/| Mario Kart PC |\

Comments list of Invu (5628)

comments In (Old) Max Kart World - Snorlax Stadium on 2022-11-06 at 21:22:51
Night was already tried precedently. What about changing it often ? It would go from night to day, from day to sunset, from sunset to night
comments In (Old) Max Kart World - Snorlax Stadium on 2022-11-06 at 21:16:34
The background is finally better
comments In Mario Kart 1 (L) DLC - City's Nightlife on 2022-11-06 at 21:15:52
What about making it sunset now ?
comments In (Old) Max Kart World - Snorlax Stadium on 2022-11-06 at 21:11:51
Other than that it's very cramped
comments In Peach Beach 1 on 2022-11-06 at 17:29:27
I added more decors
comments In Peach Beach 1 on 2022-11-06 at 17:26:10
Euh si c'est le tien qui marche mal
comments In MSP Shy Guy Summit on 2022-11-06 at 17:22:31
Bien sûr que si...
ça t'emmenait au fond, pis ça te faisait redescendre
le half pipe actuel est mauvais
comments In MSP Shy Guy Summit on 2022-11-06 at 16:35:18
Half-pipe amélioré
comments In MSP Shy Guy Summit on 2022-11-06 at 15:45:02
Arbres modifiés
comments In Chocolate Cliffside on 2022-11-06 at 15:38:38
Je vois pas en quoi la map n'est pas lisible, elle est claire comme de l'eau de roche et j'ai placé les décors de façon à ne pas gêner la vue sur la minimap
Pour les arbres en chocolat c'est Osc-omb qui les a fait, mais bon soit
comments In Chocolate Cliffside on 2022-11-06 at 15:35:24
I'm sorry, that comes from me, my skill in making checkpoints is 0
Max is gonna fix that
comments In Chocolate Cliffside on 2022-11-06 at 15:31:27
Explanation : Max drawed the map and did the CPUs routes
I added everything else
So that's kinda a 50-50 collaboration
comments In Chocolate Cliffside on 2022-11-06 at 15:26:57
Credits to :
comments In Chocolate Cliffside on 2022-11-06 at 15:20:16
I added my Blooper
comments In Peach Beach 1 on 2022-11-06 at 14:21:32
Nobody has noticed this track while it's in CTGP-PC o.o
comments In Rockslide Railroad on 2022-11-06 at 13:36:50
This track has became my most popular track in 246 days !
It was very fast, thank you so much guys ! :D
Exotic Dojo also stands out, it made its way to the top 5 of my creations THE DAY IT WAS CREATED ! :o
Even if it dropped since then, since MK1L is downgrading, forcing it to get away, plus Shy Guy Bay has beaten it since troll rates were removed
comments In Mario Kart 1 (L) DLC - City's Nightlife on 2022-11-06 at 13:33:33
comments In Koopa Town on 2022-11-06 at 10:15:56
J'en feraisd un plus adapté demain
comments In Mario Kart 1 (L) - Shy Guy Bay on 2022-11-05 at 23:08:20
Meilleur arrière-plan ajouté
comments In Mario Kart 1 (L) - Shy Guy Bay on 2022-11-05 at 23:05:33

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