/| Mario Kart PC |\

Comments list of Invu (5628)

4/5 j'aime bien mais... je trouve qu'il manque quelque chose et je trouve la route répétitive
comments In Mario Kart 5 (O) - Luigi's Castle on 2021-12-04 at 18:10:52
Completed "Déjà vu" en littéralement 1 essai
comments In Running in the 90's on 2021-12-04 at 16:37:28
1'51'855 on Los Angeles Laps because don't get saved
comments In Mario Kart Tour Tracks on 2021-12-04 at 11:54:14
Oh, Choco Island get clearer !
comments In Mario Kart Tour Tracks on 2021-12-04 at 11:40:56
For this track I will say this is a very good track. Surely one of the best tracks you've maded. Nice decoration who perfectly put a Daisy Crcuit ambience in the circuit. The shortcuts are really good and it's not a stupid grass cut like in SMK/MK64/MKSC/MKDS. The highway part is really good and it's pretty challenging without being annoying or hard. Ah but music just get striked. In some minutes. Go fuc* off stupid strikers. Then I love trucks, and all from this course. This looks like Daisy Circuit and Toad Harbor. 5/5, becuase I've forgot to rate it. :)
comments In Vargas Boulevard on 2021-12-04 at 11:38:36
I was very bored and I think : Oh, I'll spam RHcks Tracks ! :P no just kidding. ABout the course that's honestly very good and the design is still the best from MKPC. Thenthe mud part is more good than the original, that really fits to the course instead of mud here and here. I love antigravity effect and I don't dound the problem of glider at the start : in ways's version we can dodge it accidentally and lost precious time. Here no ! I really like the water section, but the fire bars are annoying and it's why they get deleted. I really like the effect of underwater. Then the shortcut is really good. And at the nrth of the lake we can see a picture of a... I don't know but this appears in Rainbow Mudkip so nice secret. ^^ And Ruinas Roca Picuda part is very weird because that don't appears in the old one, who just make Thwomps on the track. But nice joke too. Purple parts are less annoying because in the old one we can fall easily because of twisted turns, but that's nice. I really love this remake and the music remix is BOUNCING. I will rename this track "Stadium Roca Picuda with reminiscents of Mudky Stadium. :P. 5/5 for this amazing track. Congrats.
comments In Mario Kart 4 (O) - Stade Mudky (TBC - Remake) on 2021-12-04 at 11:34:54
oh zut, j'ai accidentellement mis le début du circuit en bicolore
comments In Mario Kart 1 (L) - Baie Noki on 2021-12-04 at 10:55:22
comments In Ultimate Mario Circuit on 2021-12-03 at 20:47:16
? Quoi bon ?
comments In Mario Kart 5 (O) - Ice Land on 2021-12-03 at 20:28:53
C'est une très bonne piste, avec de très belles textures et couleurs honnêtement. J'adore cette musique, qui montre bien l'aspect hôtel, mais ce n'est pas grand chose. Sinon, je trouve que ça ressemble beaucoup à Archipel Delfino car il y a ces mêmes parasols sur la plage (qu'est-ce que c'est ?), mais je trouve le layout basique et je pense qu'avec plus de longueur et de détails, la piste pourrait très facilement devenir la meilleure à ce jour. 5/5 ! Mais pourquoi Waluigi ?
comments In Mario Kart 5 (O) - Waluigi Hotel on 2021-12-03 at 19:32:31
Moi aussi mais seulement les jours fériés
comments In Haunted Village on 2021-12-03 at 19:06:03
Walid du 69, si tu veux game, ce n'est pas en m'envoyant des messages super insultants par l'intermédiaire de ton reuf qui va me donner envie. De plus mes vieilles pistes c'était de la merde quoi, très chaotiques et celle-là était la pire.
comments In Mario Kart 1 (L) - Baie Noki on 2021-12-02 at 20:29:13
Ok ok, j'en prends note 🙃
comments In Mario Kart 1 (L) - Baie Noki on 2021-12-02 at 18:01:27
And it's too long.
comments In HARD on 2021-12-01 at 13:36:38
So this circuit is pretty fun to play, but I think more developpement will be not bad. 3/5.
comments In choose smartly. on 2021-12-01 at 13:35:45
Plus Miles_Baluk you're a DC
comments In choose smartly. on 2021-12-01 at 13:35:17
comments In Sled slide on 2021-12-01 at 13:14:06
This is a good track idea, with decent graphics. The ice cream cone effect is cool becuase that feels like the ice cream fall and flood the track. But the shortcus are pretty coool but can be better, the track is too short and not interesting at a layout point. 3/5 !
comments In Ice cream park on 2021-12-01 at 13:12:41
Je trouve que parfois avoir le nom français c'est intéressant
comments In Mario Kart 5 (O) - Luigi's Castle on 2021-11-30 at 20:01:39
Je veux juste le préciser, cest tout. Je n'ai pas d'intention de spam, je ne suis pas en train de spammer, je veux être actif etc. c'est tout
comments In Mario Kart 5 (O) - Luigi's Castle on 2021-11-30 at 19:52:44

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