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Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
I wish spoilers were real.

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there are

Center for Crivility Studies of MKPC

Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
OK Thx
Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
i dont know how to remove pings
Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
MrSnakePro wrote:
MrSnakePro wrote:
Kommisar_K wrote:
Hello, and welcome to the Center for Crivility Studies of MKPC! We are an organization dedicated to the study and containment of the deadly Forum Kid species.
This site will receive recent Crivility Center news, including recent sightings, study and autopsy reports, and more!

Join us in the mission to keep MKPC safe and crivility-free!

Apply on this topic to join the Center for Crivility Studies of MKPC!

Applications are reviewed by the board of members. Acceptance is not guaranteed

Our Members


Btw, im an alt of @Nin_PlayerYT (im on Holidays so i cant have my PC) See you on my Main Account. P.S i Comeback next day (13 of this month) :DDD

cant you just sign into it?

No , i dont have the Password but im still in my Account so its Not problem

you can just ask senko for the password

What, does he have Something (Like a Password list of all Users) ?
Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
MrSnakePro wrote:
Kommisar_K wrote:
Hello, and welcome to the Center for Crivility Studies of MKPC! We are an organization dedicated to the study and containment of the deadly Forum Kid species.

This site will receive recent Crivility Center news, including recent sightings, study and autopsy reports, and more!

Join us in the mission to keep MKPC safe and crivility-free!

Apply on this topic to join the Center for Crivility Studies of MKPC!

Applications are reviewed by the board of members. Acceptance is not guaranteed

Our Members


Btw, im an alt of @Nin_PlayerYT (im on Holidays so i cant have my PC) See you on my Main Account. P.S i Comeback next day (13 of this month) :DDD

cant you just sign into it?

No , i dont have the Password but im still in my Account so its Not problem
Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Kommisar_K wrote:
Hello, and welcome to the Center for Crivility Studies of MKPC! We are an organization dedicated to the study and containment of the deadly Forum Kid species.

This site will receive recent Crivility Center news, including recent sightings, study and autopsy reports, and more!

Join us in the mission to keep MKPC safe and crivility-free!

Apply on this topic to join the Center for Crivility Studies of MKPC!

Applications are reviewed by the board of members. Acceptance is not guaranteed

Our Members


Btw, im an alt of @Nin_PlayerYT (im on Holidays so i cant have my PC) See you on my Main Account. P.S i Comeback next day (13 of this month) :DDD
Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Yes ik, He was also pretty angry in a 1v1 (Me vs Budze) i can help to make a Text over Budze , so feel free to ask me in a private Message up

/!\ Report / Signalements /!\

Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Yoshi649 wrote:
I can't share tracks


Wrong topic
Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Senko wrote:
Senko wrote:
i'm surprised tendo hasn't been banned yet for what he did (also sorry for not saying context but i said something along the lines of "brb, gonna kill some [UTTP] officers" and coneur (tendo) responded with the message i sent in this forum)

Like I said he should be affected by the ban because one of those accounts was his alt and the ban was an ip ban

weird, doesn't show he's banned. maybe its just a graphical glitch on my part

I also don't see his ban on my screen

He literally needs to log back on his account so it can be affected by the ip ban, if he doesn't do that then it won't show up, but otherwise his account is still cooked sooooo

I am VEERY surprised how he STILL hasn't logged on to his main account
it's almost like he knows he will be banned if he logs into his main account

I know that isnt the right topic but Here a little context to that thing with tendokiddo, he leaved MKPC so He dont log in. (Where i know that? , i was talking with him on YouTube.) Here Is an Image: https://ibb.co/1RcD6rL

Anyways, i dont wanna Talk much of that because it would be ending in the nothing. Have a good day!
Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
HiImAndrew wrote:
Penis Track


lmfao that's not even a penis bro


Cursed Images

Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
tendokiddo wrote:
The topic explains itself!

I don't think this is as a cursed image but it kinda counts, right?

Does Tendokiddo counts as cursed too??? XD

/!\ MKPC CT Lounge

Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
MKPC_ wrote:
Fiery wrote:
MKPC_ wrote:



Bro He Is Just jokeing

Ask me everything!

Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Theo666 wrote:
Do u watch south park
Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Senko wrote:
Why is your profile picture a Third generation Fiat Panda in is Panda Cross version

Because i own that car (my dad owns that car
Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
I Have Been Looking For This Topic FOREVER

So Hi!

Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Would You Rather Be Able To Fly Or Be Able To Be Invisible

I say Fly because flying IS cool
Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
MrSnakePro wrote:
Stop with These nonsense Messages


Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Stop with These nonsense Messages
Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
MrSnakePro wrote:
MrSnakePro wrote:
if you were president, what would you do for america

im not american, im german.

But If i were President i would make the country better :)

but how


Idk tells nothing

IDK tells I dont know

That's the only thing it means
So If Your Where President You Will Do Something You Don't Know And If You Do You Probably Won't Be President (Anyways Your Not President So I Don't Care)

I dont wanna that im President soo
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i dont care
Messages 30 - Koopa Koopa
vs9198 pts ★ Expert
battle5717 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
MrSnakePro wrote:
if you were president, what would you do for america

im not american, im german.

But If i were President i would make the country better :)

but how


Idk tells nothing

IDK tells I dont know

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