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Messages 9 - Goomba Goomba
vs63292 pts ★ Titan
battle8675 pts ★ Expert

Fanfic/BBCode Helper

Messages 9 - Goomba Goomba
vs63292 pts ★ Titan
battle8675 pts ★ Expert
Added a new GUI via tkinter with veri kuul music and title name scroll
Removed launch options
The .exe version now has a cute icon <3

The download links in the first post have been updated.
Also download and rate the interface pleas e!1@!

Messages 9 - Goomba Goomba
vs63292 pts ★ Titan
battle8675 pts ★ Expert
Anthcny wrote:
I would not trust a Python script converted to an executable, there is no point in doing that unless you wanna hide some malicious code, which is something common in Python

you're right. ill just include the source code with the exe (the exe is not recommended) if somebody didnt want to install python
Messages 9 - Goomba Goomba
vs63292 pts ★ Titan
battle8675 pts ★ Expert
@xrunner48 @Fiery make sure that you either follow the topic or keep an eye on it, the script is full of bugs i still haven't fixed.it's
very unfinished and will be fixed in the next few days
Messages 9 - Goomba Goomba
vs63292 pts ★ Titan
battle8675 pts ★ Expert
This is a very poor python script I made in 1 hour. Why? I am reviving my year old fanfic quite soon and I was tired of copypasting BBCode.
It will add BBCode automatically based on the config file.
Blazingly fast speed
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(this is literally a full episode, the gif is very slowed down because browsers hate large gifs)

It just works
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Config file layout & explanation:
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You can also do a lot of useful things. For example, if you write like that often:
*something sudden happened* you can write -r in launch options to make all these italic.

Little useful features
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Use $ in the beginning of the line in the input file. The script will ignore the line and remove the $.
You can also use the -r launch option. If you *write like that a lot* the script will convert that into italic.
The character names that were listed in the config are counted and listed in the output.

User-friendly UI
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Saves tons of time by not pasting bbcode for every character line

Note: The script places the {/bbcode} at the end of the line. Never split a dialogue into multiple times. It will also not replace everything, just character lines based on the character name at the beginning of the line so many fanfics use.
That means if you write
Mario has finally entered the castle.
the script will interpret that as a character line and modify it. Place $ at the beginning of the line so the script will ignore it.

Not supported commands: Lang. selector

Not recommended commands: url, img, youtube, quote, spoiler, centering

Supported commands: color, size, font, bold, underlining, italic, strikethrough

The script may be updated in the future. Feedback is appreciated.
Downloads (2.0)
Source code + example config(1,5 megs beacuse i love music)
Precompiled script + cfg if you don't have python installed(Windows only, because of the pip packages it's 12 megs)
Just the source code(i hate regex)
Old source code (1.3)
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Hotfix 1
Fixed the $ ignore function not working.
Hotfix 2
The script now handles UTF-8 properly.
Simple Commands have been added. (italic, underlining, bold, strikethrough)
The script will only delete $ signs at the beginning of the line.
Changed the ^ for another , in the config system to avoid confusion.
Added --replace-asterisk launch option (along with --about). If you *write like that a lot* the script will convert that into italic.
Fixed an issue where the script would prioritise characters earlier in the config file. If there's a name conflict, it will choose the longer name from the config file.
Characters that use CSS injection are now working.
Provide a working version of the script.
Added -r as a shortcut for --replace-asterisk
The character names that were listed in the config are counted and listed in the output.
Added a new GUI via tkinter with veri kuul music and title name scroll
Removed launch options
The .exe version now has a cute icon <3


[COLLAB FANFIC] MKPC Invasion (Gore Warning)

Messages 9 - Goomba Goomba
vs63292 pts ★ Titan
battle8675 pts ★ Expert

Episode 1: Sirena Beach
It's been 11 months since the prologues. The food is running out in the bunker and everybody is tired.

K: puts out the fire he summoned This is our last piece of meat.
Nudge pulls the meat out of K's hand and locks himself in the toilet, all of that in mere seconds, everybody is in shock
Pianta: YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS YOU very rude slurs that can make you sad 😥 YOU alr you get the point
K: facts
15 minutes later Nudge comes out from the toilet with the map of Delfino Island (how) and lays it on the table in the plan room and points at the Sirena Beach hotel
IlluZhion: I bet there's a shit ton of food there. Should help us if we rescue lemon and she will be hungry. silent laughing SHUT UP
Nudge: I seriously hope she dies so you finally stop complaining about her being in danger. IT'S LITERALLY BEEN 11 MONTHS
IlluZhion: "Never back down, never give up" Nick Eh 30
IlluZhion: Ikr?
Dark: Just shut up and let Nudge present his plan.
Meanwhile at the other side of the island:
Nudge: We're going to capture, by that i mean kill everyone in the hotel.
IlluZhion: we're gonna troll the civilians LMAOOOO
Pianta: Wake up babe new christchurch sequel just dropped
K: This is so D4RK bruh
Pianta: It definitely is possible. opens the closet, it's filled with guns
Pianta: Forgot about MKPCverse? I'm a police officer.
Pianta: BLEHHHHH ⁚P i am NOT doing that u can’t make me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ⁚P
Dark: Why won’t you ban them?
Popplio: he already removed your perms? increasingly smaller font I guess your ban hammer is just a normal one now.
Dark: What you want to do now; go there and kill everyone?
Nudge: Exactly. And maybe get the food that is definitely for Lemon and not for us.
K: That would be a nice test of our abilities. summons fire
IlluZhion: OK. So step 1. We arm ourselves to the fucking teeth.. Step 2. We go to the hotel. Step 3. The ultimate USA experience. Step 4: Find lemons… i mean Lemon.
Nudge: Perfect. We leave now
Popplio: But it's like 3AM! Look through the hatch.
Nudge: We attack early in the morning. It's so nobody will notice us.
everybody gets a gun and starts going to the hatch
Popplio: blows boogers :flushed: with his nose I think i have a cold....
Pianta: opens the hatch Fresh air, finally! the rest leaves after him
Nudge: We're going through the forest. We have to stay as quiet as possible or they will spot us, Let's go!
IlluZhion: Should i fly and scout the area?
Dark: I don't think we need visibility right now. We'll probably reach the hotel by 7AM.
Little did the team know, the team's phones all found a cellular tower and logged into MKPC. MKPC Notification sounds are turned off on all phones before 6AM. because its literally 1984
At Senko's home:
Senko's phone:

Senko jumps out, turns off the alarm and begins immidiately checking the bad team's accounts. All of them have connected today and by using the mod tools he found out where did the phones connect.
Senko: Gotcha! I now have to group call everyone including the new guy that got assigned to the case.
gta5 franklin ringtone
Senko: Guys. WE FOUND THEM. THE ENTIRE TEAM. They are in the forest, nearing Sirena Beach. You mustn't let them reach it, Noob, Dietsoda and a new guy meet at the entrance to the forest. The rest goes with me to the hotel.
Dietsoda: So what, do we have to go right yawns now?
Noob: At least you have a reason to wake us up this time. Senko mutes his microphone
StarSplizz: Man, I'm so flippin' tired. At least we know where they are...
Lely: yawns just give me 5 minutes..
Sorbet: See.. uh, some of you guys in the hotel!
After taking the boat the team started to gather at about 5:30AM.
At the hotel:
everyone arrives
Senko: Before you go to the forest, take thie walkie-talkie. We need to have some sort of contact between each other. The 'newbie' will be waiting for you at the entrance to the forest.
Dietsoda: takes the walkie-talkie Have fun doing nothing at the hotel!
Senko: ...
Sorbet: At least you have a valid reason to wake us up.
Senko: SHUT UP
Sorbet: sighs
Lely: yawns At least there's a nice view here. So what are we doing at the hotel?
Senko: Making sure that we get every bit of information back to the HQ. we need to stay in touch with the rest of the team, and make sure they don't reach the hotel.
Sorbet: Let's set up the base in one of the rooms on the top floor. Most of 'em should be empty.
Senko: Shit! I forgot to give them batteries for the walkie-talkie! Sorbet, get these AAs and get to them as fast as you can!
Sorbet sprints off
Meanwhile, at the edge of the forest...
Dietsoda, Noob and Starsplizz all come closer to meet the newbie
?????: Hi guys! It's a pleasure to be working with you! shakes everyone's hand My name is Axol.
Noob: We're the frickin shy guy team.
Axol: Well if you way so...
Dietsoda: You can do whatever you want, but we need to catch these mayflies ASAP. If we won't, Senko will be really angry at us.
Noob: He's right. Let's go, Axol!
After around a 30min walk, Dietsoda spots some movement.
Dietsoda: Shit! Axol, come here. Noob, hide and blend with your surroundings! QUICK!
they quickly hide, dietsoda draws his bow
Suddenly, Sorbet runs straight into them
Dietsoda, Axol and Sorbet: Ow!
Sorbet: Senko ordered to give you some batteries. He forgot to give them to you with the walkie-talkie.
some more noise is made in the distance
Dietsoda: Shhhhh! draws his bow once again
Suddenly, multiple phones start ringing with MKPC notifications. Dietsoda hears a sound extremely close to him. It's Nudge. He seems confused with all the sound nearby and isn't even looking in his direction. He's literally like a feet away from Dietsoda.
Sorbet: (sees the future) muffled laughter just shoot...
Nudge is shocked for a second, and then...
Nudge, Sorbet and Axol:

Dietsoda: HOW COULD HAVE I POSSIBLE MISSED THAT?! This is fucking humiliating. I have a feeling something bad is gonna happen... uses the walkie-talkie Hello? Senko? looks at Sorbet Nice fucking batteries.
Axol: We need to leave the forest and alert them immidiately.

Pianta: That was the funniest shit I've ever heard.
Dark: That still means they know we are nearing the hotel. I've already told the rest to turn on airplane mode.
Popplio: We should go before they alert the rest.
K: Can you give me a sec? I've gotta pee.
K goes to a nearby tree, what he doesn't realize that he is standing right in front of Noob.
K: Who the hell is this? Guys, I think I have one of 'em! pulls out a gun and shoots Noob before he runs away
Nudge: Did you just fucking piss on him?
Pianta: bro used the jarate link to tf2 wiki
IlluZhion: Guys, look! The hotel is right there!
Nudge: Okay. IlluZhion, you fly to the roof and enter the vents. The rest goes with me. We are going to do some serious trolling.
The good guys make it to the forest entrance. They can see the baddies quickly approaching
the hotel.
Dietsoda: How the hell are we gonna contact these mayflies before they reach the hotel?
Axol: Heh, guys.. I forgot to tell you something. My ability is telepathy.
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At the hotel:
StarSplizz: flies in That's the last part of the radio transmitter.
Lely: The base is set up. I am so tired. Even tho it took around a hour.
(low opacity css injection)Axol(telepathically):SENKO! SENKO CAN YOU HEAR ME??
Senko: I think I am hearing voices... Or it's just axol using his ability?
Tele-Axol: IT'S ME AXOL!
Senko: Why are you contacting me telepathically and not through the walkie-talkie?
Tele-Axol: You gave us empty batteries. Look, the members you were supposed to 'ban' are rapidly approaching the hotel. They said they are 'going to do some serious trolling' if you know what that means...
Senko: This doesn't look good. And the rest of us has no weapons... LELY, GET A GUN AND PREPARE TO FIGHT!
Lely: We are going to destroy them all!
StarSplizz: You bet!
Senko: Axol, look. Just get to the hotel as soon as possible. We need your help the most. I'll hide the guns in the fruit kiosk.
Axol: I'll tell it to the rest of the team. By the way, we don't know where Noob is. I tried contacting, but i can't seem to find him.
door opens and closes, Noob enters. He is soaked in some kind of yellow liquid :hmmmm:
Senko: What the fuck do you think you are doing?
Noob: pulls his gun out and runs to the toilet
Senko: Huh. Looks like I'll have to get another one from the base.
StarSplizz: The fluid Noob was soaked in. Was that- runs to the toilet, vomiting can be heard from it
A few minutes later:
Popplio: We're finally here. No turning back now... looks at the sign Phew, no dogs allowed.
Everybody pulls out guns
Nudge: waves to IlluZhion, who is on the roof OK, enter the vents.
Pianta: This is No Russian but IRL. pulls out a literal fucking minigun
Dark: Facts
K: Let's go! kicks the door open and throws in a flashbang
Popplio quickly shoots the receptionist pianta before he can activate the auto-lock system
Lely: What the hell is happening- flash FUCK! I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING
Senko: Looks like we'll have to fight.
StarSplizz: gets flashed mid-flight I CAN'T SEE! smashes into Senko
Meanwhile, just a few feet away...
Dietsoda: We'll have to wait till these mayflies get to the next floor so we can get the guns from the fruit stand. We can't do anything about the situation, although I mught try to snipe them from the door...
Sorbet: It's terrible hearing all those piantas die...
Axol: Wait. There's a ladder that leads to the rooftop! We could get to them using the vents!
Dietsoda: Great idea. But if we want to meet them alive we need to be quick.
Inside the hotel:
Pianta: non-stop firing the minigun HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! CRY SOME MOREEEEE!!!
Nudge: cuts a pianta (not that one) to death Looks like IlluZhion is missing out on a lot of fun...!
Suddenly, bullets starts flying from the top floor
the bad team takes cover behind the fruit stand, but it suddenly begins to levitate and flies away
Lely: AND ME TOO also starts shooting
Tele-Axol: Senko, we're entering through the vents. I hope you have some more guns in the 'base'
Senko: Understood. Some help would be appreciated a lot.
The bad team quickly runs up the staircase to the next floor and closes themselves in the spa.
Dark: This isn't looking good.
Pianta: Nonsense. Senko is wasting his energy on useless abilities.
Nudge: We just wait it out until IlluZhion gets through the vents to them.
K: Should i lit the hotel on fire? summons fire
Dark: You want to burn down the food?
K: whatever, just shut up
Popplio: I can't wait for them to finally die so we can get all the food for ourselves...
Speaking about the vents:
Illuzhion can hear multiple people entering the vents
IlluZhion: I should stay in one of the dead ends and wait until they exit the vents.
Dietsoda: Thank god I don't have claustrophobia...
Axol: The exit should be nearby.
They exit the vents, right in the room where the temporary base is. They grab some guns and meet the rest of the good team.
StarSplizz: They're here!
Lely: Nice to meet you, Axol, although we will have to wait for this massacre to end before we could actually talk.
Popplio: Guys, surrender! We've got you surronded!
Lely alter ego: Do you think you are in the MKPC police to say that. YOU AREN'T. And you think that after saying all these disgusting things and posting these disgusting videos, you will get away with it? YOU FUCKING WON'T AS LONG AS I AND SENKO ARE HERE TO PROTECT MKPC. We have been searching you for months now, and after almost a year. The time finally has come. To finally ban you FOREVER. WE WILL NOT SURRENDER. WE WILL FIGHT TO THE DEATH AND NOTHING, I REPEAT NOTHING WILL MAKE US LO-
IlluZhion charges at Lely with his horns and they literally go right through him. Illuzhion quickly jumps down to the lower floor and joins the rest of the bad team.
Lely falls down all the way to the ground floor and is slowly dying (lmao)
Nudge: Aaaaand that is the perfect example on an 'epic fail'
Senko jumps down and uses levitation on himself to slow down his fall. He then proceeds to use his ability to completely heal Lely. He passes out from the energy cost.
Lely alter ego: How? I should be d- looks at Senko, he's unconscious Shit! RETREAT! QUICK! GET DOWN HERE!
The rest of the team runs down the stairs (StarSplizz flies down), picks up Senko and run away.
Noob: who has just run out of the toilet WAIT FOR ME!
The bad team chased the good team, although they managed to get on a boat and quickly go back to Delfino Plaza.
K: Have you seen Noob get out of the toilet? That was the funniest thing I've ever seen!
Noob: We have barely managed to escape. That way too fucking close.
StarSplizz: lmao
Noob: I probably ate something stale yesterday, sorry guys.
Sorbet: big breakfast big shit
Axol: We should've checked the vents before we let Lely do his heartwarming speech.
Dietsoda: That mayfly probably hid in one of the dead ends in the vents. All we had to do was just check them. Sorry guys..
Axol: It's not your fault. It was kinda everyone's fault tbh...
Noob: Maybe. He literally wasted all of his energy on reviving you and he used so much of it I don't think he will live...
Dietsoda: That mayfly's got a point. Reviving you was probably the worst thing Senko could've done, but I still think that literally 20+ piantas that died here > you
Noob: We're here. Now we just need to rush Senko to the hospital.

Senko woke up in the hospital, extremely tired.
they hug idk man
Senko: God, I'm so fucking tired. I feel like even if I slept all day i wouldn't be able to regain my energy.
Lely: Don't say that! You're lucky to be even alive! I already called the rest when you started waking up!
StarSplizz: Finally, you're awake!
Dietsoda: I thought you were never going to wake up.
Axol: Same.
StarSplizz: But we still need to defeat the guys we were supposed to ban!
Noob: I think they could attack Gelato Beach. It's the closest to Sirena Beach and Pinna Park is
Sorbet: We're taking a boat tomorrow to fortify the place. We can't let 'em win this time.
Senko: Well good luck guys, I'll try to get out of here asap.
StarSplizz: Bye!
Noob: See you soon!
Dietsoda: I gotta go.
Sorbet: Get well soon!
Axol: Same goes for me. Goodbye!
Lely: I'll go check on you every day. Bye!
Senko: I guess it's just me now...

End of Episode 1

my target is 20kb for eps
i want 50+ for the end ep heh. new standard for fanfics.

Autogenerated using Pianta's BBCode Helper! Available right now!
erm pleas e rate and respond idk
Messages 9 - Goomba Goomba
vs63292 pts ★ Titan
battle8675 pts ★ Expert
Quick note on why I am reviving the fanfic almost a year later:
- I made a promise to myself to finish this.
- No other reason (lol)
Note for people that did not join (yet):
There ain't too many people. Why? I created the fanfic in a time where there was so many FFs people couldn't join/didn't want to be in so many FFs.
You can still join until ep2. I won't be able to think of a good way to introduce you in the story beyond that point.
(please join nodac you perfectly fit the plot!!!)
Note for people that JOINED:
I'd much rather that you don't change your character, maybe you could change personality (no 180° changes sorry). Abilities can be changed UNTIL EP1, names and colors UNTIL EP2. I am not gonna retroactively edit every episode, sorry !
Note for people that CONTRIBUTED (@TheNudgyHampter [good writer and helped a lot] & @Princess_Tsurara [your help would be appreciated because i can never get your personality right]):
DM me on MKPC and you will receive the gdoc link. Along with the personality list. And the plot I would be making to the episode.
Some help would be appreciated A LOT. especially with laying out the plot.
ik there were a few ppl that 'applied' for writer but wrote nothing, you can still dm me and help me

I MIGHT move the fanfic to another topic.

About the prologue:
It remained in a half-finished state unchanged since February 2023 (not 2024)
A lot of the episode was restructured or moved to later episodes because of plot reasons.
I stumbled upon the google doc and spontaneusly decided to finish it.
The unfinished version will be under this line, in this message, after ep1 releases.
Please note that the prologue is based on the original descriptions. I haven't been active in the forums or read fanfics for more than 5 seconds for almost half a year.

What will be my goal with this:
I want to make a fanfic longer than most of the rest and just finish the damn fanfic it's become a meme at this point 90% of the fanfics arent even getting finished!
oh also i want to make it actually funny with nice jokes

Prologue 2 of 2: Good team
It's a warm night (as always) at Delfino Plaza. It looks like a group is talking about something. They are visibly mad at somebody...
StarSplizz: Why are you pulling us out of bed at like 2AM? You know I don't sleep well, don't make it worse!
StarSplizz: Stop swearing!
Senko: You think I would drag you out of bed in the middle of the night for something unimportant?
Dietsoda: Isn't that what you do every time?
Senko: SHUT UP
Lely: Can you tell me why you forced us to go half the fucking island, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT just to meet you in the town?
Senko: *shows the phone and plays the video*
I have a an accouncement for all of you. *ISIS execution vid starts playing in the background* ALL NIG-
StarSplizz: NOONONONO- * runs to the phone and quickly pauses the video* -okay, that's enough. Who uploaded it?
Senko: Nudge. Looks like IlluZhion, Dark, Pianta, Popplio and K also contributed on the video. They are credited and they all liked the video.
Lely: How? They would never do something like that.
StarSplizz: look at the nicknames lol
Noob: Why the hell would he do that? It must be fake, his account might have been hacked or something!
*Senko pulls out doublecomptes.php* Nope.
StarSplizz: Erm... IT'S ACTUALLY HIM??? what the flip !!
Dietsoda: Why would that mayfly do that? Makes no sense!
Lely: Idk man.. but it definitely is real!
Senko: It's not my job to figure that out.
Noob: As always... Once again, it can't be them.
Lely: Looks like all evidence is stacked against you!
Senko: If you haven't realized earlier, we need to take care of 'em. They are banned, and they are a threat to (industrial) society (and its future)
Dietsoda: How about no?
Senko: Want a ban? *pulls out the ban hammer*
Senko: Great to hear that! Now we have to check their houses if they're still here. Let's go!
Dietsoda: Those mayflies won't know what hit 'em!
After breaking into every suspects' homes, they found out that every single one of the members left the houses.
Lely: Nobody's here. They must have found out, but how?
Senko: We have to find them.
Sorbet: I think they might have escaped to the east side since there's nowhere to hide on the west side.
Senko: Good point. Dietsoda, get your bow and look around the nearby forest. They can still be nearby.
Dietsoda: Why the hell do I have to go and search for those mayflies?
Lely: We're all going to report it to the MKPC news. Noob and Starsplizz are coming with you.
Nooband StarSplizz: WHY?
Senko: Because he said so.
Noob: bro got promoted
Sorbet: Makes a lot of sense. Noob can blend really well, Dietsoda sees really well and StarSplizz can fly.
Senko: That's all i wanted to hear. Now go!
*Noob, Dietsoda and StarSplizz sigh* Fine...
Lely: Let's just alert the news and search the island.
Noob: Why won't we go right to them?
Senko: Because we are NOT the FBI. We don't know where you are 24/7- I said too much.
Dietsoda: It looks like the glowies really are in my walls...
Noob: At least they are still alive (I think), right?
Lely: We can't let them escape! We need to get to MKPC News as soon as possible!

After heavy running, the group has finally reached the MKPC News studio.
*all panting*
Dietsoda: *heavy breathing* I may have abilities but unluckily it's not infinite stamina.. *looks inside* WHAT?
Senko: *already inside and finishing writing the article* Here. Publish it everywhere you can.
The guy at the counter: OK, publishing it right now.
Lely: Let me refresh the main page. Yup, it's already there.
Senko: That's all we can do now. Now we just wait for one of the members to find them.
Sorbet: So now we just wait?
Noob: What else could we do? They 'vanished'. Are you expecting me to search the island top to botom?
Dietsoda: Anybody up for a drink? There's a bar nearby.
*dietsoda and senko orders alcohol because idk and senko is canonically 800 years old the rest gets juice or cola idk*
Noob: I still don't think it was them.
Senko: It was his account, his PC, his IP. There is almost no way somebody would've done that, not even talking about the rest.
Dietsoda: Why the hell would these mayflies do this? *takes a sip* That's a one-way ticket to a ban!
StarSplizz: I don't know man. Both gore and racial slurs. Where do you even find execution videos?
Lely: It must be the *spoopy voice*DAAAAAARK WEEEEEEB where all the HAAACKERMEN ARE!!!!
Sorbet: Never knew they worked with Jey.....
Everybody: 😳😳😱😱😱😱😱
Senko: Guys, stop. This is a serious situation. But there's nothing we can do, at least for now.
Lely: The sun is rising... I think we should go to bed. I have to go. Bye!
StarSplizz: Right... I need to gain back all the sleep I have lost. See you guys!
Sorbet: Same for me. See you later!
Noob: Heh, time for me to go... Bye!
Dietsoda: I'm gonna stay here for some time. What about you, Senko?
Senko: I am going to be late for work, so no, I can't.
*Everybody except Dietsoda has left*
Dietsoda: *takes a sip again* I guess it's just me now.
*camera starts slowly zooming out from Dietsoda, the voice also gets quieter*
Dietsoda: This can't be good. I hope Nudge and the rest is alright...
Toad: Same.
Dietsoda: WH- *screen cuts to black*

End of Prologue 2
Autogenerated using Pianta's BBCode Helper! Available right now!
In my opinion the plot is kinda mid. Probably because I wrote it almost a year ago.
also please respond because i dont want to triple post :(

Replace MKPC assets with Local Overrides | Tutorial

Messages 9 - Goomba Goomba
vs63292 pts ★ Titan
battle8675 pts ★ Expert
Tutorial for local overrides in Chromium based browsers

1. You NEED to have a Chromium based browser for this (Check if yours is compatible here) why? i am not sure if other browser engines have the same development features the Chromium engine has.
2. Open DevTools with either F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I.
3. Check is device emulation is off. If it isn't, turn it off.
4. Open the three dot menu and click the option to have DevTools as a separate window, if you don't, the DevTools window will obstruct half of your screen. It works best if you have multiple screens so you don't need to alt-tab.
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Getting files
5. Open the game page (/mariokart.php) and go into the network page in the DevTools window. Make sure that it's recording. You might want to turn on filters to search for images/audio files. Replacing images is a lot more time consuming though.
6. Go into a stage (when recording) and look at the files that appear.
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Example with the audio file filter on:

7. Right-click one of the files you want to replace, and click override headers. A prompt will appear, asking you to choose a folder for overrides. After you choose, a prompt will pop up asking you for access to that directory. Click allow. The header file will pop up. Delete it. It was just to create directories for us. You can also use the MKPC Github (the images and musics folders) as a reference.
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Replacing the files
8. Let's replace selection-remix.mp3 (char select) for this example. Get the file that you want to replace the char select with and put it in the correct directory. IT NEEDS TO BE IN THE SAME FORMAT AS THE ONE USED NORMALLY e.g If you're replacing a .mp3 file, you NEED to replace it with a .mp3 file. Renaming doesn't work, the codec must be the same. If you want to replace a .mp3 file with a .wav file, you need to use tools like ffmpeg to change the codec.
You can check if the directory is correct here:
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If the directory is not correct, you need to create the folders.
For example: if the directory created was /musics/events, but the file i want to replace is in /musics/menu, you need to create a menu folder in the musics directory.
9. If everything is correct and you put the files correctly, refresh the page.
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10. If these gray/purple icons appear in the network tab, you have replaced the files CORRECTLY. Congrats!
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Misc and optional things
11. Note: You need to have DevTools open 100% of the time if you want these overrides to work. just keep the separate DevTools window open all the time. TURN OFF NETWORK RECORDING OR YOU WILL EXPERIENCE TERRIBLE FRAMEDROPS
You can also combine audio replacements with Stylebot to make the game look even better!

Stylebot example here:
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Example replacements folder:
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(chose a random russian song for the replacement (idk russian btw 🤔))

Known issues
Either some sfx won't be replaced, or the music cuts off after 5 seconds.
How to fix: Refresh the page until it works (lmao). Blame Wargor for not storing the sfx and downloading them every time e.g menu sounds
Feel free to comment/dm me if you did something wrong or the tutorial isn't working and like if the tutorial worked correctly.

If you need a little more help:
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A lil' cheat sheet for replacing music.
All files go in the musics/maps folder.
SNES Maps [map1-8]
map1.mp3: SNES Mario Circuit
map2.mp3: SNES Donut Plains
map3.mp3: SNES Koopa Beach
map4.mp3: SNES Choco Island
map5.mp3: SNES Vanilla Lake
map6.mp3: SNES Ghost Valley
map7.mp3: SNES Bowser Castle
map8.mp3: SNES Rainbow Road
map9.mp3: SNES Battle Mode
GBA Maps [map10-23]
map10.mp3: GBA Peach/Mario/Luigi Circuit
map11.mp3: GBA Shy Guy Beach/Cheep Cheep Island
map12.mp3: GBA Riverside Park
map13.mp3: GBA Bowser Castle
map14.mp3: GBA Boo Lake/Broken Pier
map15.mp3: GBA Cheese Land
map16.mp3: GBA Sky Garden
map17.mp3: GBA Sunset Wilds
map18.mp3: GBA Snow Land
map19.mp3: GBA Ribbon Road
map20.mp3: GBA Yoshi Desert
map21.mp3: GBA Lakeside Park
map22.mp3: GBA Rainbow Road
map23.mp3: GBA Battle Mode
DS Tracks [map24-41]
Race tracks
map24.mp3: DS Figure-8-Circuit/Mario Circuit
map25.mp3: DS Yoshi Falls
map26.mp3: DS Cheep Cheep Beach
map27.mp3: DS Luigi's Mansion
map28.mp3: DS Desert Hills
map29.mp3: DS Delfino Square
map30.mp3: DS Waluigi Pinball/Wario Stadium
map31.mp3: DS Shroom Ridge
map32.mp3: DS DK Pass
map33.mp3: DS Tick Tock Clock
map34.mp3: DS Airship Fortress
map35.mp3: DS Peach Gardens
map36.mp3: DS Bowser's Castle
map37.mp3: DS Rainbow Road
Battle tracks
map38.mp3: DS Nintendo DS
map39.mp3: DS Twilight House
map40.mp3: DS Palm Shore
map41.mp3: DS Tart Top
Hopefully it will make your customizing/replacing music experience better.

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