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Horribly translated crap

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Kirby64 wrote:
If someone could Google translate episode 1 of sonic boom I would be grateful

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[Scene: Seaside Island, canyon, day.]

[Sonic is chasing Eggman in his Eggmobile.]
Sonic: You can't lose me, Egghead!
Dr. Eggman: Eggman! You know my name is Dr. Eggman! You do that on purpose!
Sonic: Do what, Egghead?
[The chase continues, but Sonic is eventually forced to stop, teetering on the edge of a cliff.]
Sonic: Who-o-oa!
[Sonic manages to get back to safety. The camera zooms out to reveal Dr. Eggman way up above.]
Dr. Eggman: It all ends here, old friend. Prepare to be destroyed by Burnbot!
[The camera shifts to reveal Burnbot.]
Sonic: So what, he's gonna burn me with flamethrowers or something?
Dr. Eggman: Flamethrower? Well... no...
Sonic: Oh, uh, acid? Incendiary grenades?!
Dr. Eggman: No no no, the li- claws! He has claws! Very painful claws!
Sonic: Then you should have called him "Clawbot" or "The Lacerator" or "Pinch-a-tron 9000." But "Burnbot"? I mean, that's just false advertising!
Dr. Eggman: I name the robots, Sonic! Burnbot, attack!
[Burnbot jumps down and starts speeding towards Sonic. Sonic runs in the same direction, keeping directly across from Burnbot. Overhead, Tails flies by in his plane.]
Tails: Blue Leader, this is Yellow Sky. I have eyes on Burnbot. He's on the move! Over.
Sonic: Thanks, Tails. Initiate "Speeding Swing Surprise."
[Tails dives his plane into the canyon, sending Eggman into a spin. Tails activates his Enerbeam. Sonic and Burnbot leap at each other as the scene goes into slow motion. Tails flies by, throwing the beam to Sonic. Sonic catches the beam, swings around on it, and delivers a kick to Burnbot, launching him into the canyon wall. Sonic lands on the canyon floor across from Burnbot. Eggman flies down.]
Dr. Eggman: Get up, get up, get up!
[Burnbot climbs to its feet, then notices Tails' plane flying overhead. It fires one of its claws at the plane, damaging the wing. The plane goes into a spin.]
Sonic: Bail, Tails, bail!
[Tails pulls the eject lever, only for it to break off in his hand. Sonic prepares to rush to help, but is cut off by Burnbot. Sonic dodges one of Burnbot's claws, then sees a large rock poised over it. Sonic jumps over another of Burnbot's attacks, and spins into the rock, dropping it on Burnbot. Sonic leaps up to the top of the canyon.]
Sonic: Tails, no!
[Tails' plane crashes to the ground and explodes. Sonic looks on in shock, then races over.]
Dr. Eggman: We'll be back, Sonic!
[Eggman activates an electromagnet to pick up Burnbot.]
Dr. Eggman: Oof, you are heavy. Seriously, Burnbot, you could stand to burn a few calories.
[Eggman flies off with Burnbot. Sonic pulls Tails out of the wrecked plane, puts him on the ground, and listens at his chest. A heartbeat confirms that Tails is still alive. Sonic looks relieved.]
Sonic: Keep resting, pal. I'll get you home. [Picks Tails up] I promise I'll never let anything like this happen to you again.
[Sonic walks off with Tails.]
[Scene Change: Tails' House, day.]

[The camera is on a picture of Sonic and Tails fishing, with Sonic holding up a large fish. The camera then pans to a picture of Sonic and Tails playing a video game together. Cut to Tails, who is laying on the couch, bandaged up. He opens his eyes, then sits up.]
Tails: Sonic?
Sonic: Hey, buddy! How ya feelin'?
Tails: I'm great! Ready to get back in action!
Sonic: Yeah, uh... about that, um... I've got some great news! You, my friend, are taking early retirement!
Tails: "Early retirement"?
Sonic: Yeah, you're gonna be able to play lots of golf and spend time with the grandkids!
Tails: I don't have grandkids!
Sonic: Well, now's your chance to get some! Trust me, it's for the best. [hugs Tails, to his surprise] I'll see ya around, pal. [Runs off]
Tails: [confused]...Wait, what just happpened?
Sonic: [re-enters the door] I fired you. [leaves again]
Tails: Okay, just checking.
[Scene Change: Seaside Island, beach, day.]

Sonic: Don't look at me like that. I did what I had to do. [The camera reveals that Sonic is talking to flyers he's holding] And now we're going to make sure Tails stays retired. [hangs one of the flyers on a palm tree]
[Scene Change: Eggman's Lair, day.]

Dr. Eggman: [is reading one of the flyers] "Sidekick tryouts. All qualified candidates welcome. Best candidate gets the job. Resume and references required." Can you believe this?
Orbot: A resume and references aren't unreasonable, sir.
Cubot: Especially in this job market!
[Eggman slams his fist down, scaring Orbot and Cubot into running in circles. Eggman crumples the flyer and throws it at Orbot and Cubot.]
Dr. Eggman: What fool would want to be Sonic's sidekick? Spending every day with him... Enjoying his friendship and respect... Not me, that's for sure! ...Unless...
[Eggman scratches his chin. The camera zooms in on his face, then sinks down to his boots.]
Dr. Eggman: Lousy security camera!
[Eggman lifts the camera back to his face]
[Scene Change: Sonic's Shack, day.]

[A line is forming outside. Inside, Sonic is sitting with a clipboard and a pencil]
Amy: I'm Amy Rose, and I'll be auditioning for the part of sidekick.
Sonic: Amy, I know who you are.
Amy: Great, because I am fine with nepotism. Oh, and under special skills, you can add juggling and singing. [singing] Oh, when the Saints go marching in [scatters]
Sonic: Next!
[Fastidious Beaver is the next interviewee]
Fastidious: My greatest weakness? Actually, it is my incredible cowardice.
[Amy Rose, for some reason, is being interviewed again.]
Amy: Oh, improv? I love improv! [mocks Italian accent] I'm a crazy pizza man! Who juggles and sings! [starts juggling and singing When The Saints Go Marching In again as Sonic pushes her out.]
[Knuckles is the next interviewer, but for some reason, he's the one holding the clipboard and pencil.]
Knuckles: I think you'd be a great sidekick for me.
Sonic: No, Knuckles, I'm looking for someone to be my sidekick.
Knuckles: We'd have to change your name, though. I'm thinking... "Knuckles Junior."
[Sonic grabs back the clipboard and crosses something out.]
[The next interviewee is a hooded figure.]
Sonic: Okay, last question. What would you do in a no-win situation?
Hooded figure: If I'm with you, there's no such thing as a "no-win situation."
Sonic: Huh. You really get it, new guy.
Hooded figure: I do get it. But I'm not a new guy. In reality, I am none other than...
[The hooded figure tries to remove his hood, but starts struggling with it and eventually falls to the floor, revealing himself as...]
Sonic: Tails?! You cannot be my sidekick!
Tails: [holds up the flyer] "All qualified candidates welcome. Best candidate gets the job." I'm a lock! Unless there's something you're not telling me...
Sonic: Fine! But get ready for the tryout of your life!
Eggman (offscreen): Hello.
Tails: Eggman!
[The camera pulls back to reveal Eggman.]
Sonic: What are you doing here?!
Dr. Eggman: My name is Doctor Eggman, and I'm here about the sidekick position. [Holds up a resume]
Sonic: Wh- but you're my arch-nemesis!
Dr. Eggman: That's true. But I could be a valuable asset to your organization. For example, I'm a doctor. Not a real doctor, a PhD, but still!
Sonic: You can't be my sidekick.
Dr. Eggman: [holds out the flyer] "All qualified candidates welcome"?
Sonic: ...Okay, fine. You both can move on to Round Two. But neither one of you is going to be my sidekick.
Tails: Who else is there?
[Fastidious Beaver pops back in the doorway]
Fastidious: Actually, do you validate parking?
Sonic: Congratulations, you're the third candidate!
Fastidious: Actually...
[Scene Change: Seaside Island, jungle, day.]

[Doctor Eggman, Tails, and Fastidious Beaver are standing on hoverboards.]
Sonic: All right. Being my sidekick is no easy task. This competition will test your strength, stamina, and endurance. The winner will be whoever makes it-
Fastidious: Actually, it's "whomever."
Sonic: [annoyed by Fastidious' correction] The winner will be whomever makes it through all the unimaginable hardships and brings me the red flag I planted atop the incredibly dangerous, but inaccurately named, Mount Safety.
Fastidious: Actually--
[Fastidious is pushed by Eggman and goes down the hill, screaming all the way down. Eggman and Tails soon follow, and Sonic takes off to follow and watch the race. As they race through the jungle, Eggman activates the bladed seekers on his hoverboard, and they go after Tails. Tails manages to avoid them, but ends up crashing into Fastidious. After clinging to Tails for a while, Fastidious loses his grip and falls into the jungle below.]
Fastidious: Actually, I'm okay!
[The Seekers continue to chase Tails, but Tails puts on the brakes of his hoverboard, and the seekers slam into one another. Tails gets back into motion, and soon stops at the clearing, where his plane and Sonic wait.]
Sonic: What's going on here?
Tails: Nothing I can't handle!
[Tails jumps into his plane and takes off. Eggman enters his Eggmobile and is right behind Tails. Sonic watches them go, then runs after them.]
Fastidious: Actually, I'm just gonna lie down in the fetal position and weep.
[Scene Change: Airspace in front of Mount Safety, day.]

Tails: Give up, Eggman! This job is rightfully mine!
Dr. Eggman: I'm not here to be Sonic's sidekick, you nincompoop! I'm here to get rid of you both once and for all!
[Eggman activates his electromagnet and picks up Burnbot from the jungle. Sonic sees this and picks up the pace. Burnbot fires its claws at Tails' plane, finally catching it in the wing again. Tails' plane goes out of control again. Sonic picks up the pace further, but has to cut back as he goes sliding across the ice of a frozen lake. Tails' plane is in the middle of it, broken partway through the ice.]
Sonic: Tails!
Tails: Sonic, I'm stuck!
[From above, Burnbot fires its claws, which turn into buzzsaws that cut into the ice, cracking it further. Sonic jumps out to the plane, and helps the struggling Tails out of the cockpit. They manage to get clear just as the plane sinks into the water, and land a ways away.]
Sonic: Tails... I didn't really wanna fire you. I was just trying to protect you.
Tails: How? By putting me in more danger?
Sonic: The plan had holes!
[Sonic helps Tails up.]
Dr. Eggman: Oh, Sonic! I have one last surprise for you! I took your advice! Burnbot can burn things!
[Burnbot fires a pair of fireballs that create a ring of fire around Sonic and Tails, melting and cracking the ice. Tails manages to fly up, but Sonic winds up sliding down the ice into the water and starts thrashing around.]
Sonic: I can't swim!
[Tails flies down and grabs Sonic, trying to pull him up, but fails.]
Tails: You're waterlogged! I can't lift you!
Sonic: Don't worry about me! [tries to let go] Get out of here!
Tails: That's not how sidekicks do!
[Tails grabs onto Sonic again, and is pulled under with him. However, Tails manages to use his tails as a propeller to propel himself and Sonic back up and out of the water and into the air. Tails lets go of Sonic, who goes into a spin and slams into Burnbot. Burnbot's impact cracks the ice under it, causing it to sink into the water. Tails catches Sonic, and they fly into the jungle together.]
Dr. Eggman: I'll be back! With a new robot! Who has an accurate name! And super laser eyes! And he'll feed me ham! Evil ham.
[Eggman flies off in his Eggmobile.]
[Scene Change: Seaside Island, beach, sunset.]

[It is nearing sunset. Sonic and Tails are sitting together.]
Tails: About this job... What're the hours like?
Sonic: Well, it's seven days a week. But you get your own plane.
[Tails smiles.]
[Scene Change: Sonic's Shack, sunset.]

[Amy is angrily ringing the bell of Sonic's shack.]
Amy: Lemme in! I demand a call-back!
[Knuckles walks past, looking depressed.]
Amy: Knuckles! What's wrong?
Knuckles: [sighs] Knuckles Junior isn't workin' out.
Amy: Oh... so you're saying you need a...
[Amy follows Knuckles]
Amy: [mocks Italian voice] I'm a crazy pizza man! Who juggles and sings! [sings When The Saints Go Marching In]
Knuckles: Knuckalina!

Translate x100
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[Time: Island, Sea, Desert. ]

[Doctor: Eggman's voice is heard outside your car.
Cole: That's impossible, you idiot.
Dr. Marcoux: Does the doctor know my name? go ahead! Are you ready!
Leo: What?
[He runs but Sonic stops him and crashes into a rock.
Sonic: Thanks!
long live the doctor:
Damon, son. Get ready to destroy new robots.
Rotate the camera to see the new robot.
Leo: Do ​​you think I'm sick?
Dr. Malik: Fire? But...
Voter: Is it beautiful? The future? !
Dr. Eggman: No! Lie! fat
Q: Is it a "Clabbit", "Lazarter" or "Punch-A-Tron 9000"? I said everything wrong!
Dr. Eggman: "I named my robot Sonic!" » Robot Attack!
[Burnbot gets up and walks over to Sonic. Sonic approached him and stood in front of Barnabas. [Final Stage]
Color: Blue, Yellow Timburn Offer! walk around
Shane: Thank you. Think outside the box.
[Goes to the hole and opens the egg. You can make lines. Sonic and Barnabas fight at the end of the episode. Tails ran and grabbed Sonic. Carabond is a game that combines robots and baseball. Sonic went to Barbarian Valley. simple phase]
Castle Black, wake up!
Barnabas looked at the boat. Run and follow me.]
Music: Good.
[The fire stops. Sonic runs to help him, but Bond's robot stops him. Robot Sonic climbs the wall and finds a large rock. Sonic attacks the warehouse robot and hits a pillar, landing on top of the warehouse robot. shoe]
Leo: Do ​​what your heart desires.
[The body falls to the ground and explodes. Sora was shocked and ran away.
Ph.D. Eggman: We're back, John.
[The author follows the crowd and fights with Barnabas,
Ph.D. Damon: You're crazy! Burn calories with BurnBot
Eggman went to Barnabas. Sonic takes the broken back of the ship. Take care of your skin when you sleep and take care of your breast milk. [Silent conversation]
Sonic: You're a good guy, I'll go home, I did.
(legs, feet, etc.)

[Time change. ask]

The camera is ready to shoot. There are many fish under the sun. This scene is similar to a scene from a video game where Sonic and Tails are sitting next to each other in bed. He turned and opened his eyes.
Mandela: I can say something.
Leo: Hello! Bongo
Get ready and get to work.
Swara: Yes, yes… I know wonderful people.
What is the future of "early retirement"?
Leo: Yeah, just kidding.
Mother: I don't have children.
Leo: "It's about time." Trust me, you are a good person. (It's always better to be loved by you.) [Heart]
[Voiceover] That's not right... Remember?
Aviva: I typed [no].
Your timing is ridiculous.

[Change image of Koh Samut Preah Athit]

Shayna: Don't look at me like that. Now [I'm writing] because I'm writing action [camera cuts to Sonic's bass].


The doctor replied: What do you think?
Answer: Don't be afraid to grow and learn.
The job market is tough.
[Ackerman arrives, surprising Abbott and Capote. Germany finds the letter and gives it to Albert and Cabot. ]
What is a good doctor? Thanks for joining me...and guys...I'm not alone! Get off the lawn...
[Close document. Camera shows face and shoes. ]
Physician response: The device is not working properly.
[Aikman takes him to the scene of the crime]

[Wr. Lots of noise during the day. ]

[This is an outside view. He and Sonic picked up a book and a pen. ]
Amy: I'm Amy and I'm from Saida.
Léo: Mom, I know who you are.
Amy: Well, I don't know. You can add text and music as custom features. Oh, go to the saints!
Leo: No!
(After reading Beaver Fox)
I'm afraid I've missed something.
[I interviewed Amy Rose for a different reason. ]
Amy: How? (Italy) I want pizza. Chorus [Sonic crushes the Saints and saves the Saints. ]
[He approaches the second speaker with pen and ink in hand. ]
Makoto: I know what you're doing.
Leo: Yes Mark, I want a girlfriend.
Continue: Your name should be changed. In other words: it means "use".
[Introduction to the book. ]
[If there is no address. ]
Moderator: Okay, last question. What do you do in difficult situations?
Figure 2: No one can stop you.
Example words: pleasure, happiness.
Image: I agree, but not small. I don't want to do that...
(Try pressing and holding to unlock...)
Voiceover: Really? , please help if you can.
Lynn [finds the couch] "Hey, I'm here. If you don't say it, you won't hear it."
Voice: Thank you! But prepare yourself for life's challenges.
EGG (speaking): Hello.
It was a beautiful day.
(Doctor's Room. Door:)
Voiceover: What are you doing? ,
What happened doctor, I am a doctor. Eggman and I are here to help. [Additional questions]
Voice: Yes, but you are the enemy.
The EKG doctor is a man, but I help his team. For example, I am a doctor. Not a doctor, but a real doctor.
I don't know sir
Dr. Red: (looking at his hands) - Is the party over?
The sound is...next level. But you can't save me.
Who are you
[punishes woman]
For what; Getting out of the car?
Vote: three.
Thinking of you...

[Major changes: Islands, forests, sea, sun.

[doctor. stick and long beak]
Sonic: It's not easy being my friend. This game will test your strength, courage and patience.
means "line".
Sonic: [Hello Bug] Fortunately, all problems are solved. And this evil rock raised a red flag.
my friend...
[Eggman shouts. The Sonic games end with a battle between Eggman and Tails. Eggman goes into the forest and meets Blade Hunter, who follows him as Dom tries to escape. But the pizza is delicious. Then I got lost in the forest.]
Look, I love you too.
[E. As he continues to run into Emma, ​​Scott breaks the wand in his hand. As Scott prepares to leave, his ship and Sonic move forward to see where they are.]
Sonic: What happened?
I can't buy new clothes.
[Bingo flies away. Eggman followed Andy's cart. Sonic realizes that someone is following him.]
Kajabi: I cried like a child.

[Voice changes. You are Fujisuko

It's embarrassing. Check out Eggman! are you alright?
Kahn: You and I are not Sonic. I have come to destroy you all.
Eggman sends Barnabas into the forest to find the star. Sonic ran away seeing this. Barnabas took his finger from his tail and walked away. Telephone registration is no longer possible. It goes fast, but you have to walk on ice. Near Snow Road. ]
Note: That's right!
Sweet: You got it!
[Pictured above is a female robot resting in a glass well. Sonic arrives and helps protect Tails. He jumped from the boat and went into the sea. ]
Wait... I can't see you. I tried to save him.
Lepton: Really?
Sony has this problem
[Sonic helps Susie. ]
Swamp Doctor: Hi Sonic! I will follow your advice. There is a slight burning sensation in the mouth.
[Benbot grabs the ice and fires at the two, the ice coalesces and creates a ring of fire around Sonata and Ari. Tails appeared, but Sonic stopped and threw the rock into the water, causing it to vibrate. ]
Important: I can't swim!
[The first Sonic movie. ,
Dan: Let's go to the bathroom! He can't find me!
Song Name: I'm Going (Clan) I'm Going!
Answer: This is wrong!
[Sonic grabs her and pulls her out. However, Tails used his tail to propel himself and Sonic through water and space. A robot that makes fire. This car is perfect. [Day of the Sonic Jungle]
Dr. Eggman: - I'm back! A new robot! It's called laser welding! Here! Thank you for coming
It was dark in front of the car.

[Change location: Sunset Beach]

[The sun is setting. I sing and rap]
Answer: When did this happen?
Voice control: 24/7 but possible.
(director's name and surname)

[change location: sound, west]

[Amy frantically knocks on Sonic's door]
Wait, I need a phone!
Amy: Remember that! Which is not true
The camera doesn't work now.
Amy: Yes, I said…
[Amy looks for Hayley]
Amy: [good Italian accent] I love pizza! People are singing and dancing! [Read how the drug works
I can not hold myself back!

Here's where i got the transcript

Mother: I don't have children.
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
I'm Here from Sonic Frontiers translated 100 times.

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Document format
I am here
good morning
He felt the wind.
Have you forgotten the old story?
Don't get distracted
Download a new game about the First World War.
I think so
This time I went the other way.
I am here
New Border Agreement
I've been scared all my life.
I have hands
I am the new girl
You have a new idea.
It seems to be growing
Problems and solutions
Last night was incredible.
He felt the wind.
Do you pay to listen to music? (map?)
It's just a dream
Watch the game.
A breath
It opened up a whole new world for me.
Give him life
Don't worry, I'm here to help you.
I am here
New Border Agreement
I've been scared all my life.
I have hands
I am the new girl
You have a new idea.
I am here
This method is free.
All these new laws
I have hands
I am the new girl
You have a new idea.
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Kirby64 wrote:
If someone could google translate Mario kart 8 deluxe 1000 times I would be grateful


Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
My name became "Oscillation frequency." 💀💀💀💀💀💀

Important announcement (sigh)

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Bad news guys
The adblocker popups have fully gotten to me on YouTube

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So, yeah...bcuz of this, I will have to use the website in incognito mode or find other ways to entertain myself until uBlock finds a solution to this.

New uploads on my channel will cease until then.

Would it genuinely kill you to just turn it off while on YT


Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
"this game isnt fun anymore!!!"
account made for 1 day

He created multiple MKPC accounts. "Okay but seriously wtf? It's one thing to consistently make alts to avoid bans, but why are you talking to yourself? Was this topic literally just [insert f bombs] BAIT that you decided to take yourself to raise interest? Why? Wtf is the point? If you continue with alts, your punishment might be permanent. You're banned. Get over it.

You can love this game as much as you want, but you cannot run from a sanction. Whether or not you're 1up83, you're still an account on their IP, which isn't allowed without moderator permission. And speaking of which, it's nothing surprising that a MODERATOR can actually find things out about your account." said "osc-omb" in a forum post called "I'm bored of this 'game'" on his "ak47gunner" account. I put quotes because of the alts he has. iKapten posted an image of his alts for proof here.
"idk you tell me hap" followed by this image:
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/513783565935443974/1162840395345055805/image.png?ex=653d6682&is=652af182&hm=dcb6b094a7269098df686abdf5ad8c519025c6993fd30b6a7ea0925ffdae186a& As of making this post he has 17 accounts including "ak47gunner". I even counted and replied in the same post. At least get help "ak47gunner".
Edit: oh and the same mod said this in the post "Anyway 1up83. Any last words?". I joined before this drama started. It is a new type of drama. Give him an IP ban for this lol. :)

You're the type of person to explain a movie as you're watching it

What's the perfect track length?

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
I usually do 20-55 seconds per lap. 36 ish is good

Suggestion for challenges.

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
It's a good idea, but video files are incredibly large and the server would get full very quick. YouTube links would be better prob.

Best Browser for mkpc?

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
I have used Firefox on several devices and every time it can't handle 30fps, yet Chrome can+higher

I'm bored of this "game"

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Okay but seriously what the fuck? It's one thing to consistently make alts to avoid bans, but why are you talking to yourself? Was this topic literally just fucking BAIT that you decided to take yourself to raise interest? Why? The fuck is the point? If you continue with alts, your punishment might be permanent. You're banned. Get over it.

You can love this game as much as you want, but you cannot run from a sanction. Whether or not you're 1up83, you're still an account on their IP, which isn't allowed without moderator permission. And speaking of which, it's nothing surprising that a MODERATOR can actually find things out about your account.
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Ak47Gunner wrote:
This has no new updates and it in snes styles man I love the mario kart ds deluxe better then this piece of $hit
Soon this "game" will be dead

As expected of a user called "ak47gunner" if I'm honest

MKPC at school

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Kirby92 wrote:
They think we came there just to play we have friends unlike the teachers and the principals
We made friends since the beginning ( big L school) and we want to play games because games are life

My guy it ain't that deep 💀

[FANFIC] MKPC Challenges

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom

I love Astolfo

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Niuognip wrote:
Lely wrote:
Niuognip wrote:
Pourquoi tu l'aime?

C'est probablement juste un topic pour troll

C'est possible

Bro doesn't know who Noob is 💀

Bro doesn't know how to make an original Joke 💀
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Lely wrote:
Niuognip wrote:
Pourquoi tu l'aime?

C'est probablement juste un topic pour troll

Have you even seen what Noob is like 💀
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Noob68 wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
Only 2.19% gay btw

I thought it was 3.14% cuz of a copyposta I saw

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traps are actually 3.14% gay, but 3.14 is also the starting numbers for pi, and pi can sound like pie meaning that pie would be gay to right? No. because pie is only close to pi and isnt pie. this means that in reality slim shady is gay, slim shady would be gay due to the fact that he has brung up gay things in his songs, but that doesn’t mean hes gay... right? Well yes and no. Slim shady isnt gay he just has respect for them, which makes him sus. sus like this popular game among us, in among us you can become pink, and guess who is pink? Astolfo. remember how i said astolfo is related to pink from among us, well you see pink is a womans color and guess what astolfo is? a boy, but pink is only based around women because of the past of peoples culture, this means that technically astolfo is still gay, however. in the show that astolfo is in they are based around normal culture, meaning that for then pink is a womans color, meaning that astolfo could be trans, but in their society trans would be a sin meaning that astolfo could possibly be born a woman but with other parts... right? No. you see traps are actually gay its just that the percentage of them makes them not so gay. now you see traps arent gay due to the fact that actually every man is 5% gay no matter how straight they are meaning that traps are actually just femboys and sometimes femboys arent gay they just act like it, and this would be like acting gay with the homies. now you see since femboys arent always gay this means that astolfo could still be gay, however, astolfo isnt gay as we have seen in the show he is only acting gay to embarrass his “master”. since astolfo is only acting this classifies him has straight... right? you see your wrong because just because someone is acting gay doesnt mean they still are gay, this means that astolfo is gay and i have proof now you see the reason why astolfo is gay is because he has tried to kiss his master knowing they are both men, even 3.14% still makes it gay.

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Only 2.19% gay btw

Well Guys. I Hate Nintendo from 2023 and Present.

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
KirbyBoy wrote:
you forgot one thing for online


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what I mean is like, community did custom servers for DS and Wii online, why wouldn't they do that with 3DS and Wii U

We've already started making one in fact https://pretendo.network

Great Job! Though, I don't Think My Brother will Want to Mod His 3DS. But Someday, I'll Buy My Own 3DS I and Wii U so I can Mod them to Make them Work Perfectly.

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
True nature being nature is evil

Poll of the Week: Daisy Circuit, Daisy Hills, Dry Dry Ruins, Or Desert Hills?

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Desert Hills because my answer is Desert Hills

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