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/!\ MKPC: les Oscars : RESULTATS!!!

Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
@mario64 toi meilleur créateur de circuits oulà loin de la XD Et je me présente aussi partout hap
Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
Euh pk sur mon compte je n'ai plus mes oscars de "Joueur de l'année" & "Meilleur créateur de circuit" ? *[
Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
Ouais bah et alors? Les points ne désignent absolument rien y a des gens qui trichaient :o mais sinon OK je suis d'accord mais je méritais au moins 4 ou 5 votes! :o
Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
OUI 2 MENTIONS!! :D Mais attendez WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF D'ou pour le meilleur coureur Wal a eu 7 voix et moi qu'une seule alors qu'on est tout les 2 aussi forts expliquez-moi?

Encore une idée

Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
super wrote:
Le tout premier topic de mkpc

Merci d'éviter les messages inutiles et de up des topics datant d'il y a longtemps sans y apporter quelque chose de concret ^^

ADMINS: we need to talk

Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
before you ban me again or extend it or anything hear me out. im trying to disrespect your decision making or anything like that but you haven't heard my side of the story or anything like that and Lely didnt tell you what really happened, like the part where i was tryin to explain the situtation to them but they didnt understand me, so please respond so i can get this cleared up, im not tryin to get out of my punishment, but i do want to set things straight

First, you are banned and still creating double accounts so it proves that you don't care about our decision, if you want to contact us you contact us on another support such as discord. Secondly, don't play innocent, you know very well what you did to Lely, Lely didn't do anything except put you in your place when you were insulting each other and I quote "for fun" on your topic. If you want to insult your buddies for fun you do it in private, if you do it in public, anyone can intervene and it is your responsibility. And answering him by shouting at him, insulting him and harassing him is clearly the worst thing to do. Now you create another alt like this without our approval you will get a one month ban extension is that clear?

Mon grand retour

Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
Bon retour :D

why is everyone butt hurt about this

Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
Hello, I will answer one last time to the topic. The fact that you insult each other is not disturbing as long as you do it in private. But on public topics where everyone can see it, don't be surprised if people intervene to calm you down, it's totally normal. What's the idea to make insulting jokes between you on a topic? Topics are made for everyone to interact with each other, if they want to intervene that's their right after all. Even if some interactions can be inappropriate you don't have to insult each other here but in private. It's immature to do it in public. Lely, as for you, they were insulting each other as a joke, so there's no need to "add a layer" but I can understand that it's still annoying to see it in public. And you princesslucky, moderate your language in front of people, if you don't want people to interfere, do it in private, that's all.

my new remix

Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
SMALLANT1 wrote:

Can you avoid to do multiposts please? You can write this words in the same sentence ;)

UI Customization - Customisation de l'IU

Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
Tes exemples sont pas beaux je trouves mais oui, pour :)

is there anything way to bundle battle arenas just like a multi cup ???

Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
FK_Lely wrote:
C'est vrai que l'on ne peut pas regrouper des arènes en une coupe, j'ai eu des problèmes avec ça.

Je vais pinger des gradés (no offense plz)

@FrenchFlora (AKA Urban)
@POG_gfxgwwan (AKA Veethan23)
@POG_jrqzoida (AKA Mentaliet Noctali / Cute Wolf

Inutile de ping surtout que Mentali est pas staff en plus...

Veethan23 - Ask me anything

Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
Hello everyone, so yeah, after a mini vote i decided to finally make it ! :P ask me anything there 8)

What do you prefer between the horse (UIS !!!) and the squid (NONS !!!)


Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
Ouais donc c'est pas le graphique que du mois de septembre, c'est celui de septembre, août, juillet etc jusqu'à avril donc le titre est faux.
Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
ByoT wrote:
Urban wrote:
?? Il est pas du tout à jour ton graphique au mois de septembre j'étais déjà 3e ou 4e ptdr je suis pas 9e mais bon

Regarde la couleur de ta ligne.

Justement, j'ai jamais été en dessous de 40 000 avant le mois de septembre, c'est pas le graphique du mois de septembre dans ce cas là
Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
?? Il est pas du tout à jour ton graphique au mois de septembre j'étais déjà 3e ou 4e ptdr je suis pas 9e mais bon

J'ai des problèmes avec les records sur les pistes personalisées

Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
Je n'ai pas très bien compris ton problème.
Pourrais-tu nous donner plus d'informations que cela s'il te plaît ^^ ? Et des preuves aussi par la même occasion ça serait plus explicatif et clair pour nous ;)
Et désolé pour le temps d'attente !
(Au fait, ne ping pas Mudky et Waluigi68, ils ne sont pas staffs ^^)


Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
Si ilogik

Should DDE (Daisy Drift Exploit) be patched?

Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
Avways wrote:
InToNY wrote:
Hey, and I have a question.
When I was starting playing online, I was just destroyed 'cause everyone just used DDE. It's like MKWii, But is extremely skill-based. When 2 pros race, a pro wins that can drift through more part of the stage, it's not luck  dependant (MKT took luck-based online to extreme).
So should this exploit be patched to made MKPC more begginer friendly?        toad

PS: I can't even imagine a online game with players not playing as Daisy or skin with her stats.  yoshi

One solution: being more good at the game.
Snake you can do it too, you just have to learn, and yes we pros spent some time on it too so I don't see why we would make the game like mk8d in "it's all luck" mode, on the contrary, it wouldn't be competitive at all and that would be a big mistake. If we did that we would change the whole meta and people would get bored. Are you complaining that it's all about skill? Let me laugh, it's the best thing possible, a game that is played on merit and not on luck... In my opinion you must be a beginner but you complain instead of trying to improve yourself unlike some people, we too have been sweating it. I think you don't know enough about the game to describe it. Personally being there for 5 years, I always found the metas although I agree, the fact that daisy is super cheated compared to others is unfair. You shouldn't have daisy's nerve but you should balance other characters, that's the best thing to do. Nate explained his point of view very well as well, which is shared with mine.

And you say "a simple change" <-- an other thing who proves you really don't know the game. If we make a change, same just 1 lower this would totally change the actual meta...

MK games have always had characters or techs that are overpowered. MKDS had snaking where it was possible with a few characters and karts. MKDD had it as well, but it didn't matter what character you picked as long as you were using Barrel Train. MKWii, bikes were overpowered, MK8 had fire hopping/demon sliding to save many many seconds, and every other MK game just has the highest speed character dominate the game (seriously, try playing MK7 without running into at least 1 metal Mario per round).

A balanced MK game doesn't exist in character or kart stats, only in its ratio of skill and luck that makes it accessible to all levels of play while still allowing a competitive scene based on skill to thrive. A tech as simple as pressing drift+left, then drift+right, rinse and repeat, seems pretty accessible to me.

Ik don't worry, this is not me who complains ;)
Messages 3165 - King Mario King Mario
vs154550 pts ★ Superstar
battle17232 pts ★ Master
InToNY wrote:
Hey, and I have a question.
When I was starting playing online, I was just destroyed 'cause everyone just used DDE. It's like MKWii, But is extremely skill-based. When 2 pros race, a pro wins that can drift through more part of the stage, it's not luck  dependant (MKT took luck-based online to extreme).
So should this exploit be patched to made MKPC more begginer friendly?        toad

PS: I can't even imagine a online game with players not playing as Daisy or skin with her stats.  yoshi

One solution: being more good at the game.
Snake you can do it too, you just have to learn, and yes we pros spent some time on it too so I don't see why we would make the game like mk8d in "it's all luck" mode, on the contrary, it wouldn't be competitive at all and that would be a big mistake. If we did that we would change the whole meta and people would get bored. Are you complaining that it's all about skill? Let me laugh, it's the best thing possible, a game that is played on merit and not on luck... In my opinion you must be a beginner but you complain instead of trying to improve yourself unlike some people, we too have been sweating it. I think you don't know enough about the game to describe it. Personally being there for 5 years, I always found the metas although I agree, the fact that daisy is super cheated compared to others is unfair. You shouldn't have daisy's nerve but you should balance other characters, that's the best thing to do. Nate explained his point of view very well as well, which is shared with mine.

And you say "a simple change" <-- an other thing who proves you really don't know the game. If we make a change, same just 1 lower this would totally change the actual meta...

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