/| Mario Kart PC |\

Comments list of Invu (5628)

Thanks a lot 😄😍
comments In Blooper Coastline on 2023-05-10 at 00:04:09
Wow, thank you all SO SO MUCH ! I honestly didn't except this to blow up and to get such good feedback ! It's really nice of you ! It keeps me motivated for the next tracks !
About the ramp, I totally agree, and I fixed it by a bit 😅
comments In Blooper Coastline on 2023-05-09 at 23:28:13
The thumbnail-
comments In Abyss of IlluZhion on 2023-05-09 at 19:09:12
Nah, the best of the best times use rd, a more complicated and hard yet way better technique
comments In Rainbow Road on 2023-05-09 at 02:14:23
Looks hella good 5/5
comments In Koopa's Water Resort on 2023-05-08 at 22:50:56
I haven't the occasion to touch it so far though! I will now have access to my computer so I will be able to fix it
comments In Mario Kart 1 (L) - Shy Guy Bay on 2023-05-08 at 19:36:08
"Vous avez fumé quoi" quelque chose qui s'appelle une opinion, 4/5 c'est bien, 3/5 je comprends, mais 4/5 c'est bien, après les gens ont le droit de noter et de dire ce qu'ils pensent, cette piste a des défauts, je ne suis pas du genre à être dur sur mes avis mais j'ai mis 4/5 parce que l'original vaut 3 à mes yeux donc c'est quand même bien, je pense qu'ils veulent dire le remake original, et puis certains peuvent trouver la piste ennuyeuse, ne le prends pas personnellement
comments In Yoshi River on 2023-05-08 at 19:35:07
I don't see how two points alone make the track bad. As much as I dislike the water offroad too, it's still worth a 4/5.
comments In SRK Easter Haven on 2023-05-08 at 19:27:11
Intéressant !
comments In Toad Harbor on 2023-05-08 at 19:24:52
Thank you so much! I'll see if I can do anything about the jump
comments In Mario Kart 1 (L) - Shy Guy Bay on 2023-05-08 at 12:09:22
As of right now, I decided to change my rating. The track overall is actually quite boring, it feels quite off. The visuals are nice but they are lacking too. The waterfall isn't executed nicely. Overall the whole concept is good, but it is kind of fragile aside from that. 4/5.
comments In Yoshi River on 2023-05-06 at 22:36:03
It gives mash-up vibes
comments In Aerial Ruins on 2023-05-06 at 21:13:14
Maybe but my intervention was clearly more relevant than yours so 👌
comments In Mario Kart 9 (DEMO) on 2023-05-06 at 03:04:34
Looks good, fun track. 5/5
comments In Yoshi's Waterfall Rapids on 2023-05-05 at 19:01:51
Well since my old review got deleted, it's a 5/5, the visuals are pretty good even if the track is lowkey boring. The waterfall is a nice callback and it's better now. 5/5.
comments In Yoshi River on 2023-05-05 at 01:07:19
Je n'irais pas aussi loin que Max dans les mots, mais c'est vrai que cette piste est complètement incompréhensible, pour moi le problème vient de tout, les décors sont bien mais c'est tout, 1/5 quand même
comments In Plage du destin on 2023-05-04 at 18:24:29
Lowkey dislike wht you've done with the music here. It sounds ultra fast and joyful, it doesn't quite fit the track.
comments In Love Beach on 2023-05-03 at 19:09:45
I mean, if we follow the logic that people tend to give their name to their multicup
Then your name is FUCK YOU
Nice to meet you, FUCK YOU. I'm Lely.
comments In multicup FUCK YOU on 2023-05-02 at 20:51:23
Stade Luigi Kart
Cargo Caisse
Parc Chomp
Village Champignon
Circuit Mario
Ravin Goomba
Volcan de glace / Volcan Engelure (one is the official french name of Freezeflamme Galaxy, the other one is the closest to the actual translation.)
Forêt boueuse
DS Circuit en 8
WiiU Piste aux délices
N64 Route Glagla (oh lol you copied it from my hoppingicon post)
SNES Château de Bowser 1
SNES Vallée Fantôme 3
DS Circuit Mario
N64 Stade Wario
Wii Ruines Sec Sec
comments In Mario Kart 9 (DEMO) on 2023-05-02 at 20:34:54
Vallée Tuyau would be a way better French translation;)
comments In Pipe Valley on 2023-05-02 at 01:37:27

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