/!\ Report / Signalements /!\

On 2023-03-20 at 19:58:15
This Guy Says That He Made TsSLAueP And Has Multiple Alt Accounts But I Have No Proof 
Also This Conversation:

The Middle Fingers Were A Joke So I'm Not Sure If He Should Get A Warning Or Get Banned Or Either

Also This Conversation:

The Middle Fingers Were A Joke So I'm Not Sure If He Should Get A Warning Or Get Banned Or Either

On 2023-03-20 at 19:58:39
On 2023-03-20 at 19:59:32
The prosecution has additional evidence for the court.

On 2023-03-20 at 20:12:06
They got banned but at what cost…I got fucking emotionally scarred

On 2023-03-20 at 20:12:19
@Fiery @xrunner48 I banned JJisaloser after trying to troll him a bit, he's so retarded lol it's violent but real x)

On 2023-03-20 at 20:24:04
@Fiery @xrunner48 I banned JJisaloser after trying to troll him a bit, he's so retarded lol it's violent but real x)
Not you using this kind of insult

But he's a disgusting person and I once had to deal with the same thing...

On 2023-03-20 at 20:26:10
@Fiery @xrunner48 I banned JJisaloser after trying to troll him a bit, he's so retarded lol it's violent but real x)
Not you using this kind of insult

But he's a disgusting person and I once had to deal with the same thing...
Après c'est vrai que je suis dans une période ou je grandis beaucoup mentalement (physiquement aussi mais on s'en fiche

On 2023-03-20 at 20:29:41
@Fiery @xrunner48 I banned JJisaloser after trying to troll him a bit, he's so retarded lol it's violent but real x)
Not you using this kind of insult

But he's a disgusting person and I once had to deal with the same thing...
Après c'est vrai que je suis dans une période ou je grandis beaucoup mentalement (physiquement aussi mais on s'en fiche

Je sais, je suis pas là pour te lecturer sur tes choix de vie, mais ce genre d'insultes c'est bof tu vois ? Après tu dis ce que tu veux mais bon... après je suis pas sûr parce qu'attardé ça semble pas être offensant envers une catégorie spécifique de personnes mais après retarded j'avais entendu que c'était une insulte envers une personne handicapée donc c'est bof quoi

On 2023-03-20 at 20:36:24
@Fiery @xrunner48 I banned JJisaloser after trying to troll him a bit, he's so retarded lol it's violent but real x)
Not you using this kind of insult

But he's a disgusting person and I once had to deal with the same thing...
Après c'est vrai que je suis dans une période ou je grandis beaucoup mentalement (physiquement aussi mais on s'en fiche

Je sais, je suis pas là pour te lecturer sur tes choix de vie, mais ce genre d'insultes c'est bof tu vois ? Après tu dis ce que tu veux mais bon... après je suis pas sûr parce qu'attardé ça semble pas être offensant envers une catégorie spécifique de personnes mais après retarded j'avais entendu que c'était une insulte envers une personne handicapée donc c'est bof quoi

Ce qui est ironique car je suis handicapé x), donc bon après jsp comment traduire donc bon mais je voulais vrm dire Attardé donc bon :/
On 2023-03-20 at 20:37:00

On 2023-03-20 at 20:38:08


On 2023-03-20 at 20:39:48

Thank you, since you asked so nicely, we will and get down on our knees. No. Anyways,
closed debate, but you need to calm down, I also get useless notifications from that in a daily basis... but I'm not complaining

On 2023-03-20 at 20:40:27

Thank you, since you asked so nicely, we will and get down on our knees. No. Anyways,
closed debate, but you need to calm down, I also get useless notifications from that in a daily basis... but I'm not complaining
Sorry I thought it would be funny in a way. My humor is still broken

On 2023-03-20 at 20:40:52

Thank you, since you asked so nicely, we will and get down on our knees. No. Anyways,
closed debate, but you need to calm down, I also get useless notifications from that in a daily basis... but I'm not complaining
Insert that time Max mass pinged a LOT of people with one message

On 2023-03-20 at 20:42:10

Thank you, since you asked so nicely, we will and get down on our knees. No. Anyways,
closed debate, but you need to calm down, I also get useless notifications from that in a daily basis... but I'm not complaining
Insert that time Max mass pinged a LOT of people with one message
It was the fault of DaisyFan370's description, so it's 50/50 x)
On 2023-03-20 at 20:43:09
Guys, closed debate, the topic isn't really appreciate to the context

On 2023-03-20 at 21:54:22
@HELOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO alt of the other guy. now hes fucking hunting me
On 2023-03-20 at 21:59:02
@HELOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO alt of the other guy. now hes fucking hunting me
What guy?