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How to Unlock Haku's Mask in Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections

Messages 2 - Goomba Goomba
vs5000 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
Haku's Mask in Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections adds a unique and iconic element to the game. If you're eager to obtain this special accessory for Haku, here's a quick guide on how to unlock Haku's Mask.

1. Progress through the Story:
Advancing through the game's story is often the primary way to unlock special accessories and items. Ensure that you are progressing through the story missions, completing objectives, and achieving milestones with Haku in your lineup.

2. Achieve Character-Specific Goals:
Many games, including Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections, feature character-specific goals or achievements. These goals may be tied to Haku's storyline or specific tasks related to the character. Fulfilling these objectives could be a key step in unlocking Haku's Mask.

3. Participate in Events:
Game events often provide opportunities to obtain exclusive items and accessories. Keep an eye on in-game events, as they may introduce special missions or challenges that, when completed, reward players with unique items like Haku's Mask.

4. Complete Special Missions:
Check if there are special missions or quests that specifically focus on Haku. Completing these missions may be a prerequisite for unlocking Haku's Mask. These missions could delve into Haku's lore or involve challenges that showcase the character's abilities.

5. Explore In-Game Shops:
Some games offer customization items, including accessories, in in-game shops. Visit these shops to see if Haku's Mask is available for purchase. Earn in-game currency or rewards through battles, missions, or events to afford the mask if it's offered in the shop.

6. Stay Updated on Game Updates:
Developers often introduce new content and unlockables through game updates. Keep your game client updated to the latest version, and check patch notes or announcements for any mentions of new accessories or items, including Haku's Mask.

7. Achieve High Rankings:
In certain games, achieving high rankings in battles, events, or leaderboards can unlock exclusive rewards. Focus on improving your performance with Haku in various aspects of the game to attain high rankings and potentially unlock Haku's Mask as a prestigious reward.

In conclusion, unlocking Haku's Mask in Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections may involve a combination of progressing through the story, achieving character-specific goals, participating in events, completing special missions, exploring in-game shops, staying updated on game updates, and achieving high rankings. Be persistent and explore all avenues to add this unique accessory to Haku's collection.

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Souls of Chronos is a hidden gem, a forgetful experience

Messages 2 - Goomba Goomba
vs5000 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
Souls of Chronos is an indie RPG developed by FUTU Studios and published by Astrolab Games. The game consists of chibi styled characters you’ll control to explore a town and engage in action combat. Upon first seeing the trailer, I was intrigued by its adorable visuals and backdrop. The character designs look delightful, and the desire for adventure is right up my alley. Is Souls of Chronos a hidden gem, a forgetful experience, or somewhere in between? Let’s get into it.

Souls of Chronos draws a lot of inspiration from RPGs of the past. However, its focus on poverty and the way oppression and crime can choke the life out of a community feels unique. Astella is not doing well, and Sid is both a victim and part of the problem. You can decide whether to accept this harsh reality or struggle against it. This isn’t the first title to look harshly at the cycle of poverty, but it does feel genuine.

The core of Souls of Chronos is its gameplay, which is clearly meant to be a pretty standard hack-and-slash affair with Torii and Sid. Sid can use a variety of guns and swords, while Torii has her own particular techniques and cannot be directly controlled. Both of them can be customized, though, Sid through his equipment and upgrades to same, and Torii through how you place her skill points after each level up.

Moving into combat, it surprised me with how simple and bland it felt. The main combat system consists primarily of engaging combatants with Sid using a primary weapon. Once unlocked, a secondary weapon for alternating attacks becomes available. I didn’t go for other weapons or try out different loadouts, as the gun and sword both feel the same. There isn’t a noticeable reach advantage between one or the other either. Since the sword does more damage, I stuck with that.

Souls of Chronos has a lot going for it. The city of Astella is lovingly realized, for example. And while the dungeons can get repetitive, their design is nice. It’s very difficult to get lost, even in the sewers. Some of the environments are absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately, while the UI is pretty, the map can be hard to navigate. It’s tricky to explore Astella for the first time. Trying to figure out which arrow on the screen leads to which icon on the map is frustrating.

While the music is nothing to write home about, the sound design is quite well-done. Footsteps echo appropriately, swings and impacts feel meaty and substantive, and I generally enjoyed listening to moving through and interacting with the world. I also liked that the designers did add nice little effects throughout the game, like little visual flair for character footsteps or opening things. It’s a small touch, but I noticed it and I liked it.

Souls of Chronos isn’t the next indie darling that everyone should play, but it also shouldn’t be discarded. It just feels frustrating because I see the potential the game has. For twenty dollars, it’s okay, but I am hopeful that a sequel will allow the story, characters, and gameplay to be fully fleshed out and achieve the success Souls of Chronos could have.

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