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Comments list of Invu (5628)

Music edited
comments In Mario Kart 1 (L) DLC - Vallée verdoyante on 2023-02-07 at 00:15:23
Same tbh. It suffers a lot from its platform sections. It needs a remake. Maybe I'll be the one to do it ?
comments In (Old) Max Kart World - Snorlax Stadium on 2023-02-07 at 00:07:03
This is the embodiment of "yes, but actually no" as a track
comments In Roca Picuda's Deceptive Fort on 2023-02-06 at 22:27:39
Yes, if you look at it in the fastest way possible, yes it is a square trac.
If you actually look at the track, it's actually a fake square track trick, that also include a big shortcut on the "useless" yet intended portion.
comments In Roca Picuda's Deceptive Fort on 2023-02-06 at 22:26:40
Could have been worse, could have been better.
comments In PAC-MAN on 2023-02-06 at 20:53:03
Je suis d'accord, c'était pour rendre le circuit moins ennuyeux mais merci :D
comments In Hectic Highway on 2023-02-06 at 19:13:30
Bah merci beaucoup, je vois pas tant que ça ce qu'il y a de spécial mais merci :D
comments In Jumping Jungle on 2023-02-06 at 19:12:04
Moi je suis pas trop fan pour le coup
comments In DRAPEAUX on 2023-02-06 at 18:36:58
It lagged a bit and what ever
comments In Mario Kart 1 (O) - Manoir Hanté / Haunted Mansion (Remake) on 2023-02-06 at 17:03:41
My WRT will probably get snatched from my hands but hey it is a WR by 3 seconds :o
comments In Electrodrome on 2023-02-06 at 15:10:57
Not bad ! :D
comments In Super Yoshi Kart on 2023-02-06 at 14:54:20
Update : Deleted some decors to prevent lag
comments In Mario Kart 1 (O) - Manoir Hanté / Haunted Mansion (Remake) on 2023-02-06 at 13:09:17
Legends never die...
Sometimes they even come back as a greater form.
Get Ethan Vallée Fantômed
comments In Ethan Vallée Fantôme on 2023-02-06 at 10:32:26
That problem never happened to me, and without Mushrooms
comments In Mario Kart 1 (O) - Plage Cheep Cheep / Cheep Cheep Beach (Remake) on 2023-02-06 at 01:24:48
How is the shortcut that bad ? It's just risk vs reward and I fixed it anyways. However, I agree with everything else
comments In Mario Kart 1 (O) - Plage Cheep Cheep / Cheep Cheep Beach (Remake) on 2023-02-06 at 01:14:07
1st on trends:D YAY !!! THANKS
comments In Mario Kart 1 (O) - Plage Cheep Cheep / Cheep Cheep Beach (Remake) on 2023-02-06 at 00:58:05
The fact alone that this circuit is better rated than some of my actual tracks
comments In The pain I felt when I had vaccine and homework to do on my only weekly break on 2023-02-05 at 23:10:26
Thanks a bundle ! <3
comments In Mario Kart 1 (O) - Coupe Champignon / Mushroom Cup (Remake) on 2023-02-05 at 23:03:10
Thanks a lot !!!! :D
comments In Mario Kart 1 (O) - Manoir Hanté / Haunted Mansion (Remake) on 2023-02-05 at 23:02:52
No I'm not shutting up you are being problematic and butthurt about something that is called an opinion..
comments In Cool, Cool Mountain on 2023-02-05 at 22:37:07

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