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Comments list of Invu (5628)

Hello Fayeri Toad
comments In SBOK6 Underground Monorail on 2023-02-01 at 14:53:06
Aw, don't be harsh on yourself. I kinda snapped at you as well and I'm sorry about that. I was just pissed off about something, but it's not a matter
comments In SBOK6 Underground Monorail on 2023-02-01 at 14:40:53
@5072 you're not a stupid idiot. What is stupid, and idiot, is saying you are one, just because I'm proving you wrong, and then saying "Happy ?" because I never asked you to spit on your self, I just proved you wrong and I'm also asking for some explanation
comments In SBOK6 Underground Monorail on 2023-02-01 at 14:35:49
@5072 if you want a proper and calmer version of my thoughts, well to me it doesn't make the track "bad" but it still deletes quality in the track. It's not as important as gameplay, but it's still kinda important. If the track is very bland and boring visually, and good in terms of gameplay, that'll be a 3/5 from me. In my opinion a visually bland and bad track doesn't deserve a 5/5.
comments In SBOK6 Underground Monorail on 2023-02-01 at 14:34:52
Btw I don't see why I'm getting so much backlash here ? It's crazy how 80% of the argument is actually coming from things I didn't say. I never said visuals made a track good or bad automaticly. I never said visuals mattered that much. I just said that I liked the bigger emphasis on visuals regarding this track compared to other SBOK6 ones. It was only praise, not any critiscism. You're the problem here. So how about you learn to read properly what I said, instead of creating an argument from things I never said.
comments In SBOK6 Underground Monorail on 2023-02-01 at 14:33:05
As I said, this is simply one of the better tracks in terms of art from SBOK6. Did I say visuals made a track automaticly good or bad ? If the argument is coming from things that I don't say...
Then be quiet and leave me alone @5072.
Edit : Nice, instead of admitting, you're deleting.
comments In SBOK6 Underground Monorail on 2023-02-01 at 14:30:44
Instead of facepalming me and using such utterly stupid reactions maybe you should learn to read properly what I just said.
I said that people are criticizing WHAT I AM DOING for no reason. Not the track. And I'm not criticizing the track in any means. Read properly what I just said instead of reacting with silly facepalms like if that's the best thing you could do. ^^
Yes it's my turn to laugh at people's faces.
comments In SBOK6 Underground Monorail on 2023-02-01 at 14:29:33
Visuals do matter, definitively less than gameplay (some MK3(O) tracks are a great example, they look well but don't play as good as the visuals are) Even if the gameplay is good that doesn't mean an ugly track is that good
comments In SBOK6 Underground Monorail on 2023-02-01 at 14:25:04
Anyways it may just be me being angry but I just liked teh track and now people are criticizing what I do for no reason ??? Lmfao
comments In SBOK6 Underground Monorail on 2023-02-01 at 13:57:53
Me : It's a useless message Ralsei
Osc : Stop nagging
Ralsei : Yeah stop nagging

Me : This track is great ! It has a bigger emphasis on art and I like that
osc : yeah it's defo a paint.net user... but how is this the higer end of SBOK6
Me : responds and explains
5072 : I hate when people act like graphics was the only thing that mattered
Hampter : Agreed, itm ay just decrease the quality by 1 star
Everyone : praising them and reacting with thumbs up
A whole rant incoming
comments In SBOK6 Underground Monorail on 2023-02-01 at 13:56:28
What is your problem with me ?
comments In SBOK6 Underground Monorail on 2023-02-01 at 13:30:50
Pixilart but it's polished to the next level
comments In Koopa Beach 2 on 2023-02-01 at 13:08:15
Yes, that's true, but I needed half a year to get to that level (I actually debuted on 2021.04.16)
comments In SBOK6 Underground Monorail on 2023-01-31 at 21:55:55
Maybe, but that doesn't mean I'm that good at it
Plus I needed so much more time to actually become good, than the new people "debuting"
Max and Nudge reached a good level super fast
comments In SBOK6 Underground Monorail on 2023-01-31 at 21:53:26
My little foxgirl thing, he's axctually right. When you start to get good at paint.net, you get sick and you get the paint.net disease, that is basically wanting to fill every empty space with some cute or useless detail
Though I'm not that good at paint.net so I'm surprised ?
comments In SBOK6 Underground Monorail on 2023-01-31 at 21:48:47
SBOK6 tracks don't have much details (Peach's Castle, Jazzy Jungle, Red Raceway 2, SANDCOASTER, Peach Yacht and Hot Highway 1
comments In SBOK6 Underground Monorail on 2023-01-31 at 21:35:34
For me this is actually the opposite, it's one of the more detailed tracks of SBOK6 so far
comments In SBOK6 Underground Monorail on 2023-01-31 at 21:26:11
On the green patches at the beginning
comments In SBOK6 SBOK1 Mario Market on 2023-01-30 at 18:32:47
You're the one being rude, you're always going after Fiery and me when you don't agree with us. In my opinion, this track is a mess. Oh, yes, I'm sorry. I forgot to put a warning. I should have put "OPINION WARNING NO HATE" at the beginning of my comment. I'm really sorry and I hope your precious and pure soul can forgive me.
More seriously : this wasn't rude, you are
comments In Cool, Cool Mountain on 2023-01-30 at 18:23:18
Thanks a lot !! :D <3
comments In Mario Kart 4 (O) - Zoo Yoshi / Yoshi Zoo (Remake) on 2023-01-30 at 18:17:03

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