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jack_o_lantern64_68_N64_78's profile

Last username: totovideo64_68_N64_78

General stats

Followers58 followers
Following69 following
VS27206 pts - Legend[?] - 105th
Battle11165 pts - Champion[?] - 65th
Challenges3026 pts - 494 challenges won - 20th
Time trial150cc: 176 pts - 26 records - 155th
Time trial200cc: 87 pts - 14 records - 85th
Forum messages827 messages - MarioMario[?]
3 news published
730 created circuits - 142 cups
282 challenges created
56 shared characters
1567 comments on circuits
207 topics followed


Description :

Je suis un francophone non anglophone pratiquant le reverse drifft . J'aime les chansons à textes et les jeux vidéos . En particulier Mario Kart , mais aussi Luigi's Mansion . Je suis aussi passionné de voitures et de mécanique , et , en course ( jeu vidéo évidemment ! ) , je suis un enragé pur bête ( sans réussites promises :p ) et comme dit @wargor , je snake comme un gros porc !

Si je devais parlais du forum , je dirais :

Non , sérieusement , c'est la guerre froide là-bas . Y a littéralement des dramas à tour de bras , et quand c'est pas ça c'est pire . Cependant ça s'est un peu calmé comparé à une période où il y avait des bots .

Si je devais parler des autres :

@PRO-64_N64 : Une superbe personne qui connait plein de jeux gratos ... ou plutôt ... Était une superbe personne qui connaissait plein de jeux gratos , car , oui , malheureusement , il n'est plus de ce monde . :cry: :s :(

@Max-Bros : Super modo , sans doute l'une des meilleurs personnes du monde !  C'est l'une des premières personnes que j'ai rencontré ici . :p

@Jey78 : Même si ses allez-retours sont incessant , c'est un superbe ami . On a fait les 400 coups ensemble en terme de collaboration :p

@Invu : Très bonne personne , avec une très bonne mentalité et des messages qui peuvent m'énerver , mais qui ont toujours un bon fond . PAR CONTRE , POURQUOI TU CHANGES TOUT LE TEMPS DE PSEUDO ON PEU JAMAIS TE PING RHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! raah
Houlà faut que je me calme . :s

@Realboy : Un revenant d'entre les morts ultra-sympas . Je connais par grand chose sur lui à part le fait qu'il était là bien avant ...

@WaluigiGG0616 : Toujours présent pour faire une course , ça fait plais' :D

@MisterCringeh : Très bonne personne qui joue jsp pk toujours le rôle des méchants dans les fanfics . Sinon il a déjà fait un ^profil chelou oui fallait que je le dise et alor ?:p

*Bruit de gourdin sur ma tête*

@Nodac64 : Plutôt sympas :)

@Pingouin-2024_Happy-New-Year : Une très bonne personne . Malgré ses défauts , il a un très bon fond :)

@NudgyHampteur : Un bon modo que je connais pas trop mais bon :p

@DaisyFan370_MKT54 : Un timide sympas . Un grand coeur volcanique qui peut parfois brûler de colère , mais surtout de bonne humeur

@SuperCopp1 : Pas assez actifs vu son bon fond :( .

@Wal68 : Un très bon validateur de défis qui peut t'apprendre des glitchs marrant :p

Des projets :
Mario kart Saison :check:
Mario kart Quick Version
Marion Kart Toto :check:
Mario Kart Bug :check:
Mario Kart Communauté

Je soutien @waluigi68 .

Sur mon activité sur Mkpc :

Je serais probablement de moins en moins présent à cause des études , mais je ferait des apparitions durant les grandes vacances ça c'est sûre !

à ne pas rater :
Le Quiz De La Semaine : https://mkpc.malahieude.net/topic.php?topic=13473

Mes fanfics :
Race wars ( sorti annulée pour l'instant ) : Il y a bien longtemps , dans un royaume lointain , très lointain ...


Après avoir fait une nouvelle mise à jour , Wargor a malencontreusement mis au défis un membre de mkpc de programmer un meilleur site ( ou sith XD ) pour mario kart pc . Mais celui-ci a perdu son ordinateur et Wargor a gagné le défis , alors , pour se venger , il a racheté jeudi ( ou jedi XD ) un ordinateur pour hacker mkpc !  Alerté de cette facheuse nouvelle , les modérateurs ont organisés une réunion pour se mettre d'accords sur comment bann ce membre qui sait se dé-bann . Mais le désaccords sur ce sujet risquerai de dissoudre Mkpc ...

Bon bah c'est tout et c'est déjà pas mal ! Ah si , mes #
17 years old (Born on 06/06/2007)
Registered since 26/07/2022
Last connection: 23/10/2024
Calendrier de l'Avent 2023[?] : Prodige Hivernal
Calendrier de l'Avent 2022[?] : Prodige Hivernal

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Last messages on the forum:

Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Helloween wrote:
Helloween wrote:
Bob-Omb Battlefield

Something was always pretty crazy to me when I looked at Bob-Omb Battlefield. It felt so unique, for a first level. It wasn't groundbreaking ; the setting was still grassy with a blue sky, but something felt different.

The first thing you know when arriving in Bob-Omb Battlefield is that the Pink Bob-Ombs are at war with the Black Bob-Ombs. The name of the first star is 'King Bob-Omb on the Summit' which lets you guess what the task at hand is gonna be.

You start making your way to the summit, meeting a few interesting elements on your way, such as a Chomp, a closed cannon, elevators, seesaw bridges, or rolling balls.

The layout of the stage is very particular ; it is a very linear pathway surrounded by different elements that will be explored later on. You can see large chunks of rocky ground. These are pretty empty, with only some Bob-Ombs milling around. There is also a cage, which can be opened by a purple switch. Above all of that, you can find most of the level ; there is a cannon which will be used in the level's third star, there is a cage behind the Chain Chomp that has a star inside, a section with bushes, Goombas and red coins, and finally, the entrance to the mountain.

So, BOB is pretty much a mountain surrounded by a plain. Now, let's climb the mountain, which notably has some shortcuts, such as the slope that can be found at the left extremity of the level when entering the mountain ; and a warp zone that almost takes you to the highest point of the map, which, for now, will be King Bob-Omb's arena.

Fighting him is quite simple. You have to get behind him, grab him, and throw him. When you do that, however, be careful. The battle resets if you throw him out of the arena, since he sees that as cheating (even though he does the same thing. Is this proving the hypocrisy of many authority figures?) The battle finishes and there you go, you have your first star.

The second star has you racing against Koopa the Quick, which you will meet again, some time later... The third star has you using the cannons to eeach a floating island, that's visible since it's floating in the sky. The fourth star has you exploring the stage for eight red coins ; the fifth has you flying into the sky to collect the central coin of several golden rings ; and the sixth concludes the level by requiring you to stomp on the Chain Chomp's log in order to free him and destroy the cage behind.

Now, what do I think of the level? I am gonna rate the stage in 4 categories : aesthetic, theming, layout, and the stars themselves.

Tbh, BOB looks quite nice and unique. It is a battlefield ; it has cannons, rolling balls, enemies, a Chomp, it overall is distinct from all of the other levels in this game. It is a nice beginning. 4/5

While BOB isn't groundbreaking, it has a really nice and original theming that had not really been explored before. It mixes a grassy setting, and airship-like elements. It deserves a 5/5, for a beginning stage.

I think BOB has a nice layout. As I said, it is a mountain which you have to climb, surrounded by a plain which you have to explore. It has large fields where not much is going on, but overall the space is used well, with a few shortcuts and a few warp zones to travel across the plain or climb the mountain faster. It deserves a 3.5/5.

1-1 : Nice, basic star with an easy boss that introduces the situation and level well. 4/5.

1-2 : An even better star, as it has you going the same road as before, but much faster. KTQ only allows some shortcuts like the slope or the warp zone (and he takes one himself since he can walk on the side of the Chomp's cage) but you cannot use cannons or the wing cap which I thought was well thought. 4.5/5.

1-3 : Introduces you to cannons. It is very easy, and very quick. It's pretty nice. 3/5.

1-4 : It has you exploring the entire stage to find eight red coins. While I'm not a fond of this type of mission, it's not inherently bad. 2.5/5

1-5 : Now this is the worst mission of the bunch for sure, it is tedious, especially with draw distance. You have to use the wing cap, and you can help yourself with the cannon, but even then. It takes time, precision, patience and skill, which I honestly don't like for this kind of star. 2/5.

1-6 : While it's short, it's also creative, well thought, and a bit dangerous as 3 hits from the Chomp can kill you. 4/5.

Stage Average : 3.94/5

It is, as I said, a pretty solid stage. Sure, it does have its flaws, but I think that as a beginning stage it was executed well.

Now, the lore of the stage. Well I don't think there is much here actually. KBO seems to have been reduced to the state of a rolling metal ball, and the war between the Black Bob-Ombs and the Pink Bob-Ombs seem to go in favor of the PBO as the BBO just lost their leader. There isn't much else to say.

With that, I'll be wrapping up this episode for now, and I'll see you all next time for a deep dive into one of the best Mario 64 levels!

Il y a aussi des îles flottantes qui ont 2 étoiles .


Les canons servent à atteindre ces îles flottantes :
- au dessus du "parc" à droite du Chomp
- Et c'est tout enft
- Réflexion faite , CETTE île :p

Une étoile se situe dans un bloc ? sur l'île , une autre à travers des cerceau de pièces
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Helloween wrote:
Bob-Omb Battlefield

Something was always pretty crazy to me when I looked at Bob-Omb Battlefield. It felt so unique, for a first level. It wasn't groundbreaking ; the setting was still grassy with a blue sky, but something felt different.

The first thing you know when arriving in Bob-Omb Battlefield is that the Pink Bob-Ombs are at war with the Black Bob-Ombs. The name of the first star is 'King Bob-Omb on the Summit' which lets you guess what the task at hand is gonna be.

You start making your way to the summit, meeting a few interesting elements on your way, such as a Chomp, a closed cannon, elevators, seesaw bridges, or rolling balls.

The layout of the stage is very particular ; it is a very linear pathway surrounded by different elements that will be explored later on. You can see large chunks of rocky ground. These are pretty empty, with only some Bob-Ombs milling around. There is also a cage, which can be opened by a purple switch. Above all of that, you can find most of the level ; there is a cannon which will be used in the level's third star, there is a cage behind the Chain Chomp that has a star inside, a section with bushes, Goombas and red coins, and finally, the entrance to the mountain.

So, BOB is pretty much a mountain surrounded by a plain. Now, let's climb the mountain, which notably has some shortcuts, such as the slope that can be found at the left extremity of the level when entering the mountain ; and a warp zone that almost takes you to the highest point of the map, which, for now, will be King Bob-Omb's arena.

Fighting him is quite simple. You have to get behind him, grab him, and throw him. When you do that, however, be careful. The battle resets if you throw him out of the arena, since he sees that as cheating (even though he does the same thing. Is this proving the hypocrisy of many authority figures?) The battle finishes and there you go, you have your first star.

The second star has you racing against Koopa the Quick, which you will meet again, some time later... The third star has you using the cannons to eeach a floating island, that's visible since it's floating in the sky. The fourth star has you exploring the stage for eight red coins ; the fifth has you flying into the sky to collect the central coin of several golden rings ; and the sixth concludes the level by requiring you to stomp on the Chain Chomp's log in order to free him and destroy the cage behind.

Now, what do I think of the level? I am gonna rate the stage in 4 categories : aesthetic, theming, layout, and the stars themselves.

Tbh, BOB looks quite nice and unique. It is a battlefield ; it has cannons, rolling balls, enemies, a Chomp, it overall is distinct from all of the other levels in this game. It is a nice beginning. 4/5

While BOB isn't groundbreaking, it has a really nice and original theming that had not really been explored before. It mixes a grassy setting, and airship-like elements. It deserves a 5/5, for a beginning stage.

I think BOB has a nice layout. As I said, it is a mountain which you have to climb, surrounded by a plain which you have to explore. It has large fields where not much is going on, but overall the space is used well, with a few shortcuts and a few warp zones to travel across the plain or climb the mountain faster. It deserves a 3.5/5.

1-1 : Nice, basic star with an easy boss that introduces the situation and level well. 4/5.

1-2 : An even better star, as it has you going the same road as before, but much faster. KTQ only allows some shortcuts like the slope or the warp zone (and he takes one himself since he can walk on the side of the Chomp's cage) but you cannot use cannons or the wing cap which I thought was well thought. 4.5/5.

1-3 : Introduces you to cannons. It is very easy, and very quick. It's pretty nice. 3/5.

1-4 : It has you exploring the entire stage to find eight red coins. While I'm not a fond of this type of mission, it's not inherently bad. 2.5/5

1-5 : Now this is the worst mission of the bunch for sure, it is tedious, especially with draw distance. You have to use the wing cap, and you can help yourself with the cannon, but even then. It takes time, precision, patience and skill, which I honestly don't like for this kind of star. 2/5.

1-6 : While it's short, it's also creative, well thought, and a bit dangerous as 3 hits from the Chomp can kill you. 4/5.

Stage Average : 3.94/5

It is, as I said, a pretty solid stage. Sure, it does have its flaws, but I think that as a beginning stage it was executed well.

Now, the lore of the stage. Well I don't think there is much here actually. KBO seems to have been reduced to the state of a rolling metal ball, and the war between the Black Bob-Ombs and the Pink Bob-Ombs seem to go in favor of the PBO as the BBO just lost their leader. There isn't much else to say.

With that, I'll be wrapping up this episode for now, and I'll see you all next time for a deep dive into one of the best Mario 64 levels!

Il y a aussi des îles flottantes qui ont 2 étoiles .
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Anthcny wrote:
What does "modes" mean in "The presence of modes will be valued"?

For example, in Mario Kart, you have the grand prix mode, the time trial mode...

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9th 200cc Vanilla Lake 2
19th 200cc Ghost Valley 1
24th 200cc Choco Island 1

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