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I introduced my mom to video games xD
On 2023-05-30 at 18:41:09
Editing this text so no one knows what I said.
you said "". you can't just edit out your message, everyone can see that you said "".
I never understood what you meant by whar
Personnally whar both looks and sounds horrible
I am in your walls
Oh so you're the thing I just heard walking in my ceiling
That's called stalking. Were you raised and taught by Max ?
Oh, is that a yes ? Guess I need to take lessons for myself too then, it seems to have worked. Thanks for the help! 😃
If we're signing up for stalking classes, where can I join?
Don't mind me I'm just eating ramen inside Lely's ceiling and playing a totally legit copy of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate because Neko and xrunner are here as well and I wanted to play against them to pass time
"why is there a fourth player"
"Who Connected A Joycon!??! We Put Those In The Attic!"
On 2023-05-22 at 02:16:59
Editing this text so no one knows what I said.
People Still Know What You Said Though.
Also, I Completely Forgot About the Point of This Topic Because of You
On 2023-05-19 at 05:59:48
How Long Did It Take Her To Beat It?
How do you inflate a balloon on phone in battle mode?
On 2023-06-23 at 01:08:35
Honestly, I don't think there is a button for that 💀
The Select Button
The Select Button on Controllers Inflate Balloons!?
For Mario Kart DS, YES!
I Thought You Meant On MKPC...
On 2023-06-23 at 01:06:37
Honestly, I don't think there is a button for that 💀
The Select Button
The Select Button on Controllers Inflate Balloons!?
How do i use "Custom Image" in the multicup editor for a cup?
On 2023-06-22 at 19:24:30
Are You Trying To Use a Custom Image For The Cup Icon? Because To Change The Cup Icon To a Custom One You Have To Use a URL
Anarchy track
On 2023-06-22 at 18:24:55
It Works
[Game] I have an object./J'ai l'objet.
On 2023-06-07 at 07:53:31
I take apart the mechanical clock and make it the world's biggest spring.
je te vole ce ressort puis je l'implante dans une usine de champis ressorts de Super Mario Galaxy
J'ai des tonnes de champi ressorts
J'utilise tous les ressorts pour créer Spring Yard Zone
I Destroy Spring Yard Zone And Use The Springs And Metal To Make Atomic Power Robot
The Atomic Power Robot destroys itself and I turn the hunk of junk it became into ChatGPT
I ask ChatGPT how to turn it into a car and I use the instructions to make the CarGPT.
GPT, more like "J'ai pété", which means i farted in french, and i turned your CarGPT into French Fries
Well I ate them so now there is nothing
I have nothing to do and to feel and nothing in my life so I commit su*cide.
I have blood. Lots of blood.
Your blood is donated to some peeps at a hospital
A vampire comes along and drinks the blood
You're blood is secretly tomato soup.
I am at the hospital and I go to therapy because one of the patients drink it and they vomit. I have several nightmares
Dw, I ended them but now have your sleep paralysis demon
I got him out with the Poltergeist 5000. Now I have an useless vacuum.
I crank up the power so much that the suction causes a black hole to appear.
I have a black hole.
je fais une révélation au trou noir
J'ai le 4ème album du groupe Muse (Black Holes and Revelations)
Je chante Starlight, je me détruis les cordes vocales.
J'ai une tasse de camomille et de sirop pour la toux
Je vide la tasse et je met du chocolat chaud.
Jai une tasse de chocolat chaud
I Turn The Hot Chocolate And It's Cup Into a Statue Of Garfield
On 2023-06-06 at 17:17:03
I take apart the mechanical clock and make it the world's biggest spring.
je te vole ce ressort puis je l'implante dans une usine de champis ressorts de Super Mario Galaxy
J'ai des tonnes de champi ressorts
J'utilise tous les ressorts pour créer Spring Yard Zone
I Destroy Spring Yard Zone And Use The Springs And Metal To Make Atomic Power Robot
I hate YouTube so much rn, seriously
On 2023-06-16 at 20:04:25
Oh and MK8DX and Wii are so much better, why can't they just recommend me that?
(No offense)
Overtime Youtube has kinda sucked, with them removing the abilitt to see likes and dislikes, they added shorts to pretend to be other social media, it's dumb, it's aa dumb as Discord with all these new updates trying to be Twitter or Instagram
I Can See Dislikes and Annotations with Browser Extensions
On 2023-06-07 at 07:15:16
iOS and Android app stores are where creativity, quality and talent goes to die. Whole thing could disappear tomorrow and nothing of value would be lost.
I actually encountered someone who had a history of gambling addiction while playing Tour, very insightful conversation. However, every mobile game has that sort of stuff, money is to be made. They have to find a way to make a profit. How old is that article, btw? Certainly not pre-pipe removal.
I’m sorry, but you are underage to gamble.
Legally Atleast
no as well
I Don't See Anything That Says You Can't Illegally Do Stuff
ti ekil uoy woh taht si ho
All I Understood From That Was "That" Because I Misspell It As Taht
On 2023-06-07 at 05:49:46
iOS and Android app stores are where creativity, quality and talent goes to die. Whole thing could disappear tomorrow and nothing of value would be lost.
I actually encountered someone who had a history of gambling addiction while playing Tour, very insightful conversation. However, every mobile game has that sort of stuff, money is to be made. They have to find a way to make a profit. How old is that article, btw? Certainly not pre-pipe removal.
I’m sorry, but you are underage to gamble.
Legally Atleast
no as well
I Don't See Anything That Says You Can't Illegally Do Stuff
On 2023-06-07 at 02:43:56
iOS and Android app stores are where creativity, quality and talent goes to die. Whole thing could disappear tomorrow and nothing of value would be lost.
I actually encountered someone who had a history of gambling addiction while playing Tour, very insightful conversation. However, every mobile game has that sort of stuff, money is to be made. They have to find a way to make a profit. How old is that article, btw? Certainly not pre-pipe removal.
I’m sorry, but you are underage to gamble.
Legally Atleast
On 2023-06-06 at 21:19:04
Have You Seen the Insane Amount of Content Mario Kart Tour Has Got This Year? And There Is Still More to Add That Is in The Files! Mario Kart Tour Probably Isn't Dying Soon
Tendo is back
On 2023-06-06 at 03:18:14
Everyone, we need to stay on alert.
Oh well. Time to play Among Us in 2023.
At least the other person seemed honest with them.
Coopa? Yeah. Pretty syre his name is still Finigisum'n here at the moment too. Tendo'll probably snuff himself out sooner or later.
Wait the other person in the screenshot is Coopa? Uh oh.
I heard bad things about them too, and I'm assuming the both of them together isn't better at all
I Probably Won't Do Anything Bad Even Though My Pfp Says "No One Is Safe"
On 2023-06-05 at 21:47:18
I Doubt It'll Last Long Though
Which Is the Best Mario Circuit 3?
On 2023-06-13 at 18:56:09
The Tour Version Because It Looks the Best and Has Obstacles
what's your zodiac sign?
On 2023-06-06 at 07:42:41
I Think I Am a Lung Disease Or Something I Forgor 💀
Just scrolling through app store
On 2023-06-13 at 07:13:11
Found Shaved Luigi
On 2023-06-12 at 18:46:43
Shaved Mario And Bob The Builder Lore!??!?