/| Mario Kart PC |\

Comments list of Invu (5628)

This circuit feels different when you got the positive covid once ago
comments In Coronacircuit on 2022-09-11 at 20:21:59
Very wide and long...
comments In DK Cannon on 2022-09-11 at 19:59:40
Non je te parlais de son profil MKPC
comments In DK Cannon on 2022-09-11 at 18:55:42
C'est Happy_David10MarioKartPC
comments In DK Cannon on 2022-09-11 at 18:51:00
Sounds biased lol
But yeah you're right
comments In STOP POSTING ABOUT AMONG US on 2022-09-11 at 11:00:30
Celui de Max
@Max-Bros, lisibilité ne veut pas dire bon codage. C'est qu'on ne les voit pas clairement
comments In Monty Mole Farm on 2022-09-10 at 22:00:43
comments In Monty Mole Farm on 2022-09-10 at 21:29:33
Oh, so the 2022 track was a remake ?
comments In DK Amazon on 2022-09-10 at 15:29:11
comments In (Old) Max Kart World - Snorlax Stadium on 2022-09-10 at 15:25:37
Exact. A lot of turns are very innatural, and the track is pretty boring.
5/5 though.
comments In Snowy Sinkhole on 2022-09-10 at 15:20:40
Very annoying to drive on. The track is very thin and the ambiance feels unsettling.
comments In Monty Parkway on 2022-09-10 at 15:19:28
je baisse ma note à 4/5, la partie orange est trop ennuyeuse à cause des sauts, il y en a trop, pareil pour la mini rampe dans la partie bleue
comments In (Old) Max Kart World - Snorlax Stadium on 2022-09-10 at 15:11:07
Euh en vrai ça ressemble pas du tout à un hopital
comments In Toad Hospital on 2022-09-10 at 15:09:14
The Cheep Cheep Beach background would be better imo
comments In MKT - Bangkok Rush on 2022-09-10 at 12:04:43
Mes condoléances aux dromadaires qui se font rouler dessus s'il y en a
comments In SKG Circuit dromadaire on 2022-09-10 at 10:24:38
Sur Paint, j'ai des maps énormes, qui durent 20 secondes à chaque tour
comments In Toad's Factory on 2022-09-10 at 10:10:08
Beaucoup trop long mais très bien dessiné
comments In Toad's Factory on 2022-09-10 at 10:02:03
comments In Rainbow Starway on 2022-09-10 at 09:57:49
Dognut PLains or
Godnut Plains ?

comments In SNES - Donut Plains 3 (Remake) on 2022-09-10 at 09:22:26
The tracks are very simple and the titles are very weird
comments In CUSTOM CUPS on 2022-09-10 at 00:11:51

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