/| Mario Kart PC |\

FireLuigiFromMK7's profile

Last usernames: FireLuigiFromMK8, FireLuigi, FireYoshi, DepressedLuigi

General stats

Followers17 followers
Following30 following
VS13188 pts - Champion[?] - 1797th
Battle6684 pts - Racer[?] - 440th
Challenges53 pts - 26 challenges won - 508th
Time trial150cc: 33 pts - 8 records - 752nd
Time trial200cc: 79 pts - 25 records - 108th
Forum messages133 messages - Buzzy BeetleBuzzy Beetle[?]
48 created circuits - 4 cups
9 challenges created
4 shared characters
47 comments on circuits
5 topics followed


Description :

I am depressed now due to my internal battery for my chromebook being... dead. :( :( :( I am also FireLuigi, BlastrTM, etc. I'm gonna be sad until my mom gets be a new computer or it magicly becomes better again. :p snif WHYYYYYYYYYY- Breaking news: I can't do mkpc online well until the stuff above but good happens. I also can't do MvLO or mods of that game.  
Last sadly edited: 3/2/2025
Yea... It just turned out that my computer only died. Whoops! facepalm :p Sorry bout' that I'm just very emotional when I can't do Mario games.
My old description: I am known for silly things like this:
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(You have to zoom in for this.)
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getting closer
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tbh not even close
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Oh um..
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It gets even
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um (i think)
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[spoiler]almost there[spoiler][spoiler] this is a fancy way of expanding the menu lol
how ya like that? Smiley
this is a fancy way to expand the menu :p
My online hours are somewhere near 3:00 E.T.-5:00 E.T. on weekdays (not on holidays and breaks). You could also know me as BlastrTM. Just so you know, I celebrate Christmas in December. You maybe may know me from Mario Vs. Luigi Online. I use Eastern Time (just wanted to say that to let all of y'all know). I'm sorry but even though this is a personal description I'm not going to say my personal information.
My good ol' MvLO friend: @Yelloshi I also made a private online match on Super Mario Kart Wii with cpus (with names) and the same exact item odds as normal mk wii online. Here: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/online.php?mid=3655&key=1488760758

More Time-ly infomation:
My birthday is coming up soon! If you look up, you know I'm not gonna tell you my age this year! HEHEHEHHAHAHA
Explain to me how THIS: https://i.postimg.cc/13YXP6gK/Screenshot-2025-02-20-3-24-03-PM.png HAPPENED.Sadly, I have an hour limit each day, so I'm most likely gonna be online on weekend at noon in eastern time. https://mkpc.malahieude.net/classement.php?draw=167933&cc=200 So that somehow happened...
Soon, I'm going to make a multicup called "Mario Kart 128" which will have the courses in Mario Kart 64 and Retro Courses up to the Wii, also leaving some custom tracks I have made. There's another project I'm going to try to make called, "Mario Kart: Too Many Luigis" which will mostly include tracks, characters, and more about Luigi (since Luigi is like my favorite Mario character). The secret went out quickly but, I use guest on a Chromebook. No. Questions. Answered. (for now) OMG KKT MOD IS BACK WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :D My name will be like this until summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
Last edited: 2/22/2025
United States
Registered since 2023-11-25
Last connection: 2025-03-16

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Last messages on the forum:

Messages 133 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs13188 pts ★ Champion
battle6684 pts ★ Racer
United States
Roxas_971 wrote:
FireLuigi wrote:
BluePikmin wrote:
Play Super Mario Galaxy 1 and create a save file then boot up MKWii to find out...

You unlock Rosalina

no thats not true after you have that save file you need to play 50 races

Not in the slightest. You just need the first star in Galaxy.

no! i have proof https://www.wikihow.com/Unlock-Rosalina-in-Mario-Kart-Wii
Both of y'all are a little wrong. According to AI,
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it actually says 4,950 races, or a save file in Super Mario Galaxy (no spicification so I'm taking it as just a normal save). Also, another way is actually to win at least one star in all cups of the 150cc Mirror mode.

WHAT DA **** HELL 4.950

I don't understand why people fall so easily into AI delusions.

Mii Outfit B is 5K VS races, so 4950 doesn't sound too far off.
My sister got it after Rosalina after like an hour I think.
Messages 133 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs13188 pts ★ Champion
battle6684 pts ★ Racer
United States

May I have it too? They are both for a future multicup called Super Mario Kart 7!
Messages 133 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs13188 pts ★ Champion
battle6684 pts ★ Racer
United States
:mario_no: if Mario.
:luigi_fear: if Luigi.

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Best created circuits:

That Very Long Track
comments 1
Koopa Circuit
comments 6
Speedrun Circuit
comments 9
Luigi Circuit
comments 0
Bowser Castle 1
comments 1

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Best scores in time trial:

Rank Class Circuit Character Time
61st 200cc Cheep-Cheep Island
72nd 200cc Sunset Wilds
76th 200cc Donut Plains 3

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