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/!\ Ask me anything, questions...
On 2020-10-26 at 13:16:38
Yeah I understand that, it's kinda like the group chat this site used to have until it was removed because of spam.
Except that it was in 2016, and at that time there was no staff to moderate the chat, this is the case now
On 2020-10-26 at 12:51:53
In fact, the ask me anything solo topics which concern that 1 person to whom everyone is free to ask a question to 1 other person is good and I want it to continue, however I said to myself why not also ( it's more so not less) create a general topic where everyone talks together ^^
On 2020-10-26 at 02:24:27
how did you find this game?
In 2015 I was looking for a track editor because I wanted at all costs to be able to produce my own tracks, I played without an account and trained, I dropped out a bit. Arrived in 2016, I created my account and I was super active.

This was FwaysGamer (bad pseudo xD)
Yes, I had FwaysGamer --> WebFways --> WebFesse (bad private joke xD) --> Urban

Oh yes, you are the god of changing names.
And you when did you get here?
On 2020-10-26 at 02:19:21
My apologies as I read the thing entirely wrong. I guess I didn't understand, just the confusion that it generates spam.
It's okay

Basically it's not really spam but it's better to have a general aspect on the same topic where everyone can discuss freely ^^
On 2020-10-26 at 02:18:30
how did you find this game?
In 2015 I was looking for a track editor because I wanted at all costs to be able to produce my own tracks, I played without an account and trained, I dropped out a bit. Arrived in 2016, I created my account and I was super active.

This was FwaysGamer (bad pseudo xD)
Yes, I had FwaysGamer --> WebFways --> WebFesse (bad private joke xD) --> Urban

On 2020-10-26 at 02:16:08
Bonjour à tous !
Comme vous le savez sûrement récemment il y a pas mal de topics parlant de questions et autres comme "ask me anything" c'est pas du tout dérengeant et au contraire, je trouve l'idée top!
Cependant, avec des dizaines de topics comme ça, cela engendre un peu de spam.
On ne voit que ça et ça perd cet aspect cool et original, car ça en devient banal et répétitif ^^'
Donc je me suis dis, pourquoi pas créer un topic libre ici et calme, au quel tout le monde pourrait se poser ses propres questions, ses ask me anything etc, ça éviterait le spam et ça pourrait faire un topic officiel, interactions avec la communauté
Dorénavant, il faudrat utiliser ce topic pour vos questions et ask me anything
Comme vous le savez sûrement récemment il y a pas mal de topics parlant de questions et autres comme "ask me anything" c'est pas du tout dérengeant et au contraire, je trouve l'idée top!

Cependant, avec des dizaines de topics comme ça, cela engendre un peu de spam.
On ne voit que ça et ça perd cet aspect cool et original, car ça en devient banal et répétitif ^^'
Donc je me suis dis, pourquoi pas créer un topic libre ici et calme, au quel tout le monde pourrait se poser ses propres questions, ses ask me anything etc, ça éviterait le spam et ça pourrait faire un topic officiel, interactions avec la communauté

Dorénavant, il faudrat utiliser ce topic pour vos questions et ask me anything
Hello all !
As you probably know recently there are a lot of topics talking about questions and others like "ask me anything" it's not at all disturbing and on the contrary, I find the idea great!
However, with dozens of topics like this, it generates a bit of spam.
We only see that and it loses that cool and original aspect, because it becomes banal and repetitive ^^ '
So I said to myself, why not create a free topic here and calm, to which everyone could ask their own questions, ask me anything etc, it would avoid spam and it could make an official topic, interactions with the community
From now on, you should use this topic for your questions and ask me anything
As you probably know recently there are a lot of topics talking about questions and others like "ask me anything" it's not at all disturbing and on the contrary, I find the idea great!

However, with dozens of topics like this, it generates a bit of spam.
We only see that and it loses that cool and original aspect, because it becomes banal and repetitive ^^ '
So I said to myself, why not create a free topic here and calm, to which everyone could ask their own questions, ask me anything etc, it would avoid spam and it could make an official topic, interactions with the community

From now on, you should use this topic for your questions and ask me anything
Well Urban, we don't want to look through this one to answer everyones questions and stuff because it's gonna be a mess. Also, there's not a lot of topics people use in the international section. If people wanted to keep track of s topic, they can easily follow it to find it. So that would be easier.
You did not understand: the goal here is to strengthen the links by asking each other questions etc., certainly it is maybe not your goal on ask me anything but it gives a more general aspect. ^^
You are free to continue with your personal ask me anything topics, but this one is purely made to be general, that was the idea. ^^
I don't understand? You can't tell me if I do or don't understand Urban, I see clearly, but like I said, people can follow the topics that's important to them. People can ignore the notifications. Lets just see what everyone else says on this, and then we can come to an agreement. Is that not fair?
I was talking about not understanding the purpose of the topic, however I didn't really understand your last post, why do you dislike this topic?
Oh that. I mean people are just gonna think they want them to ask you questions.
But you did bring up keeping all the wquestions stuff on here correct? It's what I'm waiting to see what people think.
Okay ^^ I respect your opinion

On 2020-10-26 at 02:13:20
how did you find this game?
In 2015 I was looking for a track editor because I wanted at all costs to be able to produce my own tracks, I played without an account and trained, I dropped out a bit. Arrived in 2016, I created my account and I was super active.

This was FwaysGamer (bad pseudo xD)
On 2020-10-26 at 02:12:57
Bonjour à tous !
Comme vous le savez sûrement récemment il y a pas mal de topics parlant de questions et autres comme "ask me anything" c'est pas du tout dérengeant et au contraire, je trouve l'idée top!
Cependant, avec des dizaines de topics comme ça, cela engendre un peu de spam.
On ne voit que ça et ça perd cet aspect cool et original, car ça en devient banal et répétitif ^^'
Donc je me suis dis, pourquoi pas créer un topic libre ici et calme, au quel tout le monde pourrait se poser ses propres questions, ses ask me anything etc, ça éviterait le spam et ça pourrait faire un topic officiel, interactions avec la communauté
Dorénavant, il faudrat utiliser ce topic pour vos questions et ask me anything
Comme vous le savez sûrement récemment il y a pas mal de topics parlant de questions et autres comme "ask me anything" c'est pas du tout dérengeant et au contraire, je trouve l'idée top!

Cependant, avec des dizaines de topics comme ça, cela engendre un peu de spam.
On ne voit que ça et ça perd cet aspect cool et original, car ça en devient banal et répétitif ^^'
Donc je me suis dis, pourquoi pas créer un topic libre ici et calme, au quel tout le monde pourrait se poser ses propres questions, ses ask me anything etc, ça éviterait le spam et ça pourrait faire un topic officiel, interactions avec la communauté

Dorénavant, il faudrat utiliser ce topic pour vos questions et ask me anything
Hello all !
As you probably know recently there are a lot of topics talking about questions and others like "ask me anything" it's not at all disturbing and on the contrary, I find the idea great!
However, with dozens of topics like this, it generates a bit of spam.
We only see that and it loses that cool and original aspect, because it becomes banal and repetitive ^^ '
So I said to myself, why not create a free topic here and calm, to which everyone could ask their own questions, ask me anything etc, it would avoid spam and it could make an official topic, interactions with the community
From now on, you should use this topic for your questions and ask me anything
As you probably know recently there are a lot of topics talking about questions and others like "ask me anything" it's not at all disturbing and on the contrary, I find the idea great!

However, with dozens of topics like this, it generates a bit of spam.
We only see that and it loses that cool and original aspect, because it becomes banal and repetitive ^^ '
So I said to myself, why not create a free topic here and calm, to which everyone could ask their own questions, ask me anything etc, it would avoid spam and it could make an official topic, interactions with the community

From now on, you should use this topic for your questions and ask me anything
Well Urban, we don't want to look through this one to answer everyones questions and stuff because it's gonna be a mess. Also, there's not a lot of topics people use in the international section. If people wanted to keep track of s topic, they can easily follow it to find it. So that would be easier.
You did not understand: the goal here is to strengthen the links by asking each other questions etc., certainly it is maybe not your goal on ask me anything but it gives a more general aspect. ^^
You are free to continue with your personal ask me anything topics, but this one is purely made to be general, that was the idea. ^^
I don't understand? You can't tell me if I do or don't understand Urban, I see clearly, but like I said, people can follow the topics that's important to them. People can ignore the notifications. Lets just see what everyone else says on this, and then we can come to an agreement. Is that not fair?
I was talking about not understanding the purpose of the topic, however I didn't really understand your last post, why do you dislike this topic?
On 2020-10-26 at 02:08:25
Bonjour à tous !
Comme vous le savez sûrement récemment il y a pas mal de topics parlant de questions et autres comme "ask me anything" c'est pas du tout dérengeant et au contraire, je trouve l'idée top!
Cependant, avec des dizaines de topics comme ça, cela engendre un peu de spam.
On ne voit que ça et ça perd cet aspect cool et original, car ça en devient banal et répétitif ^^'
Donc je me suis dis, pourquoi pas créer un topic libre ici et calme, au quel tout le monde pourrait se poser ses propres questions, ses ask me anything etc, ça éviterait le spam et ça pourrait faire un topic officiel, interactions avec la communauté
Dorénavant, il faudrat utiliser ce topic pour vos questions et ask me anything
Comme vous le savez sûrement récemment il y a pas mal de topics parlant de questions et autres comme "ask me anything" c'est pas du tout dérengeant et au contraire, je trouve l'idée top!

Cependant, avec des dizaines de topics comme ça, cela engendre un peu de spam.
On ne voit que ça et ça perd cet aspect cool et original, car ça en devient banal et répétitif ^^'
Donc je me suis dis, pourquoi pas créer un topic libre ici et calme, au quel tout le monde pourrait se poser ses propres questions, ses ask me anything etc, ça éviterait le spam et ça pourrait faire un topic officiel, interactions avec la communauté

Dorénavant, il faudrat utiliser ce topic pour vos questions et ask me anything
Hello all !
As you probably know recently there are a lot of topics talking about questions and others like "ask me anything" it's not at all disturbing and on the contrary, I find the idea great!
However, with dozens of topics like this, it generates a bit of spam.
We only see that and it loses that cool and original aspect, because it becomes banal and repetitive ^^ '
So I said to myself, why not create a free topic here and calm, to which everyone could ask their own questions, ask me anything etc, it would avoid spam and it could make an official topic, interactions with the community
From now on, you should use this topic for your questions and ask me anything
As you probably know recently there are a lot of topics talking about questions and others like "ask me anything" it's not at all disturbing and on the contrary, I find the idea great!

However, with dozens of topics like this, it generates a bit of spam.
We only see that and it loses that cool and original aspect, because it becomes banal and repetitive ^^ '
So I said to myself, why not create a free topic here and calm, to which everyone could ask their own questions, ask me anything etc, it would avoid spam and it could make an official topic, interactions with the community

From now on, you should use this topic for your questions and ask me anything
Well Urban, we don't want to look through this one to answer everyones questions and stuff because it's gonna be a mess. Also, there's not a lot of topics people use in the international section. If people wanted to keep track of s topic, they can easily follow it to find it. So that would be easier.
You did not understand: the goal here is to strengthen the links by asking each other questions etc., certainly it is maybe not your goal on ask me anything but it gives a more general aspect. ^^
You are free to continue with your personal ask me anything topics, but this one is purely made to be general, that was the idea. ^^
On 2020-10-26 at 02:06:24
how did you find this game?
In 2015 I was looking for a track editor because I wanted at all costs to be able to produce my own tracks, I played without an account and trained, I dropped out a bit. Arrived in 2016, I created my account and I was super active.

On 2020-10-26 at 02:00:11
Bonjour à tous !
Comme vous le savez sûrement récemment il y a pas mal de topics parlant de questions et autres comme "ask me anything" c'est pas du tout dérengeant et au contraire, je trouve l'idée top!
Cependant, avec des dizaines de topics comme ça, cela engendre un peu de spam.
On ne voit que ça et ça perd cet aspect cool et original, car ça en devient banal et répétitif ^^'
Donc je me suis dis, pourquoi pas créer un topic libre ici et calme, au quel tout le monde pourrait se poser ses propres questions, ses ask me anything etc, ça éviterait le spam et ça pourrait faire un topic officiel, interactions avec la communauté
Dorénavant, il faudrat utiliser ce topic pour vos questions et ask me anything
Comme vous le savez sûrement récemment il y a pas mal de topics parlant de questions et autres comme "ask me anything" c'est pas du tout dérengeant et au contraire, je trouve l'idée top!

Cependant, avec des dizaines de topics comme ça, cela engendre un peu de spam.
On ne voit que ça et ça perd cet aspect cool et original, car ça en devient banal et répétitif ^^'
Donc je me suis dis, pourquoi pas créer un topic libre ici et calme, au quel tout le monde pourrait se poser ses propres questions, ses ask me anything etc, ça éviterait le spam et ça pourrait faire un topic officiel, interactions avec la communauté

Dorénavant, il faudrat utiliser ce topic pour vos questions et ask me anything
Hello all !
As you probably know recently there are a lot of topics talking about questions and others like "ask me anything" it's not at all disturbing and on the contrary, I find the idea great!
However, with dozens of topics like this, it generates a bit of spam.
We only see that and it loses that cool and original aspect, because it becomes banal and repetitive ^^ '
So I said to myself, why not create a free topic here and calm, to which everyone could ask their own questions, ask me anything etc, it would avoid spam and it could make an official topic, interactions with the community
From now on, you should use this topic for your questions and ask me anything
As you probably know recently there are a lot of topics talking about questions and others like "ask me anything" it's not at all disturbing and on the contrary, I find the idea great!

However, with dozens of topics like this, it generates a bit of spam.
We only see that and it loses that cool and original aspect, because it becomes banal and repetitive ^^ '
So I said to myself, why not create a free topic here and calm, to which everyone could ask their own questions, ask me anything etc, it would avoid spam and it could make an official topic, interactions with the community

From now on, you should use this topic for your questions and ask me anything
Quelle est pour vous le meilleur créateur de circuit de Mario Kart PC ?
On 2020-10-27 at 18:09:32
Tu tes citer toi même

ByoT aussi, et tu lui as pourtant rien dis

Et ce n'est que mon avis ^^
On 2020-10-27 at 17:31:30
When are your join date Anniversaries?
On 2020-10-31 at 13:25:53
I joined MKPC with an account in February 2016 (And I was here in 2015 without account)
Il faut que je parle
On 2020-10-26 at 02:00:49
Désolé mais c'est un non.
Tu es vraiment allé trop loin avec tout ces mensonges en mp et je ne suis pas prêt de te pardonner, je sais que tu as une maladie mentale et que c'est compliqué cependant garde la tête haute et reste positif.
J'espères que tu comprends mon choix, car je penses que tu risques de mentir ou enfreindre les règles une nouvelle fois de plus
attendre des mensonges? sur quoi diable a-t-il menti? Tu es vraiment allé trop loin avec tout ces mensonges en mp et je ne suis pas prêt de te pardonner, je sais que tu as une maladie mentale et que c'est compliqué cependant garde la tête haute et reste positif.
J'espères que tu comprends mon choix, car je penses que tu risques de mentir ou enfreindre les règles une nouvelle fois de plus

Cela ne te regarde pas ^^'
On 2020-10-26 at 01:54:54
Désolé mais c'est un non.
Tu es vraiment allé trop loin avec tout ces mensonges en mp et je ne suis pas prêt de te pardonner, je sais que tu as une maladie mentale et que c'est compliqué cependant garde la tête haute et reste positif.
J'espères que tu comprends mon choix, car je penses que tu risques de mentir ou enfreindre les règles une nouvelle fois de plus
Tu es vraiment allé trop loin avec tout ces mensonges en mp et je ne suis pas prêt de te pardonner, je sais que tu as une maladie mentale et que c'est compliqué cependant garde la tête haute et reste positif.
J'espères que tu comprends mon choix, car je penses que tu risques de mentir ou enfreindre les règles une nouvelle fois de plus

Mon retour sur Mario Kart PC
On 2020-08-11 at 17:13:09
Bon retour!
(Je suis Fways moi si tu te demandais qui je suis xD)

Je quitte MKPC
On 2020-10-19 at 12:56:47
Bonne continuation et bonnes vacances à toi ! ^^ 

You've got to be kidding me
On 2020-11-01 at 19:22:54
To begin with, calm down, Ahmad it is not you who decides the derank and rank so please avoid saying this kind of thing. With the validators, we agreed to grant you 1 or 3 challenges of this type, but 12 is too much spam, and we ALL agreed on this point, I do not don't know who refused but it's not me, but in any case now you know why the person refused you.
sprite memes
On 2018-10-07 at 20:36:02
ba quoi sa c'est simpa et aussi pourquoi pas faire aussi un sprite de weegee et PINGAS le weegee c'est le weegee normal mais attention il dois pas avoir de car est pingas ba on peux faire comme le bébé luigi et mario
Si quelqu'un a comprit quelque chose, qu'il me le dise