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Comments list of Invu (5628)

People be like
When Jey does it :
LOL 5/5
comments In Le plus petit circuit du monde on 2022-09-17 at 11:38:20
There's much more
comments In Mario Kart 8 Tracks for MKPC V2 on 2022-09-15 at 23:06:42
Tendo, you didn't remake it.
You stole the map and put some decors on it, changed the background, made it worse
That's not what you could call a remake
comments In Wii U/ Switch Thwomp Ruins on 2022-09-15 at 23:03:01
The track is referring to something slI hate, and it miss its point of looking like what I hate
comments In amogus circuit on 2022-09-15 at 23:01:09
There is some RHcks
Some Fways
Some Toad64
Some Nexus
Some BowserJr03
Some Google
comments In Mario Kart 8 Tracks for MKPC V2 on 2022-09-15 at 22:54:10
Basically everyone
comments In Mario Kart 8 Tracks for MKPC V2 on 2022-09-15 at 22:11:11
SO you stole them but you don't claim them as yours ?
What does it change
comments In Mario Kart 8 Tracks for MKPC V2 on 2022-09-15 at 21:10:16
Il est pas inapproprié.
Faut s'améliorer.
Edit : désolé d'avoir utilisé ça, t'étais juste pénible à l'époque donc j'en avais eu marre, sache que je n'aime pas quand les autres disent ça et ce n'est pas ce que je pense de toi
comments In Coronacircuit on 2022-09-14 at 20:32:48
comments In Snowy Summit (Remake) on 2022-09-14 at 17:02:58
Au milieu ? Au milieu de la map, ou au milieu de la course ?
comments In Snowy Summit (Remake) on 2022-09-14 at 17:02:32
Où est le sommet ?
comments In Snowy Summit (Remake) on 2022-09-14 at 15:34:29
Euh non de mon côté je trouve plutôt que c'est vous qui avez un problème avec la vitesse, MKPC habitue aux maps courtes ok, mais bon
Sérieux, la map dure 45 secondes, vous aimerez fair e45 secondes de course seulement ? Le circuit est même pas soporifique
Pour moi, ça devient long à 2'30 au total, et je vois pas le problème avec plus si la piste reste intéressante
comments In DSi Thwomp Castle on 2022-09-13 at 20:19:06
t'as pas le droit de donner MES ASTUCES !
Je me sens vexé :((
comments In Coronacircuit on 2022-09-12 at 20:10:22
Ah oui c'est vrai
Ah ben si c'est pour le temps expert, je n'ai qu'un conseil... Tu dois t'améliorer
comments In Coronacircuit on 2022-09-12 at 20:07:15
C'est une énigme dont il faut trouver la solution...
comments In Coronacircuit on 2022-09-12 at 20:03:05
Pretty incredible lol
comments In Over the limits on 2022-09-12 at 18:55:42
No, its good
comments In Koopa kape but bad on 2022-09-11 at 23:49:03
Don't start to have the I don't care behavior, that's not the best thing to do in that case
comments In hoppingicon's Mario Kart Bundle Deluxe on 2022-09-11 at 23:30:59
Well I'm going to leave again but yes, the joke made me sad, because it sounded serious, and no Ralsei, I don't accept your apology so far, I know this is jerky behavior but you have gone too far
comments In hoppingicon's Mario Kart Bundle Deluxe on 2022-09-11 at 23:19:07
I'm very sad you guys think of me like this
comments In hoppingicon's Mario Kart Bundle Deluxe on 2022-09-11 at 22:43:17

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