/| Mario Kart PC |\

Comments list of ChristBlock (15)

Such a tricky and tasty track. I love pizza!
comments In Venecian Pizza on 2024-09-15 at 01:55:04
Sorry Cocacola, but stealing tracks is not okay. That's not how you improve your soda brand!
comments In Kalimari Desert on 2024-09-15 at 00:01:51
This circuit can make the PokeKart project made by me and Teatev proud! But... The CPU is tempted to go onto the path where it counts as a hole for some reason, at least from what i've experienced. Regardless though 5/5. Conclusion: This has a great potential to make it into me and Teatev's PokeKart project, though some small tweaking might be required, like the CPU thing that i mentioned earlier.
comments In Torterra Grassland on 2024-08-19 at 19:36:25
For whatever reason, i have a thought of hearing a mashup of GCN Mushroom Bridge and Fukkireta/You Can Do Anything (Sonic CD) and i don't know why.
comments In Mushroom Bridge on 2024-08-13 at 22:20:18
These CPU's like to put themselves into trouble don't they? This time with the pipes in SNES Pikachu Circuit sometimes, but, still. No complaint, maybe my cc choice is too high.
comments In Pikachu Cup on 2024-08-10 at 23:30:33
Nice cup. GBA Mario circuit theme may fit the Pikachu theme better, but i digress, Luigi doesn't deserve to be just a forgotten shadow underneath Mario, so 5/5 to that one!
comments In Pikachu Cup on 2024-08-10 at 23:23:03
Hm... There might be some problem with the CPU on the part after the 2 jumps. Maybe the 2nd jump pad needs some boost pads too. Just a slight tweaking idea.
comments In Lugia Airport on 2024-08-10 at 20:43:32
And eventually when advanced enough, complete versions of them can be made too, complete with it's Pokemon based decorations!
comments In Glacion lake on 2024-08-10 at 19:31:34
My Meloetta approves this. :)
comments In Meloetta Park on 2024-08-10 at 19:29:16
And let's see... The aforementioned DS Groudon Castle, and- OH, GBA Rayquaza Garden, based on GBA Sky Garden. This Project will be big, i can't wait to see it's upcoming success.
comments In Glacion lake on 2024-08-10 at 19:27:32
Oh, and I've discovered that this Gear Pokemon is called Klink. So there can also be a DS Klink Klonk Clock, a primarily gear based track.
comments In Glacion lake on 2024-08-10 at 19:25:05
And one other thing that could be an upcoming: Each circuit could have a challenge based on what each Pokemon is known to do. Completing the challenge, you'd unlock the Pokemon based on the track's name, like unlocking Glaceon in Glaceon Lake, unlocking Lugia in Lugia Airport, you know the deal.
comments In Glacion lake on 2024-08-10 at 19:22:09
By the way, i found an idea for a Kyogre based track. "TOUR Kyogre Cove" based on TOUR Piranha Plant Cove. And Then maybe a Wii U Vaporeon Park.
comments In Glacion lake on 2024-08-10 at 19:14:46
Forgivement accepted. Little more learning and the lucky magic happens
comments In Glacion lake on 2024-08-10 at 19:13:52
Were it to be spelled "Glaceon Lake" The way it should, it gets a 5/5. For now, i'll make it a 4 until it is fixed.
comments In Glacion lake on 2024-08-10 at 16:41:51
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