/| Mario Kart PC |\

Comments list of Invu (5628)

Ok for the background it's pretty good but for the rest...
comments on 2022-01-02 at 20:37:17
No walls, so it's not like Block Fort, plus it has a wrong background an it has just decors 2/5
comments on 2022-01-02 at 11:27:40
So peculiar
comments In wii U DS Cheep Cheep Beach on 2022-01-02 at 10:27:53
Meh multicup :(
I will put 2/5
comments In Yug Kart on 2022-01-02 at 10:26:23
What means the challenge <<< S <<< F
comments In Big Blue on 2022-01-01 at 19:59:06
2'814 for Pokemon Snap challenge
comments In Gliscor's Tunnel of Doom on 2022-01-01 at 11:28:18
(j'ai reconsidéré le circuit)
comments In Baldi Schoolhouse on 2022-01-01 at 11:13:25
Créatif pour remaker un jeu de merde 5/5
comments In Baldi Schoolhouse on 2022-01-01 at 11:13:14
You edited nothing :(
comments In N64 Frappe Snowland, but I edited it. on 2021-12-31 at 18:03:17
Great 5/5
comments In Frappe Flicker on 2021-12-31 at 18:00:36
1/5, all the issues Ahmad said
comments In Luigi is mad meme on 2021-12-31 at 12:23:35
Note du circuit : 4,71 --> 4,79 :)
comments In Haunted Village on 2021-12-31 at 12:20:36
Euh... Non, rien. :)

Ce circuit est un super circuit, il a beaucoup plus d'originalité que je ne le pensais après l'avoir joué plein de fois. Les graphismes de la route de pierre sont très beaux et tout est très beau. Le gameplay n'est pas mauvais, le seul défaut est le manoir trop terne mais en global c'est beaucoup mieux que tes précédents circuits de manoir hanté (MK1, MK2...) Je reproche juste les sponsors que je n'ai jamais aimé sur l'image, la forme trop rectangulaire de la zone de la fontaine au tout début, et le manoir, qui, je pense, est assez terne et délavé mais à part ça c'est très bien, très bon travail Fways, je vais changer ma note de 4/5, je vais mettre 5/5 à la place, c'est quand même bien mieux que DS Manoir de Luigi.
comments In Haunted Village on 2021-12-31 at 12:20:07
Decent job but there's a weird secret cannon, 2/5
comments In WiiU/Switch Mario Kart Stadium on 2021-12-30 at 19:14:46
@Blockclips it isn't true. MKO is an amazing multicup.
comments In Jeremiah Kart PC on 2021-12-27 at 20:32:29
Ok this circuit is a square. No. Just kidding. It's a square but pretty different. First, the smile is useless because nobody will see it. Next, your level is interesting due to that jumps. It makes the circuit cooler, but, sadly, that will just makes people crying, because the most known bug is this one : go over the line, then behind the line, then return over the line. I'll give a some 3/5
comments In Small Dounut on 2021-12-27 at 20:31:16
No. I disagree. First, the goal of a remake is being better than the original. This one is better lol. And it was not easy : the old one was beautiful. The choose to have a new route isn't bad because even if Fways edit it, he execute it perfectly. Next on Discord you compare it and the original version to DP1 and a mess. It's over exagerrated. Fways keep the same donuts, the same textures (almost), he put new shortcuts, he change the track. And it's very good like this. This is a longer experience. So I highly disagree, but it's your opinion and I respect it. However, I can't understand why you do like if change the track was bad. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/707267809964589105/924776680910909450/unknown.png?width=316&height=198 VS DP1 : It's highly different. But it's exagerrated. Change a track isn't a problem. Look the N64 Rainbow Road. It was 3 laps, have a hard shape... Now it's easier and shorter.
comments In Mario Kart 5 (O) - MK4 Donut Country on 2021-12-26 at 23:07:32
C'est trop incroyable Fways, la piste originale était super mais celle-là est inqualifiable. Les graphismes sont améliorés, les sections meilleures bien que l'océan de lait joue un rôle plus important. J'adore ça ! 5/5
comments In Mario Kart 5 (O) - MK4 Donut Country on 2021-12-26 at 22:24:11
comments In Mario Kart 5 (O) - MK4 Donut Country on 2021-12-26 at 22:23:17
Cest vraiment un très bon circuit, il recréé parfaitement les trois niveaux et en plus il offre un petit flashback dans tous les mondes précédents ! Par contre, les checkpoints ont tendance à ne pas marcher et c'est fâcheux ! 3/5
comments In Le Monde Obscur de Bowser on 2021-12-26 at 10:44:02

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