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Stop Banning My One Course!

Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
croassung wrote:
show me a picture of the course

It's just a number 1!

which of these are you talking about (none are published btw) or is it in complete mode?
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
croassung wrote:
show me a picture of the course

It's just a number 1!

but what does it look like? I need to know so I can see what the problem is
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
show me a picture of the course

Share nostalgic moments here

Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
i had a ds before in Venezuela and it had Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games
basically some Mario and Sonic characters competing in the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics with some imaginary sports added called Dream Events
my favorite dream event is extreme snowboarding


Who’s your favorite character in anything Nintendo!

Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
RADIOACTIVE WAFFLE & The God of destroying friendships

id say blue shell's the god of war
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wait that's ares
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Does Mario count?
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its [yt]YouTubeLink[/yt]
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Dietsoda wrote:
Tails- wrote:

Not really a Nintendo character is he?


Ashton should get Banned.

Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Worst of all. He never listened and keeps on stealing tracks.

or he doesnt know how to reply or react or he uploads them without using his account
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
might be offtopic but ive accidentally done the same thing too long time ago but id rather not talk about it...

Share your favorite video game OSTs

Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer

Chatroom :>

Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
croassung wrote:
Why there an account warning I didn’t do anything wrong to deserve this I’m just an innocent.


what does it say

Multi-Post / Double-Posts even after verbal warning. Putting everything in one message isn't hard, unless it's about quoting multiple replies.

That it even means. And also it doesn’t count as it on the rule.

i think you posted a message more than 2 times in a row
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Why there an account warning I didn’t do anything wrong to deserve this I’m just an innocent.


what does it say
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Κίτρινος τέσσερις είναι εδώ

i really haven't learned these words yet except for είναι
i also got greek keyboard
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
croassung wrote:
croassung wrote:
Hello! Becuase I’m sigma

What did he mean by this?

Greek letter.

I know what Sigma is, what the hell does this message mean?

It means Σ = Your Mom Is Cool.

errrrm ackshually it means "S" ☝🤓

errrrm ackshually its "Z" if its in the end of a word☝🤓

errm ackshually if its not then it's S ☝🤓

errrrrrrrrrrm aceksuli this is the greek alphabet:
Αα Ββ Γγ Δδ Εε Ζζ Ηη Θθ Ιι Κκ Λλ Μμ Νν Ξξ Οο Ππ Ρρ Σσς Ττ Υυ Φφ Χχ Ψψ Ωω ☝🤓

ναι σωστά

im learning Greek in duolingo im currently on section 1 unit 1
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
croassung wrote:
Hello! Becuase I’m sigma

What did he mean by this?

Greek letter.

I know what Sigma is, what the hell does this message mean?

It means Σ = Your Mom Is Cool.

errrrm ackshually it means "S" ☝🤓

errrrm ackshually its "Z" if its in the end of a word☝🤓

errm ackshually if its not then it's S ☝🤓

errrrrrrrrrrm aceksuli this is the greek alphabet:
Αα Ββ Γγ Δδ Εε Ζζ Ηη Θθ Ιι Κκ Λλ Μμ Νν Ξξ Οο Ππ Ρρ Σσς Ττ Υυ Φφ Χχ Ψψ Ωω ☝🤓
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Hello! Becuase I’m sigma

What did he mean by this?

Greek letter.

I know what Sigma is, what the hell does this message mean?

It means Σ = Your Mom Is Cool.

errrrm ackshually it means "S" ☝🤓

errrrm ackshually its "Z" if its in the end of a word☝🤓
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Hello! Becuase I’m sigma

What did he mean by this?

Greek letter.

im learning greek in duolingo
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer

A little game

Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
we be cookin at shy guys rn

Give Me Your Tracks And I Will Rate It 1 To 10!

Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer

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