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Comments list of Invu (5628)

Well stop acting like if we were stupid when you're the one having the least arguments to prove your point ?
comments In SBOK6 SBOK5 Hamster Havoc on 2023-01-02 at 20:57:08
@Chilli okay, but is that really a reason to hate this track ? The "havoc" was more subtil in the original, since it's more hamsters that invaded a land. Now the hamsters took over and THEY ATE THE FOREST AND THE BRIDGE. The havoc is still kinda here. All of that is a very little/unexistant price to pay when the gameplay and visuals are way better !
comments In SBOK6 SBOK5 Hamster Havoc on 2023-01-02 at 20:55:23
Instead of shutting down a debate, you should actually stay and explain why you think the original is better. It's crazy. It looks like you're out of arguments but doesn't want to admit it
comments In SBOK6 SBOK5 Hamster Havoc on 2023-01-02 at 20:51:15
Which objective arguments do you have ?
comments In SBOK6 SBOK5 Hamster Havoc on 2023-01-02 at 20:48:34
Chill out Max, they're just having a debate, there's absolutely no need to give any sanctions here. Nobody said any insults to each other, it's a calm debate. You should chill and let simple debates happen.
comments In SBOK6 SBOK5 Hamster Havoc on 2023-01-02 at 20:48:04
Kay, here's another psychopath that prefers madness over a good track. Let him do his business. Objectively this remake is way much better in so many ways. The colors were horrible. There were too much Hamsters and balloons, everythigng felt cramped. VBtw the hamsters destroyed a whole forest and ate the fucking bridge, is that not enough to you ? Do you really need to have a seizure and craptons of craziness and an horribly messy color palette to be happy ? Kay kay. But this remake is OBJECTIVELY better, and you cannot deny that.
comments In SBOK6 SBOK5 Hamster Havoc on 2023-01-02 at 20:46:46
"You can't fight me" give a fucking reason or else it'll be another episode of you making NO sense
comments In SBOK6 SBOK5 Hamster Havoc on 2023-01-02 at 20:35:58
@TheNudgyHampter look there's our bestie on this track
comments In Nate Circuit on 2023-01-02 at 20:17:51
Screenshot stp ?
comments In SBOK1 Jardin Raisin / Grape Garden (Remake) on 2023-01-02 at 20:13:20
*crying in hatred for this song*
comments In Mario Roll on 2023-01-02 at 20:11:30
This concept is incredibly bad and it's not aging well
comments In (Almost) Impossible: The Tightrope on 2023-01-02 at 20:07:26
Yeah, the original made NO sense. Between the background, the hampters, the color palette, the balloons... Nothing was clear and the track wasn't fun to play around. BUT THEY ATE THE FUCKING BRIDGE AND DID A MESS IN THE FOREST
comments In SBOK6 SBOK5 Hamster Havoc on 2023-01-02 at 20:04:55
This is actually 100 times better than the original, fight me
comments In SBOK6 SBOK5 Hamster Havoc on 2023-01-02 at 20:02:37
Où est-ce que les problèmes sont ?
comments In SBOK1 Jardin Raisin / Grape Garden (Remake) on 2023-01-02 at 20:01:39
Credit goes to :
- Wargor (main decors)
- Toad64/OneSome (Yoshis/Shy Guys)
- osc-omb (Original track)
- Wargor / myself (Paratroopas)
comments In SBOK1 Jardin Raisin / Grape Garden (Remake) on 2023-01-02 at 19:07:51
It's not bad. I would like to understand what are supposed to represent the little lakes with jumps around them. Aside from that, it's still a pretty good improvement over the original. 4/5
comments In SBOK6 SBOK1 River Raceway on 2023-01-02 at 18:29:52
Gameplay - Nice
VIsuals - Above average
Theming - Nice
4/5 tbh
comments In SBOK6 Sandcoaster on 2023-01-02 at 13:30:41
Bah c'est pas comme si ça méritait énormément non plus
comments In 2023 on 2023-01-01 at 23:59:24
Really great
comments In SBOK6 SBOK3 Yoshi Lake 1 on 2023-01-01 at 23:15:44
This is a really great track, 5/5
comments In GBA Lakeside Park (MK8 style) on 2023-01-01 at 23:14:28

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