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Messages 11 - Koopa Koopa
vs5555 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Hi everyone, I need an Idea for a game I want to make.
Messages 11 - Koopa Koopa
vs5555 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Hello its Mrt2244 but I lost My old account so...

I like toast...

describe the vegan teacher in 5 words

Messages 11 - Koopa Koopa
vs5555 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Vegan teacher: I hate meat!!
(same vegan teacher when devouring a big mac.)

Fêtez les anniversaires des autres ici/Celebrate other people's birthdays here

Messages 11 - Koopa Koopa
vs5555 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
i miss did my birthday today is actually my birthday facepalm

well happy birthday today.hb
Messages 11 - Koopa Koopa
vs5555 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice

The letter "a" isn't allowed.

Messages 11 - Koopa Koopa
vs5555 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
seems like I'm _pking forever now.
Messages 11 - Koopa Koopa
vs5555 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Teon5072 wrote:
The unenlightened msses
They cnnot mke the judgement cll
Give up free will forever their voices won't be herd t ll
Disply obedience
While never stepping out of line
nd blindly swer llegince
Let your country control your mind
Live in ignornce
nd purchse your hppiness
When blood nd swet is the rel cost
Thinking ceses, the truth is lost
Don't you worry
You'll be told exctly wht to do
I give my people the lives they need
The righteous will succeed
The fires of greed will burn the wek
So we'll mke freedom obsolete
Mking whole the fbric of society
Collective consciousness controlled s you will see
Let your country control your soul
Let your country control your soul
Let your country control your soul
Let your country control your soul
Yes!?... Maybe??
Messages 11 - Koopa Koopa
vs5555 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Messages 11 - Koopa Koopa
vs5555 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
hello, the letter " " isn't  llowed here.

im back after a little while

Messages 11 - Koopa Koopa
vs5555 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Welcome back jereistrash I also took a break from mkpc.

What are some ridiculous claims you've heard people come up with?

Messages 11 - Koopa Koopa
vs5555 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
I watch a video of a woman saying "I don't think dinosaurs were real because were are their bones"

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