/| Mario Kart PC |\

Comments list of Jey78 (1051)

its just the base map but pixelated and huge checkpoints issues
comments In DS Cheep Cheep Beach Read Desc on 2024-04-14 at 17:54:03
musique custom !
comments In Goofigure-8 circuit on 2024-04-07 at 16:00:03
Je pense que c'est le meilleur remake Paint.net de ce circuit sur Paint.net
comments In Grumble Volcano on 2024-04-03 at 07:57:55
J'ai corrigé les bugs de collision 3 ans après mais maintenant, les canons mènent au bon endroit, la hauteur des sauts est réglée pas mal d'out of bounds fixés (notez que les collision restent approximatives car j'ai modifié le circuit sur mon téléphone)
comments In MSP - MXKW Sunrise Beach (demake) on 2024-04-02 at 19:49:08
This is already looking sick 👏 5/5
comments In Mushroom Circuit on 2024-04-02 at 19:33:35
Premier circuit de Mario Paint Kart 🥳
comments In Goofigure-8 circuit on 2024-04-02 at 11:22:12
Petite mise à jour du gameplay. ça devrait être un peu plus jouable :)
comments In [v2.0] Plage du soleil levant on 2024-04-01 at 18:09:49
C'est bugé, flou pas la bonne musique et pas le bon titre 2/5
comments In Circuit Diddy Kong Racing (modifié) on 2023-09-01 at 13:45:28
Clyde t'as donné le nom ? xD
comments In Lava Lagoon on 2023-08-28 at 08:33:28
je rajoute des décors?
comments In Wooden Speeway on 2023-08-28 at 08:32:21
And stop rating 2/1 stars for a map I MADE MYSELF
comments In SNES Mario Circuit 2 on 2023-08-27 at 16:59:57
You can CLEARLY see it's not the same map at all and Polop, stop making alts
comments In SNES Mario Circuit 2 on 2023-08-27 at 16:57:56
sorry for the scaling idk if it's possible to scale up the track image in MKPC
comments In SNES Mario Circuit 2 on 2023-08-27 at 16:30:53
ok fine polop, i report you for troll rating
comments In SNES Mario Circuit 2 on 2023-08-27 at 16:24:13
This track is a screenshot of a model made by me
comments In SNES Mario Circuit 2 on 2023-08-27 at 16:19:02
le fond blanc c'est des nuages mais j'avais la flemme de les modeliser
comments In Wooden Speeway on 2023-08-27 at 16:17:42
comments In Wooden Speeway on 2023-08-27 at 15:56:06
c'est juste snes rainbow road avec un arriere plan different 3/5
comments In En au du circuit Mario on 2023-08-05 at 16:43:57
parle fraançais
comments In Mushroom moutain on 2023-08-02 at 09:42:28
Je comprends pas
comments In Mushroom moutain on 2023-07-28 at 13:38:18

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