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Comments list of Senko (4091)

item boxes on the image, probably stolen, but idk from who
comments In Japan on 2023-09-08 at 23:29:17
Opinion on this one
Visuals - mid, even low mid tbh
Gameplay - is this even gameplay
comments In (Old) Max Kart World - Pirate Battle on 2023-09-08 at 23:19:34
- I can understand this, but I don't really have any ideas, i'm open to suggestions
- I don't really see how
- I'll try to fix that later (on phone rn)
- OK what would you have put instead
- Skill Issue 🙃
comments In Pirate Battle on 2023-09-08 at 21:38:07
@osc-omb wat
@Invu mais merde t'as fait City Nightlife, tu l'as même remaké et rendu encore meilleur, et ça c'est d'un très bon niveau, si tu l'as fait 2 fois pourquoi tu ne serais pas en capacité de le faire d'autres fois ???? Même City Nightlife (qui est un 5/5 pour moi) est meilleur que cette piste (4/5 ou 5/5 en soit ok mais expliquez quoi), voilà c'est dit
comments In Pirate Battle on 2023-09-08 at 21:15:08
1 - Correct means that the track may have some not serious problems but still good
2 - Why are you talking of "inoffensive" for track rating, I mean I don't evn know wtf are you talking about
comments In (Old) Max Kart World - Pirate Battle on 2023-09-08 at 21:11:21
wdym inoffensive where is the link with rating tracks lmaooo
comments In (Old) Max Kart World - Pirate Battle on 2023-09-08 at 21:07:17
@Invu juste une question tu penses quoi quand quelqu'un te note ta piste 4/5 sans réellement dire pourquoi
Soit honnête
comments In Pirate Battle on 2023-09-08 at 21:06:35
@osc-omb I did this lol
comments In Pirate Battle on 2023-09-08 at 21:05:51
@Nodac64 alors j'aimerais être d'accord mais en dehors de toi (qui n'est pas legit comme raison en plus) personne n'a réellement expliqué pourquoi
comments In Pirate Battle on 2023-09-08 at 21:05:16
yes ofc it's clear, if there is no problems I just need to say there is not problems, it's if there's problems that you need to be C L E A R
comments In (Old) Max Kart World - Pirate Battle on 2023-09-08 at 21:03:03
are you trying to pass me for a clown when for the 393938nd time i'm just trying to explain why this track doesn't deserve to be rated this low
comments In Pirate Battle on 2023-09-08 at 20:59:47
@nodac comment dire vu comment fonctionne les notes sur mkpc 4/5 n'est pas "great" au mieux good ou great mais pas trop
comments In Pirate Battle on 2023-09-08 at 20:58:29
also there is one thing you don't understand, i'm not making tracks just for myself, i'm also making tracks for everyone, and you're rating like it's just shit, honestly I feel kinda betrayed here
comments In Pirate Battle on 2023-09-08 at 20:57:20
je devrais me taire alors que je suis dans mon droit de comprendre pourquoi et de contredire des raisons stupides genre "gameplay ennuyeux" alors que c'est genre bien rempli et varié, ou même "trop terne" comme ça justifie un 4/5 ça
comments In Pirate Battle on 2023-09-08 at 20:55:58
Because they are good and doesn't have any problems, simple
comments In (Old) Max Kart World - Pirate Battle on 2023-09-08 at 20:54:07
why are you always under-rating everything even when it's good ?
There is like tons of good tracks that deserve a 5/5, and no we should rate them 4/5 because "iT's NoT mY fAvOuRiTe" I just can't
comments In Pirate Battle on 2023-09-08 at 20:53:06
"boring" alors que chaque zone a des obstacles divers et variés qui dcp, varient le gameplay, je ne vois pas où c'est ennuyeux lol, try again
comments In Pirate Battle on 2023-09-08 at 20:51:13
don't do this with me, without CLEAR reasons I can't FIX the problem so the track will be GOOD according to YOU
comments In (Old) Max Kart World - Pirate Battle on 2023-09-08 at 20:50:10
no lol, below 4 means there is a serious problem, do you see any good track with this rate ?
Also @osc-omb 5/5 doesn't always means P E R F E C T, it means that the track doesn't hae any real problem or is just really good lol
comments In Pirate Battle on 2023-09-08 at 20:49:23
for the I don't want to count that EXPLAIN WHY YOU'RE RATING LIKE THAT
I mean you were never clear about the potential problems of this track !
comments In Pirate Battle on 2023-09-08 at 20:46:44

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