then, we'll be friends.
Also DEAR WOMEN: Pokemon is not a real game. Animal Crossing is not a real game. The Sims is not a real game. Mario is not a real game. Stardew Valley is not a real game. Mobile games are NOT. REAL. GAMES. Put down the baby games and play something that requires challenge and skill for once.
- sincerely, all of the ACTUAL gamers.

ik i said it's a copypasta at the top of this message but just gonna put it at the bottom too
Messages 2497 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
hi i'm Choco and *the rock eyebrow raise sfx*

Are you seriously reviving that
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
osc-omb wrote:
hi i'm Choco and *the rock eyebrow raise sfx*

Are you seriously reviving that

we do a miniature amount of tomfoolery
Messages 1031 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13177 pts ★ Champion
battle4970 pts ★ Budding pilot
jamestown wrote:
Everyone, may I ask, what is your favorite part about Christmas?

I don't celebrate Christmas, but there is a pagan festival in winter around the same time as Christmas (around 20th-22nd December) in which we celebrate the forthcoming of the god of ice, snow etc. (Before you accuse me of making this up cause it's not on the Internet, please keep in mind that each pagan's individual beliefs are different and that pagan traditions are usually ethnically separated)
It's essentially the same idea as Christmas, we receive gifts, we wish each other good for the coming year ahead, we celebrate some divine bugger from the Heavens coming down to Earth to bless us, we offer them sacrifices... yeah it's just a 'pagan Christmas' I guess you could say (more of a W holiday than Christmas in my humble opinion though)

We muslims have only 2 "fest" :

Shawwal al Eid (after Ramadan) and Eid al Adha (when we slaughter the sheep)

And I think it's better than many days to celebrate

Messages 11383 - King Mario King Mario
vs35065 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
another copypasta

No you're NOT a gamer
No you're NOT a gamer
I'm so sick of all these people who think they're gamers. No, you're not. Most of you are not even close to being gamers. I see these people saying "I put well over 100hrs in this game and it's great!" That's nothing, most of us can easily put 300+ in all of our games. I see people who only have the Nintendo Switch and claim to be gamers. Come talk to me when you pick up a PS4 controller. Then, we'll be friends.
Also DEAR WOMEN: Pokemon is not a real game. Animal Crossing is not a real game. The Sims is not a real game. Mario is not a real game. Stardew Valley is not a real game. Mobile games are NOT. REAL. GAMES. Put down the baby games and play something that requires challenge and skill for once.
- sincerely, all of the ACTUAL gamers.

ik i said it's a copypasta at the top of this message but just gonna put it at the bottom too

Krazey on his moods
Messages 1229 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs5000 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
This Is the Best Thing That Green Sans Has Ever Said πŸ’€
Messages 3047 - King Mario King Mario
vs59208 pts ★ Titan
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Anyways you're not a real gamer until you have 7K hours on a game, come back then & we'll talk.

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