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[T] Tag Team Tournament

Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master
InfiNate wrote:
Anyone available to be my partner?

I can be your partner if you want 8)
But I think it isn't fair

Teams on Mario Kart PC !

Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master
man i wish i can join :(

It's dead xD. It's like the 1st Version of MKPC Pro League. It wasn't very good trust me
Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master
We did a clan war with the new teams created BW and DS.

Results :
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My POV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iEGO0UQKbU

Webkinz POV (@KoopaFan37) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcdGGVn5to4
Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master
Ok, sorry.
Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master
ZeKirio wrote:
I would like to register my MKC clan here if that is fine.

Ok but you would have to join the discord

I already am XD.I'm @ChadGamesU#9037

No, this Discord server : https://discord.gg/9wgzkNt
Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master
I would like to register my MKC clan here if that is fine.

Ok but you would have to join the discord
Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master
Rejoignez ce serveur Discord pour les mogis
Join this Discord server for mogis

Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master
/!\ Nouvelle annonce pour les wars et mogis :
Si vous êtes 7 les points seront : 10, 8,6,4,3,2,1
Si vous êtes 6 : 10,7,5,3,2,1
Si vous êtes 5 : 9,7,5,3,1
Si vous êtes 4 : 8,4,6,2
Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master
InfiNate wrote:
Alright guys, I'm officially on Multi Team.

Ok genial
Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master
BDZ_Elix wrote:
[officiel] Je crée ma team BDZ

Ok mais je l'ai dit il y a pas longtemps, il te faut 5 membres pour créer ton équipe (toi + 4 autres) donc il faut que tu recrutes des gens (en message privés par exemple) 8)
Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master
GGs !!!! fete

Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master
Megawolf wrote:
BeastXP wrote:
ZeKirio wrote:
Ok, tell me when you found your members ;)
I'd like to join a team but this is a school computer so discord is blocked for me:(

After, you will have to join the discord it's very important.

Ethan m'a dit que BeastXP ne pouvait pas car il n'avait pas le droit ou quelque chose comme ça...

You can have it on phone :p

Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master
Ok, tell me when you found your members ;)

After, you will have to join the discord it's very important.
Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master

French :
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Si quelqu'un souhaiterais créer sa propre équipe qui le dise sur le topic ou en message privé avec : @ZeKirio (moi), @Neemo, @Ryubix ou @Yazid. Cela pourrait rajouter du piment au championnat. Cependant, il faudrait que vous y invitiez plusieurs personne avant de créer l'équipe
car une équipe avec 1 membre n'est pas recommandée. Le nombre idéal serait 5 personnes minimum.

English :
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If anyone would like to create their team own, say it on the topic or in private message with: @ZeKirio (me), @Neemo, @Ryubix or @Yazid. That could add spice to the championship. However, you would have to invite several people before creating the team
because a team with 1 member isn't recommended. The ideal number would be 5 people minimum.
Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master
FR La Team TC (Team Crazy) n'existe plus désormais snif les explications sur ce topic : https://mkpc.malahieude.net/topic.php?topic=4221
EN Team TC (Team Crazy) no longer exists snif explanations on this topic : https://mkpc.malahieude.net/topic.php?topic=4221
Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master

Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master
Yes you can but there is a lot of people in SD :s8)
Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master
New Team : Hispania (HS)
Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master
Rejoignez ce serveur Discord c'est très important ! : https://discord.gg/9wgzkNt

Join this Discord server it's very important ! : https://discord.gg/9wgzkNt
Messages 2168 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs145646 pts ★ Superstar
battle15816 pts ★ Master
Demain peut être ou le week-end prochain

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