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2D Mario Platformer Multicup

Messages 108 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4915 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
South Africa
Hello guys! Here we are making a multicup where all the tracks/arenas are based of 2D Mario levels.
-If your course want to be here-
1.Not too short/long
2.Complete mode only
3.Cannot be stolen by someone
4.Have to be themed after a 2D Mario level (Example: Super Acorn Circuit, Acorn Plains from NSMBU)
5.Many detail
6.Tracks need to be possible
7.Two tracks themed after the same level = The better one will be accepted
8.When you submit the track, the level it is themed after is stated
9. Tracks based of Super Mario World already exsists in SMK.

Muilti-Spoil Challenge

Messages 108 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4915 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
South Africa
Hi guys!
I am your host, @WyattBuilder, and my second challenge for you guys.
Put something in the last 'spoiler'.
Minimum is 2.
Maximum is 30.

Um... is this topic really necessary cause it looked like a topic about only spamming messages.

These messages are unique that they are from 2-30 and have something in every spoiler.
Messages 108 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4915 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
South Africa
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Messages 108 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4915 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
South Africa
Hi guys!
I am your host, @WyattBuilder, and my second challenge for you guys.
Put something in every 'spoiler'.
Minimum is 2.
Maximum is 30.

Let's make QM tiles for every official Keroro Gunso : Taiketsu! Keroro Cart de Arimasu Track together

Messages 108 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4915 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
South Africa
TwilightGD wrote:
Let's make QM tiles for every official Keroro Gunso : Taiketsu! Keroro Cart de Arimasu Track together super

So, that topic came to my mind after seeing lots of people requesting new Tracks for quick mode (the qm in the title), that made me thought "why don't we, the community, make them ourselfes?", and here we are now.

This topic was made to send QM tilesets (and maybe Backgrounds for the Tracks that don't have one in the base game) of other official MK Tracks that are not already in MKPC's quick mode, but in some way, also the ones that already are, I'll explain it below.

What I mean is that you can make tilesets for already existing Tracks in QM, but the remakes/reimaginations of such, that means that you can, for example, make a tileset of 8's remake of Ribbon Road, or you can also make it based on reimaginations of other people of the community, but for this case, please put the link of the original Track, so people can know what you're basing it off.

Warning! By sending your tileset here, you will be allowing anyone to use it

Here are two examples of how you can organize the tiles:
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To make a tileset, use a painting software. I recommend the tiles being each a square of 100px. I also recommend that, if you are making a tileset for a Track with sections, make each section a different tileset, since each section is normally very different from the others.

Down I'll put the Tracks that were already sended here, they will be separated in 3 different sections, each with other sections for the specified game the Tracks come from. This will not use a slot system, meaning you will still be able to make tilesets for tracks that have already been made. The way the credits will be made is by showing your name and in which page the tileset was sended, both after the Track name.
I.G: Momoka Circuit (Wigglericon, page 1)

Mainline Games: Tilesets for the mainline games, from Keroro Gunso : Taiketsu! Keroro Cart de Arimasu
Keroro Gunso : Taiketsu! Keroro Cart de Arimasu
Momoka Circuit (Blobby-MKPC, page 3)
Dokkih Hole Circuit (WyattBulider, page 4)
Sun Turh Circuit (TwilightGD, page 5)
Kero Island Circuit (triple_yoshi_exploshi, page 4)


could you not?

Did you know Wigglericon is following me?


Wargor wrote:
-Do not spam, nor flood.
     Examples for spam :
         - One-word posts like "Lol" "oh" "Yeah" that add nothing to the conversation

See? That is one of the rules. 2 people broke the same rule.
Messages 108 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4915 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
South Africa
Let's make QM tiles for every official Keroro Gunso : Taiketsu! Keroro Cart de Arimasu Track together super

So, that topic came to my mind after seeing lots of people requesting new Tracks for quick mode (the qm in the title), that made me thought "why don't we, the community, make them ourselfes?", and here we are now.

This topic was made to send QM tilesets (and maybe Backgrounds for the Tracks that don't have one in the base game) of other official MK Tracks that are not already in MKPC's quick mode, but in some way, also the ones that already are, I'll explain it below.

What I mean is that you can make tilesets for already existing Tracks in QM, but the remakes/reimaginations of such, that means that you can, for example, make a tileset of 8's remake of Ribbon Road, or you can also make it based on reimaginations of other people of the community, but for this case, please put the link of the original Track, so people can know what you're basing it off.

Warning! By sending your tileset here, you will be allowing anyone to use it

Here are two examples of how you can organize the tiles:
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To make a tileset, use a painting software. I recommend the tiles being each a square of 100px. I also recommend that, if you are making a tileset for a Track with sections, make each section a different tileset, since each section is normally very different from the others.

Down I'll put the Tracks that were already sended here, they will be separated in 3 different sections, each with other sections for the specified game the Tracks come from. This will not use a slot system, meaning you will still be able to make tilesets for tracks that have already been made. The way the credits will be made is by showing your name and in which page the tileset was sended, both after the Track name.
I.G: Momoka Circuit (@Wigglericon, page 1)

Mainline Games: Tilesets for the mainline games, from Keroro Gunso : Taiketsu! Keroro Cart de Arimasu
Keroro Gunso : Taiketsu! Keroro Cart de Arimasu
Momoka Circuit (@Blobby-MKPC, page 3)
Dokkih Hole Circuit (@WyattBulider, page 4)
Sun Turh Circuit (@TwilightGD, page 5)
Kero Island Circuit (@triple_yoshi_exploshi, page 4)


could you not?

Did you know Wigglericon is following me?

Show us your profile pic. evolution!

Messages 108 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4915 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
South Africa
Show us your profile pic. evolution!
Here, I will show you my profile picture evolution:https://i.postimg.cc/rFWpj0DS/wyattbuilder-profile-pics.png
This is my signature Builder Toad profile picture. (second and current)
"Builder" was also part of my nickname.
Anyways show me your profile picture evolution!
Your first profile picture is just the first letter of your name in a random color background.
1.https://i.postimg.cc/8zjtxGVB/warn.png No users with the default profile pic.
@WyattBuilder (Introduction Page)
Have a good day!

Let's make QM tiles for every official Sonic Drift Track together

Messages 108 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs4915 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
South Africa
Let's make QM tiles for every official Sonic Drift Track together super

So, that topic came to my mind after seeing lots of people requesting new Tracks for quick mode (the qm in the title), that made me thought "why don't we, the community, make them ourselfes?", and here we are now.

This topic was made to send QM tilesets (and maybe Backgrounds for the Tracks that don't have one in the base game) of other official MK Tracks that are not already in MKPC's quick mode, but in some way, also the ones that already are, I'll explain it below.

What I mean is that you can make tilesets for already existing Tracks in QM, but the remakes/reimaginations of such, that means that you can, for example, make a tileset of 8's remake of Ribbon Road, or you can also make it based on reimaginations of other people of the community, but for this case, please put the link of the original Track, so people can know what you're basing it off.

Warning! By sending your tileset here, you will be allowing anyone to use it

Here are two examples of how you can organize the tiles:
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To make a tileset, use a painting software. I recommend the tiles being each a square of 100px. I also recommend that, if you are making a tileset for a Track with sections, make each section a different tileset, since each section is normally very different from the others.

Down I'll put the Tracks that were already sended here, they will be separated in 3 different sections, each with other sections for the specified game the Tracks come from. This will not use a slot system, meaning you will still be able to make tilesets for tracks that have already been made. The way the credits will be made is by showing your name and in which page the tileset was sended, both after the Track name.
I.G: Mario Circuit (@Dudzi, page 1)

Mainline Games: Tilesets for the mainline games, from Super Mario Kart to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Sonic Drift
Green Hill (@GameGearFellas, page 3)
Marble Zone (@Blobby-MKPC, page 4)
Spring Yard (@Blobby-MKPC, page 5)
Scrap Brain (@WyattBulider, page 4)
Star Light (@TwilightGD, page 5)
Labyrinth (@TwilightGD, page 5)
Sonic Drift 2
Emerald Hill (@Blobby-MKPC, page 1)
Hill Top (@RedPikmin95, page 2)
Dark Valley (@Dudzi, page 2)
Casino Night (@TwilightGD, page 1)
Iron Road (@Blobby-MKPC, page 4)
Rainy Savanna (@RedPikmin95, page 4)
Ice Cap (@WyattBuilder, page 4)
Desert Road (@triple_yoshi_exploshi's, page 4)
Desert Road 2 (@triple_yoshi_exploshi's, page 5)
Mystic Cave (@Blobby-MKPC, page 4)
Emerald Hill 2 (@Blobby-MKPC, page 5)
Quake Cave (@TwilightGD, page 3)
Balloon Panic (@Blobby-MKPC, page 4)
Emerald Beach (@WyattBuilder, page 5)
Milky Way (@TwilightGD, page 4)
Death Egg (@WyattBuilder, page 5)
You know I'm a follower of you and you mentioned our names in here... I see you said "8's remake of Ribbon Road''and''(Mario Circuit), @Dudzi''' despite being called Sonic Drift

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