Mario Kart PC Forum - Advanced search
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Mario Kart 9 announcement!
On 2025-01-20 at 16:37:49
I don't think there will be 24 players because that could be a little laggy, and there might not be enough characters for 24 players..... Imagine a full room in online play. If you look really closely at the gameplay, there are 24 brackets, which means this could be a 24 player Mario Kart game. Sounds pretty chaotic to me.
They've already shown 24 at once in the trailer. Not to mention that Wii was 2008 & had 32 characters, 8 WiiU had even more thanks to the Koopalings & clones.

On 2025-01-20 at 01:35:26
I don't think there will be 24 players because that could be a little laggy, and there might not be enough characters for 24 players..... Imagine a full room in online play. If you look really closely at the gameplay, there are 24 brackets, which means this could be a 24 player Mario Kart game. Sounds pretty chaotic to me.
Mario kart 7 online play
On 2025-01-20 at 23:21:23
Now, I don't even HAVE a 3DS, but aren't MK7 Online servers gone?
Mario Kart Wii Friend Codes
On 2025-01-20 at 23:16:50
I have a Wii, but it's at my lakehouse. I do have Mario Kart Wii, too, but my online play doesn't work.
can i tell you how to use wiimmfi?
On 2025-01-20 at 19:35:50
I have a Wii, but it's at my lakehouse. I do have Mario Kart Wii, too, but my online play doesn't work.
can i tell you how to use wiimmfi?
On 2025-01-20 at 01:41:38
I have a Wii, but it's at my lakehouse. I do have Mario Kart Wii, too, but my online play doesn't work.
What is Mario Kart PC?
On 2025-01-20 at 20:19:58
Mario Kart PC /Mar-e-o Kart P-C/ A website where you can make, play, and share circuits, cups, and multicups. It is know for it's "SNESness" and forums. 

What's your favorite food?
On 2025-01-19 at 02:48:43
Maybe either mac n' cheese or ramen noodles is fine. Both are gone RIGHT away.
A new Mario Kart
On 2025-01-17 at 00:55:42
I don't really expect a lot like the new things, hopefully the Pow Block will be back. The Super Mario Bros. Wonder stuff may not make it.
Make Your Courses Quick Mode!
On 2025-01-10 at 14:05:38
Alright, this is called Bad Bowser Castle. Guess why I said "Bad" at the beginning.
I played MKPC on my Nintendo Switch!
On 2025-01-01 at 14:26:14
Yes, I tried playing internet games on my Switch but, sadly YouTube didn't work.
What's your favorite Big City Greens episode?
On 2024-04-20 at 21:14:57
I like all the episodes but the new ones are getting better in my opinion.
my photos of Thomas and friends Hero of the rails for the Nintendo DS
On 2024-04-26 at 01:06:36
I didn't know that thomas the train could make a game! The game looks super fun too!