/| Mario Kart PC |\

Vroomer's profile

General stats

Followers5 followers
Following4 following
VS8484 pts - Expert[?] - 6620th
Battle4988 pts - Budding pilot[?] - 9466th
Challenges137 pts - 81 challenges won - 244th
Time trial150cc: 4 pts - 1 record - 2848th
Forum messages0 message - GoombaGoomba[?]
40 created circuits - 6 cups
14 challenges created
1 shared character
5 comments on circuits
1 topic followed


Description :

Hey! You actually found me. Well, I like making courses and looking at other's stuff.
United States
16 years old (Born on 27/09/2007)
Registered since 11/01/2020
Last connection: 14/04/2021

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