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Done With This

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
Astayanax wrote:
will you be back in time for tri-nations?

That's TBD, from the looks of it right now, I'll be cutting it close
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
You read the title right, tho it's not permanent. Over these past couple of weeks, I've pissed off some people in the game, IRL, school is going haywire, real life is going crazy, and overall life is hell, and I can't put on a positive outlook on things forever while on this site. Hince the reason for this, I'm taking a mental break from this for a week or two, get life sorted out, fix up some relationships IRL, maybe here when I get back, and hopefully I can be back here with everything fixed up in record time (knowing my luck, just take this as my notice for a month break).

if you guys wanna vote me out of this game ........(this is not a useless topic, it's serious)

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
T, you're pretty chill, which is more than I can say for some people in my PMs...

(Also what other American would push me in Pro League Matches)

What do things like RBR ES and CG stand for?

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
RBR= Red Bull Racing
ES= Elite Squad
CG= Celestial Guardians
There's also a few others, all of these are for the MKPC PRO League.

rank MKPC courses from easiest to hardest

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
I'm just gonna name top 5 easiest and hardest for me.

1. SNES Mario Circuit 1: literally the first course you're supposed to play.
2. DS Tick-Tock Clock: might be a weird pick, but the route is easy with some practice
3. SNES Koopa Beach 2: only difficult part is the Shroom section, and that's not difficult.
4. SNES Bowser Castle 1: when I can do a gasless run of 51 sec, it's easy.
5. DS Peach Gardens: Another weird pick, but the route is easy, with the only difficulty being the Chain Chomps

1. DS Shroom Ridge: no explanation needed
2. GBA Sunset Wilds: this one is mostly me, it's honestly one of my worst tracks, if not my worst.
3. DS Cheep-Cheep Beach: The OOB boosts this up the list, with it being the hardest OOB out of all of them.
4. DS Rainbow Road: Mostly track scale.
5. GBA Luigi Circuit: another one of my bad tracks.

What is the first game you ever played?

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
Mine was either the first Legend of Zelda, or Mario Super Sluggers, I got both Summer 2008. Zelda was obviously good, and Mario Super Sluggers is a game I remember very fondly (you know, scoring 99 home runs in a row w/o Mercy Rule against Bowser is fun to do sometimes)

Tops [WIP]

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
Hopefully daily, cuz I just beat 4 of my times, and passed a few of yall in about 30 mins

If Nintendo Were To Bring Back One Old Mario Kart Character, What Would You Pick?

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
I guess Donkey Kong Jr. He's only in Super Mario Kart, and he's arguably the best character there. He was planned for MKDD, and was cut near the end of coding the game, so it would be nice to see him in newer graphics.


Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
Well, first created topic, this is weird

You read the title correctly, due to school being very work-heavy, plus physical therapy, for the next week-ish, I will be out. Have fun without me!

What is your best track overall?

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
2:56.103 on MKDD Rainbow Road

Ryubix Tournament: Conference Leagues

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
James8 wrote:
well you are now up against Andy I believe, gl lol

and you're up against Veethan, gl
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
Ryubix wrote:

étant donné que notre ami Revali va avoir du retard, j'ai décidé, pour les joueurs affamés de compétition, d'organiser un mini-tournoi d'été.

Ce tournoi prend le système inédit de "conférences". Chaque conférence regroupera un continent: Amérique et Europe. En d'autres termes, si vous vous inscrivez, vous serez placés dans la conférence correspondante. Si vous n'habitez dans aucun de ces 2 continents, vous pourrez choisir dans lequel vous serez placés.

En fonction du nombre de participants, chaque conférence contiendra 1 voir plusieurs groupes de 4 joueurs chacun. Si il y a plusieurs groupes, un tirage au sort aura lieu.

Exemple où la conférence Amérique à besoin de 3 groupes et la conférence Europe à besoin de 2 groupes:

Chaque groupe marche à la manière d'une ligue: vous affronterez 1 fois les joueurs de votre groupe. Une victoire donne 2 pts, un nul 1 pt, et une défaite 0pt. A la fin, les meilleurs joueurs de chaque groupe se qualifie pour la phase finale de leur conférence.

Le nombre de joueurs qualifiés par conférence sera exactement le même, peut importe le nombre de groupes par conférence:

La phase finale regroupe les meilleurs joueurs de chaque conférences, où chaque conférence prendra un côté de l'arbre. En fait, seule la finale (et le match pour la 3ème place) opposera des joueurs de conférences opposées. ^^

Si vous vous inscrivez, sachez que je n'accepte que des joueurs actifs (vous aurez 3 matches minimum à jouer). En vous inscrivant, voici les informations à donner:
-Pseudo (MKPC)
-Pseudo (Discord, si vous avez un compte)
-Equipe (MKPC PRO League)
-Equipe (Nationale)
-Conférence (vous pouvez choisir votre conférence si vous n'habitez ni en Amérique ni en Europe)
-Votre expérience dans le compétitif (tournois officiels joués et moment marquants)

Vous avez des questions? Posez-les, j'y répondrais dés que possible. ;)

Since our friend Revali is going to be late, I decided, for the hungry competitive players, to organize a mini-summer tournament.

This tournament uses the new system of "conferences". Each conference will bring together all the players from a continent: America and Europe. In other words, if you register, you will be placed in the corresponding conference. If you do not live in any of these 2 continents, you will be able to choose in which one you will be placed.

Depending on the number of participants, each conference will contain 1 or more groups of 4 players each. If there are several groups, a draw will take place.

Example where the America conference needs 3 groups and the Europe conference needs 2 groups:

Each group works like a league: you will face the players of your group once. A win gives 2 pts, a draw 1 pt, and a loss 0pt. At the end, the best players of each group qualify for the final phase of their conference.

The number of qualified players per conference will be exactly the same, regardless of the number of groups per conference:

The final phase brings together the best players of each conference, where each conference will take one side of the bracket. In fact, only the final (and the match for 3rd place) will oppose players from both conferences.

If you register, be aware that I only accept active players (you will have 3 minimum matches to play). By registering, here is the information to give:
-Nickname (MKPC)
-Nickname (Discord, if you have an account)
-Team (MKPC PRO League)
-Team (National)
-Conference (you get to choose your conference if you're not from either America or Europe)
-Your competitive experience (official tournaments played and highlights)

Do you have any questions? Ask them, I will answer them as soon as possible. ;)

-Celestial Guardians
-North America
-MKPC Tourney DS: won Qualifier Group A, finished 14th
-Pro League: won Amateur Cup along with Goomba42 in a 2v3 clutch

I graduated from High School!

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
CONGRATSfete I'm entering 11th grade

MKPC Tournament : special(e) DS

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
MATHIP6 wrote:
J ai gagner 8-0 contre @Nico2

Dang, he got owned
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
Name: AndyDTNT
Country: USA
Started playing Oct 2019
Discord: AndyDTNT#3452

/!\ Globe-Trotter Tournament (GTT)

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
Meh, why not, I ain't winning, but screw it. I'm in

Favourite Mario Kart Game?

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
1. MK7, honestly, what other game would it be?

2. MKDD, I've put over 1200 hours into this game, ofc I love it, but outside of Baby Park and Rainbow Road, the tracks are just ok in my opinion.

3. MKWii, one of the best games I've ever played on the Wii, but way too broken in my opinion

4. MK8/MK8D, combining them cuz IDK. The tracks are nice, Mount Wario is in the top 2 of my favorite tracks in all of MK, but the amount of clones, why???

5. MKDS, Waluigi Pinball is the greatest course in MK history, fight me. Really, only thing holding this game back is that the retro track selection in my opinion was meh. (Also, the Chain Chomp and Bowser Shell from MKDD is in the coding lol, using them crashes the game tho)

6. SMK, the first of the series, and well, yeah, thats pretty much it.

7. MK64, Honestly, the king of long courses, and also VERY BROKEN, remember, this was before the checkpoint system we know today was in MK.

8. MKSC, forgot this game exists, and I own it, is that bad?

9. MKT, need I go on?

(If want Arcades and the Slot Machine, just ask)

Tournoi de vos musiques préférés #1

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
UR4NIUM_ wrote:
Bonjour à tous. hey
Je souhaite créer un tournoi de vos musiques préférées.
Pour ce faire, vous pouvez me donner, en dessous de ce message jusqu'à 3 titres de musiques AVEC le nom de son artiste.
Je choisirais les 64 musiques les plus cités  ( avec des 32e, des 16e de finales... jusqu'à la finale) .
Ensuite, ce tournoi aura lieu sur Twitter : @nium_ur4. ordi
Vous pouvez, dès à présent me donner vos 3 musiques préférés ( que ce soit pop, rock, rap, électro, métal...).merci
Hello everyone. hey
I want to create a tournament of your favorite music.
To do this, you can give me, below this message up to 3 titles of music WITH the name of its artist.
I would choose the 64 most cited musics (with 32nd, 16th finals ... until the final).
Then this tournament will take place on my Twitter: @nium_ur4. ordi
You can now give me your 3 favorite musics (pop, rock, rap, electro, metal...).merci

Bad Karma by Axel Thesleff
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by Daft Punk
Till It's Over by Tristam

What is the Class That You Hate so Much?

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
History, it's boring

Those times the game really didn't want you to win

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs59144 pts ★ Titan
battle11236 pts ★ Champion
United States
I guess I'll share a story that happened before I turned competitive. I was in an online match with 5-6 of the 9 year-old players, and was winning by quite a bit, so on DSRR, on L3, I got hit by 9 blue shells and 5 bombs from people I was lapping. End result, still 1st, but was really annoying after the 5th-6th time I was blown up. MK Characters are really durable lol

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