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Koh-Lanta Mario (Season 1)
On 2022-07-14 at 15:59:41
I'm kind of excited for this, as long as you release a full English version. (Also, Koh-Lanta in most English-speaking countries is called Survivor, just so you know, so I do know what Koh-Lanta is. You can keep the name, I just thought I'd nerd out for a little bit.)
I get it, thanks for the information ^^
And yes of course there will be an english version of it for each episodes, don't worry haha ^^
I'll do my best for the translations, my english is not the best so if some mistakes, you guys can tell me
On 2022-07-14 at 02:15:33
So… is there gonna be originality? This sounds like fun.. but I’m not sure.. there are just too many of the same things nowadays. You gotta convince me that this stands out, because I would like to join, I just want to join if I get a standout experience.
You don't get the goal of it, its a fiction so you can't join it, its not a game or smth like that. And also I did this serie since a lot more time before ^^ In 2016 until 2020 before I stop, so I will just do a new one because I feel more motivation. (I'm one of the 1st who brings this basically ^^)
On 2022-07-14 at 01:50:42
Bonjour/bonsoir à tous, non vous ne rêvez pas mais c'est bien le retour de la série Koh-Lanta Mario qui a fait énormément de succès à l'époque (oui série que j'ai déjà fait en 2016 & 2018 jusqu'à 2020) mais avec tous les arrêts qui s'y sont produits + les grandes pauses que j'ai fait etc j'ai préféré arrêté.
Désormais possédant une toute nouvelle grande motivation et voulant écrire bah j'ai juste décidé d'écrire une nouvelle fanfic
Bon ceci dit je vais quand même expliquer les règles aux anglais et aux autres car bon koh lanta ça existe pas là bas (ou du moins pas sous ce nom bref) donc voilà voilà.
(Je vais également l'expliquer en français au cas ou certains ne connaissent pas forcément les règles)
Dans cette saison, il y aura un total de 22 candidats qui s'affronteront en équipes autour d'épreuves plus dures et coriaces les unes que les autres, à chaque fin d'épreuve, l'équipe perdante devra voter pour la personne de leur équipe qu'ils voudront renvoyer chez lui, il ne pourra alors plus revenir sur l'île et sera donc éliminé. Ils sont donc 22 au début, mais à la fin, il n'en restera qu'un. Le gagnant repartira avec un total de 1 million d'euros.
N'hésitez pas à suivre le topic et à lacher des petits commentaires à chaque épisode pour dire votre avis et également suivre l'actualité, voilà voilà je penses à peu près avoir tout dit.
L'épisode 1 devrait sortir demain dans la journée (heure française).
Désormais possédant une toute nouvelle grande motivation et voulant écrire bah j'ai juste décidé d'écrire une nouvelle fanfic
Bon ceci dit je vais quand même expliquer les règles aux anglais et aux autres car bon koh lanta ça existe pas là bas (ou du moins pas sous ce nom bref) donc voilà voilà.
(Je vais également l'expliquer en français au cas ou certains ne connaissent pas forcément les règles)
Dans cette saison, il y aura un total de 22 candidats qui s'affronteront en équipes autour d'épreuves plus dures et coriaces les unes que les autres, à chaque fin d'épreuve, l'équipe perdante devra voter pour la personne de leur équipe qu'ils voudront renvoyer chez lui, il ne pourra alors plus revenir sur l'île et sera donc éliminé. Ils sont donc 22 au début, mais à la fin, il n'en restera qu'un. Le gagnant repartira avec un total de 1 million d'euros.
N'hésitez pas à suivre le topic et à lacher des petits commentaires à chaque épisode pour dire votre avis et également suivre l'actualité, voilà voilà je penses à peu près avoir tout dit.
L'épisode 1 devrait sortir demain dans la journée (heure française).
Hello/ Good evening to y'all, no you're not dreaming but it's the return of the Koh-Lanta Mario series which was very successful at the time (yes, series I already did in 2016 & 2018 until 2020) but with all the lack of motivation that happened + the breaks I made in the past, I preferred to stop.
Now having a brand new great motivation and wanting to write, I just decided to write a new fiction.
Well this said I'll still explain the rules to the English and others because koh lanta doesn't exist there (or at least not under that name), it's a french serie if you guys want to know what it is, but this time, done in a fiction with mario characters, so here it is.
In this season, there will be a total of 22 candidates who will compete in teams around tougher and tougher challenges, at the end of each challenges, the losing team will have to vote for the person of their team that they want to send home, he will not be able to return to the island and will be eliminated. There are 22 of them at the beginning, but at the end, there will be only one left. The winner will earn 1 million dollars.
Don't hesitate to follow the topic and to leave little comments at each episode to tell your opinion and also to follow the news, here I think I've pretty much said everything.
The episode 1 should be released tomorrow (french time).
Now having a brand new great motivation and wanting to write, I just decided to write a new fiction.
Well this said I'll still explain the rules to the English and others because koh lanta doesn't exist there (or at least not under that name), it's a french serie if you guys want to know what it is, but this time, done in a fiction with mario characters, so here it is.
In this season, there will be a total of 22 candidates who will compete in teams around tougher and tougher challenges, at the end of each challenges, the losing team will have to vote for the person of their team that they want to send home, he will not be able to return to the island and will be eliminated. There are 22 of them at the beginning, but at the end, there will be only one left. The winner will earn 1 million dollars.
Don't hesitate to follow the topic and to leave little comments at each episode to tell your opinion and also to follow the news, here I think I've pretty much said everything.
The episode 1 should be released tomorrow (french time).
It's nice to see a return to Koh-Lanta. I was always interested in this series back in 2020 and now, I still am. Albeit this time with Mario characters but still, it seems a bit interesting and I'm looking forward to see what this series will become. I will also give feedback like I used to back in 2020.
Thanks a lot man
On 2022-07-14 at 01:36:42
*insert shocked voices* *chokes* *coughs*
Mais c'est une bénédiction !
Je ne l'espérais plus. En plus au début je croyais que c'était un topic de blague mdr.
J'ai vraiment du mal à y croire ! Je suis sûr que c'est un rêve ! 😱😱😱😱
Merci infiniment ❤️❤️❤️🧡🧡🧡💛💛💛💚💚💚💙💙💙💜💜💜🖤🖤🖤
Je ne trouve même pas les mots ! Je pense qu'il faudra attendre un peu de temps, pour que je me remettes...
En tout cas...
Mais c'est une bénédiction !
Je ne l'espérais plus. En plus au début je croyais que c'était un topic de blague mdr.
J'ai vraiment du mal à y croire ! Je suis sûr que c'est un rêve ! 😱😱😱😱
Merci infiniment ❤️❤️❤️🧡🧡🧡💛💛💛💚💚💚💙💙💙💜💜💜🖤🖤🖤
Je ne trouve même pas les mots ! Je pense qu'il faudra attendre un peu de temps, pour que je me remettes...
En tout cas...
Merci énormément du soutien ^^
Content que ça te fasse plaisir
On 2022-07-14 at 01:13:38
Bonjour/bonsoir à tous, non vous ne rêvez pas mais c'est bien le retour de la série Koh-Lanta Mario qui a fait énormément de succès à l'époque (oui série que j'ai déjà fait en 2016 & 2018 jusqu'à 2020) mais avec tous les arrêts qui s'y sont produits + les grandes pauses que j'ai fait etc j'ai préféré arrêté.
Désormais possédant une toute nouvelle grande motivation et voulant écrire bah j'ai juste décidé d'écrire une nouvelle fanfic
Bon ceci dit je vais quand même expliquer les règles aux anglais et aux autres car bon koh lanta ça existe pas là bas (ou du moins pas sous ce nom bref) donc voilà voilà.
(Je vais également l'expliquer en français au cas ou certains ne connaissent pas forcément les règles)
Dans cette saison, il y aura un total de 22 candidats qui s'affronteront en équipes autour d'épreuves plus dures et coriaces les unes que les autres, à chaque fin d'épreuve, l'équipe perdante devra voter pour la personne de leur équipe qu'ils voudront renvoyer chez lui, il ne pourra alors plus revenir sur l'île et sera donc éliminé. Ils sont donc 22 au début, mais à la fin, il n'en restera qu'un. Le gagnant repartira avec un total de 1 million d'euros.
N'hésitez pas à suivre le topic et à lacher des petits commentaires à chaque épisode pour dire votre avis et également suivre l'actualité, voilà voilà je penses à peu près avoir tout dit.
L'épisode 1 devrait sortir demain dans la journée (heure française).
Désormais possédant une toute nouvelle grande motivation et voulant écrire bah j'ai juste décidé d'écrire une nouvelle fanfic
Bon ceci dit je vais quand même expliquer les règles aux anglais et aux autres car bon koh lanta ça existe pas là bas (ou du moins pas sous ce nom bref) donc voilà voilà.
(Je vais également l'expliquer en français au cas ou certains ne connaissent pas forcément les règles)
Dans cette saison, il y aura un total de 22 candidats qui s'affronteront en équipes autour d'épreuves plus dures et coriaces les unes que les autres, à chaque fin d'épreuve, l'équipe perdante devra voter pour la personne de leur équipe qu'ils voudront renvoyer chez lui, il ne pourra alors plus revenir sur l'île et sera donc éliminé. Ils sont donc 22 au début, mais à la fin, il n'en restera qu'un. Le gagnant repartira avec un total de 1 million d'euros.
N'hésitez pas à suivre le topic et à lacher des petits commentaires à chaque épisode pour dire votre avis et également suivre l'actualité, voilà voilà je penses à peu près avoir tout dit.
L'épisode 1 devrait sortir demain dans la journée (heure française).
Hello/ Good evening to y'all, no you're not dreaming but it's the return of the Koh-Lanta Mario series which was very successful at the time (yes, series I already did in 2016 & 2018 until 2020) but with all the lack of motivation that happened + the breaks I made in the past, I preferred to stop.
Now having a brand new great motivation and wanting to write, I just decided to write a new fiction.
Well this said I'll still explain the rules to the English and others because koh lanta doesn't exist there (or at least not under that name), it's a french serie if you guys want to know what it is, but this time, done in a fiction with mario characters, so here it is.
In this season, there will be a total of 22 candidates who will compete in teams around tougher and tougher challenges, at the end of each challenges, the losing team will have to vote for the person of their team that they want to send home, he will not be able to return to the island and will be eliminated. There are 22 of them at the beginning, but at the end, there will be only one left. The winner will earn 1 million dollars.
Don't hesitate to follow the topic and to leave little comments at each episode to tell your opinion and also to follow the news, here I think I've pretty much said everything.
The episode 1 should be released tomorrow (french time).
Now having a brand new great motivation and wanting to write, I just decided to write a new fiction.
Well this said I'll still explain the rules to the English and others because koh lanta doesn't exist there (or at least not under that name), it's a french serie if you guys want to know what it is, but this time, done in a fiction with mario characters, so here it is.
In this season, there will be a total of 22 candidates who will compete in teams around tougher and tougher challenges, at the end of each challenges, the losing team will have to vote for the person of their team that they want to send home, he will not be able to return to the island and will be eliminated. There are 22 of them at the beginning, but at the end, there will be only one left. The winner will earn 1 million dollars.
Don't hesitate to follow the topic and to leave little comments at each episode to tell your opinion and also to follow the news, here I think I've pretty much said everything.
The episode 1 should be released tomorrow (french time).
im leaving marytio kart pc
On 2023-04-11 at 20:37:15
I remember when I didnt reach bronze on 8d lounge season 5 because I needed 2 more mmr... I did a break of 2 hours 🤯😜👺🤙
but i didnt ask.... it's about me here...................
Ah okay, kys then
On 2023-04-11 at 20:35:43
Nooo im so sorry for you 😔
I remember when I didnt reach bronze on 8d lounge season 5 because I needed 2 more mmr... I did a break of 2 hours 🤯😜👺🤙
I remember when I didnt reach bronze on 8d lounge season 5 because I needed 2 more mmr... I did a break of 2 hours 🤯😜👺🤙
/!\ MKPC Lounge April 2023 FFA Tournament
On 2023-04-04 at 23:13:41
Crying crying crying
? Tu peux participer hein mdrr stv je te mets dedans si tu veux même si t'as pas tout de suite accès à discord bg
Je suis de retour
On 2023-04-09 at 19:13:19
quelqu'un a demandé?
Does anyone else find it Annoying that It's only the GBA tracks that Nintendo Messes up?
On 2023-01-14 at 14:35:33
Yes, some of the Tour GBA tracks are really simplified, that's a fact. But if yo'ure asking me, the original had way too many turns, example given would be in that section here :
Wayyy too many turns for a single section. If you actually take the shortcut (mostly in MKPC version though) you'll be facing the void and you'll have to negociate the turn nicely enough. If you don't take it, it's a bunch of tight turns that can get pretty annoying ; especially with Tour controls. Just imagine a second if you had to do that part with Tour's controls. It would be super annoying, even with smart steering. However, in GBA, this amount of turns felt necessary, especially with how the game negociates the tight turns well. However, deleting all of those turns was too much. They could have let some more. My main complaint is how the road doesn't even looks like a garden-style road. (unlike the 8DX road) They nerfed it too much, but it would not have been good to keep all the tight turns.
Sunset Wilds is fine. It's painfully mid. The road is too bright, that's everything I have to say.
Cheep Cheep Island is too short. The track was really fine however, it started to look more like an island. However, the original was too long, and the remake was too short ; I guess you should find a balance.
Boo Lake is incredible for MKT standards. The layout stays as it is, there's even an underwater section and the track truly feels like a lake.
But MK8 remake of GBA tracks are incredible. They're godly. Snow Land was an incredible upgrade, Ribbon Road as well, Mario Circuit or Cheese Land as well.
Yeah GBA needs to "unleash" its true potential, as I once said, but that's true they went too hard on the nerfing.
@SusietheGamer68 you posted your message twice
Wayyy too many turns for a single section. If you actually take the shortcut (mostly in MKPC version though) you'll be facing the void and you'll have to negociate the turn nicely enough. If you don't take it, it's a bunch of tight turns that can get pretty annoying ; especially with Tour controls. Just imagine a second if you had to do that part with Tour's controls. It would be super annoying, even with smart steering. However, in GBA, this amount of turns felt necessary, especially with how the game negociates the tight turns well. However, deleting all of those turns was too much. They could have let some more. My main complaint is how the road doesn't even looks like a garden-style road. (unlike the 8DX road) They nerfed it too much, but it would not have been good to keep all the tight turns.
Sunset Wilds is fine. It's painfully mid. The road is too bright, that's everything I have to say.
Cheep Cheep Island is too short. The track was really fine however, it started to look more like an island. However, the original was too long, and the remake was too short ; I guess you should find a balance.
Boo Lake is incredible for MKT standards. The layout stays as it is, there's even an underwater section and the track truly feels like a lake.
But MK8 remake of GBA tracks are incredible. They're godly. Snow Land was an incredible upgrade, Ribbon Road as well, Mario Circuit or Cheese Land as well.
Yeah GBA needs to "unleash" its true potential, as I once said, but that's true they went too hard on the nerfing.
@SusietheGamer68 you posted your message twice
Ouais fin dose quand même, le cut est vraiment super simple à prendre pour n'importe qui mdrr
T'es fan ? @MisterCringeh
Mario Kart J à été supprimé
On 2023-04-01 at 19:55:28
seulement dans l'ohio
On 2023-04-01 at 19:55:12
non mais en vrai c'est intéressant mais... quelqu'un a demandé ou pas??
Si le topic ne t'intéresses pas tu n'es pas obligé de le dire
Si le topic ne t'intéresses pas tu n'es pas obligé de le dire hmmm arrow up!!!
On 2023-04-01 at 19:06:42
non mais en vrai c'est intéressant mais... quelqu'un a demandé ou pas??
On 2023-03-31 at 20:16:33
Alright guys, I have a lot to say. I now have a pc, and its not for school. I might not be online as much, but ill still be online. I've also grown up and i'm not some weird goofy ahhh goober anymore. -P.s. my bdays coming up and i have a YT channel (not plugging but its someonestolemyfries) also my recording software sucks, its not my voice.. I can’t wait for all my old friends to see this post
quelqu'un a demandé ?
What characters do you like or dislike to play as?
On 2023-03-29 at 14:50:04
Edit: IDC about world records. I just don't want everyone playing as a character with Daisy's stats.
How about making Daisy an unlockable instead of a starter.
(Unoffical Event) MKPC Hall of Fame 2023
On 2023-03-24 at 00:32:05
This is a bit more serious and relevant one
On 2023-03-24 at 00:31:17
And why should I be in this list ? Not like I helped to anything or was a nice person in any way possible...
Certes tu n'as pas eu d'impact direct sur le site, mais tu restes un membre important de l'histoire du site, et srx pk tu te rabaisses 24h/24, c'est même pas que ça m'énerve c'est juste que je ne comprends pas pk :/
Si si tu peux le dire c'est agaçant, je t'aime bien Lely mais ça fait vraiment pick me ce genre de messages sah déso
On 2023-03-23 at 23:35:03
The first candidates are:
More will be announced later.
Now, who likes this idea?
GaryTheCat hasn't logged in for years, but I guess he created meme of the day.
He left the game cuz he created some goofy ahh drama with the mods💀
Wrong btw, he got banned for all the shits he caused, looks like years after it still caused some damages lol, but at least once he got banned, way less dramas in discord
On 2023-03-23 at 23:32:23
The first candidates are:
More will be announced later.
Now, who likes this idea?
Bruh you don't know anything about the history of MKPC and just say random names like that, the idea could be good, but if it's done by someone relevant (sorry)
Man literally picked desti and gary while this guys were just cancerous asf and absolutely did nothing in this site except doing shit