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gliders for mario kart pc

Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
I don't think that gliders would fit Mario Kart PC.

I Make New Mario Kart COMING SOON !!!

Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
Mario Kart Luigiboo

Meme of the Day

Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
Coopa2-64 wrote:
But Why Do The Quick Mode SNES Bowser Castle Have No Walls!!1!1!1!https://i.postimg.cc/9f9fCPmR/7gdjnq.jpg

Bowser wants his castle to be dangerous.
Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
There's 20 players in online mode.
I go to online mode and I think it will be very fun to play with so many opponents.
A lot of players got kicked out because they didn't choose the circuit, so there's 5 users (considering me) remaining.
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Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
Coopa2-64 wrote:
I Just Want Granola Bars 🥺

I Give You Granola Bars!
Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
Coopa2-64 wrote:
I Just Want Granola Bars 🥺

It's true. It's really true! snif

Annoying problem.

Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
I don't know what happened, but I finally published the track!
Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
osc-omb wrote:
I can't publish my circuit! I press the "Share circuit" button and nothing happen! I refreshed the page a couple of times and still the same thing! What's wrong?

Oh yeah I've the same problem, the menu isn't showing up. Might be a mobile problem?

I play on a laptop.
Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
I can't publish my circuit! I press the "Share circuit" button and nothing happen! I refreshed the page a couple of times and still the same thing! What's wrong?


Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
Ban the word

Sorry for asking this, but
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what's wrong with this word?

I have 2 questions.

Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
1. What happens to the cup when the circuit that is part of it is removed?
2. What happens to the multicup when the cup that is part of it is removed?

I don't really know, but I think that the cup where the track is deleted will be gone, and if a cup is removed, the multicup just lose... This cup.

Good guess, but I want to know more precise information

Then try it? That's the easiest way to find out.

I tried. @DaisyPeachandKeeby68 is right!
Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
1. What happens to the cup when the circuit that is part of it is removed?
2. What happens to the multicup when the cup that is part of it is removed?

I don't really know, but I think that the cup where the track is deleted will be gone, and if a cup is removed, the multicup just lose... This cup.

Good guess, but I want to know more precise information
Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
1. What happens to the cup when the circuit that is part of it is removed?
2. What happens to the multicup when the cup that is part of it is removed?

Bootleg Nintendo.

Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
Mauro Bros.
Baby Don-Kingkon
Supreme Mauro Bros.
Supreme Mauro Every Star
Supreme Mauro 2D World
Supreme Mauro Aw-They-See
Supreme Mario Carts
The Folk Tale About Thulda
Angry Mole Who Hates You For Resetting This Game Crossing
Crossing: New Harry's Sons (that mole was arrested because he was too rude)
Mauro Carts 65
Supreme Mauro 65
L Is Real Mansion
Luge Supreme Mauro
Sonnkey The Beaver (I know that Sonic the Hedgehog isn't a Nintendo Game)
Supreme Mauro Super Duper Show

Why TendoZhion was banned?

Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
Why @TendoZhion was banned?

New things added this April Fools' Day

Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
People said that there was Luigi character who's worse than vanilla Luigi.

Aluigi? Nah I have seen no diference, im I blind?

Yes, Aluigi. I remember Osc-Omb calling him Aluigi. I don't know was this character actually named like that, but I remember people saying that Aluigi is a custom character added into the roster.
Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
People said that there was Luigi character who's worse than vanilla Luigi.
Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
New things added today:
1. Antarctica country selection;
2. Dark Shell, which is like Blue Shell, but attacks the last participant.
Has anything else been added this April Fools' Day?

There is still a lot of ranting here

Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
I wonder if this will continue...

People sometimes are really rude even for such trifles like not having Discord.

Course music bug

Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs23134 pts ★ Legend
battle9105 pts ★ Expert
Idk if anyone else has this same bizarre glitch as me right now but whenever I play multicups, after the first race, all the tracks after that have NO music. It mostly fixes itself when you quit & try again, though

Someone tell Wargor to fix this. No one's brought it up yet and it's happening for a few days now so I'm reporting this bug here since no official topic for reporting bugs exists.

I have this too. I think that the game is just loading the video. Same thing with custom characters that use custom victory themes.

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