Why the SNES Bowser Castles Not Having Walls is a Problem

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On 2025-01-28 at 16:04:22
I know there's World Records and whatnot due to the lack of walls, but what about us casual players? We can't change our speed on Grand Prix mode, and it's easy to fall into the lava on that one jump in SNES Bowser Castle 2. Or maybe that's just me.
On 2025-01-28 at 17:10:41
I know there's World Records and whatnot due to the lack of walls, but what about us casual players? We can't change our speed on Grand Prix mode, and it's easy to fall into the lava on that one jump in SNES Bowser Castle 2. Or maybe that's just me.
Get more consistent so you don’t fall into the lava

On 2025-01-28 at 21:57:41
You're right, it's not that hard if you know what you are doing... I guess it was just a skill issue.
On 2025-01-29 at 01:12:20
I know there's World Records and whatnot due to the lack of walls, but what about us casual players? We can't change our speed on Grand Prix mode, and it's easy to fall into the lava on that one jump in SNES Bowser Castle 2. Or maybe that's just me.
Wargor probably did it to make the SNES Bowsers Castles more unique.
On 2025-01-29 at 07:07:15
ok i agree not having the walls is inherently a baffling decision BUT it gives the track a much higher skill ceiling since it's harder and allows for mini shortcuts so i think it ultimately plays better

On 2025-01-29 at 13:01:28
The track would feel cramped up if there were walls tbh. Also I agree with osc, the holes allow players to use shortcuts by jumping over the lava. Furthermore, it would require a TT time reset which many players do not want due to the hard work they put in getting these performances. So no, walls will not be added. I do understand your frustration though.

On 2025-01-29 at 14:59:23
Just don't play base game tracks it's that easy

On 2025-01-31 at 00:51:14
ngl should of done walls on tight parts of the track
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