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Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom
MC3 is the second best Wave 2 track next to Sydney


Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Oom ma gah, is that Fanfic ig²??????

What Characters You a want Nintendo To Added From The Characters Roster In MK8D

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Mike Oxlong

how to name a track

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
TwilightGD wrote:
you can also steal borrow words from GD extreme demons totally words that were made up by the GD community and have no correlation to bad things whatsoever

Finger dash
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Or you could go get a thesaurus and some inspiration whatever works

[Fanfic] MKPCverse Season 4 ~ Rebirth of a Star [Mature content ?]

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Kim_Skymin wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
Kim_Skymin wrote:
Chapter 6 : A life changing journey
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again...

Information Channel
A new academy has been founded by the MKPCverse president, Peacegore. This academy was made so that every citizen of this land can access better education, not only school wise, but also life wise. Peacegore kept this academy a secret until now, so that no speculation could occur. Education is free, so anyone can enter this academy and grow as an individual.
Peacegore also founded a building where everyone who doesn't have a fixated home can go.

Nudge : Life taught me everything I needed to know. I don't even feel like going to this academy anyways, anyone can enter it which means we'll probably be surrounded by utter dumbasses which I don't want to happen.
Lely : My thoughts are the same, but I just know that this a perfect opportunity for all of the NPCs that left us
Nudge : Probably for some of them, but some will just be dumb and refuse it...

At the same time... Yet different places for everyone...
D4rk : School ? Nah. No way. Tiktok's better. Notslay.

DPK : Wow that's actually a really good idea, I'll probably go there

Juju : Me not know what academy is

Ashton : Nah... I'm pretty sure it'll be full of meanies who will bully me !

Daisanko : I'm far too lazy for school, I should probably go back to living with the group

Chilli : Hell nah. KirbyBoy will probably go there and I'll lose it if I see his face one more time.

Ralsei : I will go there, every school needs someone like me

Knoah : School Doesn't Matter, Lidelle Does.

Dietsoda : I shall not go in such a place. Many mayflies will probably go there, and my brain is far too intelligent for souls such as theirs. But... I guess I should educate myself, so I'll try to deal with it.

VC : Nah. I miss all the folks like Max, Nudge... I hope I can go back and live with them like we did before...

At the end of the day, DPK, Ralsei, Dietsoda, ToadFan and Luq decided to enter the academy. The others decided to live their own life, and went in the building that Peacegore constructed. They would live their life. A boring life, but that was what they could handle.

MKPC global home
Nudge : Now we don't even have to worry about the others
Lely : True... the only ones I will miss are Daisanko and VC.
Knock knock
Daisanko : Hey...
VC : Can we come back ?
Krazey : Well well Lely. If this isn't what we call plot armor...
Osc : Of course you can come back. Y'all are OGs after all, probably more than me.
Lely : We were discussing the fact of moving out into a much smaller home.
VC : Where do we find the money, where do we find the house ??

Suddenly when VC said this...

Brint : *falls from ceiling* AHHHH !
Alice : What the fuck ? It's been a while, where were you ??
Brint : What does it look like ? I'm fishing.
Osc : DANGANRONPA REFERENCE !!!1!!1!1?????
Lely : Wait ! I have an idea !

... Brint, could you please...

In the evening...
Brint : And here it is ! It's done !
Krazey : Wow. You really outdid yourself this time.
Alice : This looks amazing...
Nudge : Well it for sure looks better byt for murdering it is not ideal as it is smaller.
Lely : Yeah... but this house is amazing ! Because it's our home. Our new home. Our new life.

No in fact this is not rushed, this is what I call a bridge episode, where I fill lore holes, complete the story and progress a little bit so that the story is ready to progress in a set direction.

I took like way too long to realise the danganronpa reference in question anyway who tf is Brint and why is their font so fucking hard to read

Brint is Bj, basically a constructor lmfao, without many other personnality traits

BJ? I was initially thinking that stood for something else 💀
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Kim_Skymin wrote:
Chapter 6 : A life changing journey
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again...

Information Channel
A new academy has been founded by the MKPCverse president, Peacegore. This academy was made so that every citizen of this land can access better education, not only school wise, but also life wise. Peacegore kept this academy a secret until now, so that no speculation could occur. Education is free, so anyone can enter this academy and grow as an individual.
Peacegore also founded a building where everyone who doesn't have a fixated home can go.

Nudge : Life taught me everything I needed to know. I don't even feel like going to this academy anyways, anyone can enter it which means we'll probably be surrounded by utter dumbasses which I don't want to happen.
Lely : My thoughts are the same, but I just know that this a perfect opportunity for all of the NPCs that left us
Nudge : Probably for some of them, but some will just be dumb and refuse it...

At the same time... Yet different places for everyone...
D4rk : School ? Nah. No way. Tiktok's better. Notslay.

DPK : Wow that's actually a really good idea, I'll probably go there

Juju : Me not know what academy is

Ashton : Nah... I'm pretty sure it'll be full of meanies who will bully me !

Daisanko : I'm far too lazy for school, I should probably go back to living with the group

Chilli : Hell nah. KirbyBoy will probably go there and I'll lose it if I see his face one more time.

Ralsei : I will go there, every school needs someone like me

Knoah : School Doesn't Matter, Lidelle Does.

Dietsoda : I shall not go in such a place. Many mayflies will probably go there, and my brain is far too intelligent for souls such as theirs. But... I guess I should educate myself, so I'll try to deal with it.

VC : Nah. I miss all the folks like Max, Nudge... I hope I can go back and live with them like we did before...

At the end of the day, DPK, Ralsei, Dietsoda, ToadFan and Luq decided to enter the academy. The others decided to live their own life, and went in the building that Peacegore constructed. They would live their life. A boring life, but that was what they could handle.

MKPC global home
Nudge : Now we don't even have to worry about the others
Lely : True... the only ones I will miss are Daisanko and VC.
Knock knock
Daisanko : Hey...
VC : Can we come back ?
Krazey : Well well Lely. If this isn't what we call plot armor...
Osc : Of course you can come back. Y'all are OGs after all, probably more than me.
Lely : We were discussing the fact of moving out into a much smaller home.
VC : Where do we find the money, where do we find the house ??

Suddenly when VC said this...

Brint : *falls from ceiling* AHHHH !
Alice : What the fuck ? It's been a while, where were you ??
Brint : What does it look like ? I'm fishing.
Osc : DANGANRONPA REFERENCE !!!1!!1!1?????
Lely : Wait ! I have an idea !

... Brint, could you please...

In the evening...
Brint : And here it is ! It's done !
Krazey : Wow. You really outdid yourself this time.
Alice : This looks amazing...
Nudge : Well it for sure looks better byt for murdering it is not ideal as it is smaller.
Lely : Yeah... but this house is amazing ! Because it's our home. Our new home. Our new life.

No in fact this is not rushed, this is what I call a bridge episode, where I fill lore holes, complete the story and progress a little bit so that the story is ready to progress in a set direction.

I took like way too long to realise the danganronpa reference in question anyway who tf is Brint and why is their font so fucking hard to read
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Kim_Skymin wrote:
Me? An OG? How touching!

Osc wasn't talking about you but it's okay to dream 🤫😏

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Kim_Skymin wrote:
Chapter 5 : You got me I got you
And I wouldn't want it any other way...
Max : ...
Nudge : ...
Fiery : ...
Krazey : ...
Noob : ...
Osc : ...
Alice : ...
Pianta : ...
Lely : ... Why ?
Max : Because of you.
Lely : Alright, so you just... hanged yourself because of me ?
Max : Yes I did. Of course.
Nudge : That's like a waste. I would have wanted to be the one to hang you to the airshaft, so stop being selfish.
Osc : Hanging yourself to a airshaft is lame. Hang yourself to a chair. That's much funnier. It's the art of bondage.
Krazey : Alright let's try to be serious, why the actual hell would you try to commit suicide ? We never thought you could be this unhappy. We should have talked this out. If Lely wasn't a cringe bird and decided to watch the sun set, you would be dead. For what ? No reason. No absolute motherfucking I swear to God freaking bloody reason.
Max : Oh Krazey I will tell you the reasons, the reason is that I have gone through months and months of suffering because I tried to protect a person that did not even care. I was stuck in spaceships, went through caverns, dealt with people like Mina, had to have my heart shattered once and twice and thrice and all over the fuck again, only because one person was dying. Lely, who is very much here and who seems clueless about the gravity of him existing, is the one who dragged me to this state of mind and life which is called the rock bottom. Because I have no reason to live if everyone rejects me, including him. Yeah. You made me feel excluded after the hospital's flood. Yeah you did. That bitch will get the hate he should have gotten then. It's gonna hurt.
Osc : Max ! 30 people went through the same thing ! The same fucking thing ! Do you see them have a villain arc and complain as much as you do ? No, I don't think so. Blaming Lely is a L. He never asked to suffer and he suffered more than you !
Max : Ah yes because Ashton who didn't give a fuck about Lely suffered as much as me who loved him, who cared for him, who gave up his life for him ?
Max : That's an own goal
Osc : That is NOT ! Do you see me sucking Lely as much as you did ? And since you are unable to find a balance you end up doing the opposite, which is just as wrong, even worse if you asked me. Nobody asked you to be that person around Lely. Nobody but you. It was your decision and you shall walk alone on that path.
Max : He forced me to ! Because of the way he was ! He needed someone.
Noob : You know what they say... better off alone than wrongly accompanied.
Max : Don't you DARE.
Noob : Don't YOU dare, he said while furrowing eyebrows. You are the one throwing hate on someone out of frustration and out of pain that only comes from you, and if it's related to Lely in any way, it wasn't him, it was the way you were or acted with him. I am not the daring one, but right now your audacity baffles me.
Nudge : Ah nice this is the lounge server over again and again and again
Max : No but tbh I am probably the one who suffered the most here. WHY ME ?
Nudge : Hold on please restart, I wasn't recording. You are a joke, you are truly a meme.
Max : comment ça
Fiery : Here he starts talking French
Max : Stop being so racist !
Pianta : ni--
Alice : You think you're a victim of racism ? Lmfao. The audacity.
Alice : Spit your motherfucking venom on him for no reason one more time and I will punch you in the face until your skin turns from beige to blue.
Alice : Now you're playing with fire. This is more serious than you think.

Silence took over.
A heavy silence.

Lely : I saved your life only for you to hate on mine. But it's fine. It will always be fine. I don't care.
Max : As you should.
Alice raised her hand over Max. But instead of hitting the older boy, she just let the shadow of her arm wander on Max's face.
Alice : I cannot believe this. We saved your life but no, you are still as problematic !! We could think death would have chilled you down, but no, you are complaining all day and searching for a culprit all day. Grow up ! You are as annoying than a forum kid ! And you are much more hurtful !
Max : Fine. I'll just jump off the balcony then, since you all hate me.
Alice : Okay. Do it.

Max froze and had an embarrassed face.

Alice : Exactly what I thought. You knew we'd save you. But when it comes to dying you are a wimp. And it's perfect that way. Now just stop.

Max : *starts shaking*
Nudge : What again ?
Max : I-I'm sorry... I thought hating on Lely would be a key for me to find happiness and to not feel excluded like I always did- but it didn't ! And I hoped you'd save me from dying... because I needed to feel like I was equal. I want this to stop, this h-has been a long d-day and I'm tired and I-I'm sorry... *starts crying*
Alice : You think an apology is gonna get you out of the bullshit ?
Max : *sniffles* I-I mean it...
Noob : I know. I see. But Lely has to forgive you, which I doubt because honestly what you have done and said is unacceptable.
Lely : I have to draw the line...
Max : 😭😭😭😭
Lely : And that line is between evil people and evil actions. Your actions are for sure, evil, and we will need to talk this out later for sure, but you ? Are not an evil person. I... guess I will try to forgive you, but nothing's sure for now.

Max cried harder and harder.


Lely wrapped him in his arms and said,

Lely : It's been a long day... without you, my friend

Ah yes, the last line, I can only blame my stupid fucking school for understanding that reference. You seem to have missed the part where I simp for you as well
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Kim_Skymin wrote:
Kim_Skymin wrote:
Kim_Skymin wrote:
guess ill join

color: green
species:sniffer from Minecraft
power: telepathy and time travel VERY rarely

I don't take people anymore

well fuck you

That's my dream literally

New Lely factoid! Wants to fuck himself, literally. I'm sure there's a name for that fetish, just give me a moment to find it...

Nah I want to be fucked by somebody else and I know exactly who

I think I know and it ain't me

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Kim_Skymin wrote:
Chapter 4 : Max-Bros
After four long minutes...
Krazey : Phew ! We're out.
Nudge : Finally. I paid already, let's just get out of this store.
30 minutes later
Nudge : I need to use the restroom
Fiery : Why didn't you go at the grocery store ! There is no time to lose now.
Krazey : Just hold it until we get home
MKPC global home
Nudge : Finally *rushes away*
Fiery : Wow, this feels empty.
Osc : Yeah. We might want to move out.
Fiery : Into a smaller home ?
Osc : Yep. This one feels ugly and stale. Everything is basic due to the quantity not allowing much quality, but now that the group has reduced, the quality needs to rise
Krazey : Right but where will we find the money ?
Osc : Why buy when you can build ?

But while they are discussing their future... where is Max-Bros ?

Max. The guy who used to dickeat a person only to throw hate on her three months after.

To understand what happened, we should probably turn back the clock.

Max : So Lely is dead now... hmph. I cannot believe it. There has to be a plot twist, a solution...
But there was no plot twist. He was too naive and hoped for a happy ending. He fought a lot. Against his friends. Or were they even his friends ?
Chilli : Come out and eat right now. I smoked meat for lunch, I want you to try it, please...
Max : I'm not hungry. Give up
Chilli : But it tastes good-
Max : I do not want to taste your fucking meat ! Now go away.
Chilli : Fucking bitch. You asshole. Take that meat and shove it right up your hairy ass.

Chilli was, I will admit, a fiery blooded person. But even the calmer, kinder ones stood no chance against Max's fury.

DPK : Hey Max... I got tickets. Do you want to go see Muse's concert ? I heard that the stage will be the greatest one that the band has ever performed on !
Max : Take that sweet ass tone for your wife Daisy and leave me alone.
DPK : Eh ? But they're like, your favorite band ! It will help relieve your stress and anger. It will be a fun night ! And it's a VIP concert. I only got tickets because I was part of MKPCverse but it won't be as crowded as it would have been--
Max : Shut up and go away.
DPK : Oh. Okay. Just got my heart shattered again...
Max : Your heart can fuck off !!

Max eventually got tired. He was so angry at everyone. He wanted to lie down all day. Any disturbance would be strongly rejected.

Until that one day.

Max : I changed a lot. I changed too much. I don't even recognize myself in the mirror.

He took a deep breath.

Max : I was never born to be a bitch.
... What was I made for ?

He looked at the mirror. And then he slapped himself.

Max : This is all Lely's fault. I was driven to this state and to this behavior because of his death. Because I was overprotective of him. And I worried for him, I fought everybody for him, while in reality he is a mere human. He doesn't deserve to change my whole life. From now on, I will change and I will never blame anyone else than him, since it' about time he gets "credit" where it belongs.

And that is how Max ended up in such a state. And slowly, he regained the trust of everyone. But nobody noticed the change. Until it became too obvious to ignore, and that was the breaking point.

But there was one thing that Max got wrong.

It wasn't Lely's fault.

It was his fault ; or at least, the blame shall be token by his misconception of what Lely was, not Lely himself.

Max : I thought that finding someone to hate would be my salvation. I hoped it would make me happy. But in fact, I am alone now. Lonelier than ever. And I am still unhappy. I am still so fucking UNHAPPY ! I was always excluded, I was always the scapegoat, the meme, I was never seen as a cool guy even once ! Fuck the world ! EVERYONE CAN BURN FOR ALL I COULD CARE !!

During a breakdown, after the anger... comes the sadness.

Max : Why was I such a burden ? Why couldn't I be good ? Why couldn't I be funny like Osc, smart like Nudge, a good shoulder to cry on like Alice, chill like Noob, why can't I be all that ? The others like to use memes. Well I am the meme, and I feel used. But I'm not and I buried myself in my own grave. No going back now.
Max took a rope and a chair. He considered the situation. He climbed on the chair, tied the rope around his neck and tied the rope to the airshaft of the fireplace.

Max hanged himself.

MKPCverse - Season 4
Chapter 4

The end... ?

Click on the spoiler for my opinion as an author ~
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You thought it ended there ?
Well no.
Lely, who had his room right besides the balcony, decided to go on there to watch the sun set. He heard the airshaft make a noise...
Just as if something had been hanged on it. Or someone. Well Max was hanged.
In absolute horror, Lely screamed and started to panick. He tried to untie the rope but it was too high. His scream was as high and as loud as a dolphin, so immediately everybody gathered on the rooftop.

Lely : Max is hanging there !
Max : Let... me... d-die...
Nudge : So what ?
Lely : We cannot let somebody DIE !
Nudge : We did. In Danganronpa.
Pianta : chokbar
Alice : Now this is so fucked up we can't let him die. Lely. Jump on my shoulders.

Lely did so and with Alice's great height, they were able to reach the airshaft and untie Max, who fell, but didn't get hurt much anyways.

Max stared at Lely.

On his faces were profiled two feelings.

On his right side, the anger, the disappointment, the exasperation, the fear and the fury.

But on the left side of his face, his eyes were sparkling, happy that Max didn't die.

MKPCverse - Season 4
Chapter 4

The end.

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I love how this message is the kinda thing like 5 people understand
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Senko wrote:
et moi je suis où dans tout ça

killing people
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Lely wrote:
Chapter 3 : Forward
Once Lely said that, nobody was able to react. They wanted to answer, but no word was coming out. It was pointless.
Lely : Did somebody die again ??
Nudge : No they... they left.
Lely : They left... as in they just walked off... and did their own thing ?
Nudge : They left permanently ; or at least for an unknown duration.
Lely's jaw dropped, Nudge trying to find the right words so that Lely would not start panicking. That was until his face went from surprise to disappointment.
Lely : I knew this would happen... I tried to get the hospital to keep quiet about my condition so that you wouldn't have to worry for me. It's not your fault and it's not my fault, but the fault of the people who revealed it... not your will, not mine, the will of the people.
Krazey : Aside from all this, how are you so calm ?? You have been trying to grasp onto hope and you were never letting down... what happened ?
Lely : It's a waste of energy to be mad, and whining, and running after the bus. There is an inevitability that I wasn't able to see before ; I do now. Anyways, I'm going to leave, so that the group doesn't shatter, indirectly, because of--
Nudge : No. Please, don't leave.
Lely : You saying this to me ? Unexpected. Also, why ?
Nudge : As much as I hate you, this... was a good thing. All the people who left were people that weren't part of the bond that we had as friends. They all thought about themselves. But in the end, this was a cleanse. Now is the part where we move forward, and you'd be an utter dumbass if you missed it.
Lely : You're... absolutely right. Thank you so much, really.
Nudge : Can you cry now ?
Lely : Yeah, why ?
Nudge : That way I can say that I made you cry in a good way, for probably the only time in my life
While they were talking to each other, the other started to distance themselves, as if they felt like they were butting into a conversation. They started to whisper.
Krazey : Wow ! We actually managed to put them together and not have a full blown out fight between each other. Props guys, we did it !
Princess : True, but I wouldn't have refused some good popcorn :p
Osc : Well this whole thing kind of affected both of them, and Nudge expresses his cares in his own way.
Pianta : I wasn't mean enough for my liking :/ this thing is making us too sweet, I wish I could just yell at you.

But while they are being cringey, what are the other MKPCians actually up to ?
D4rk : Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler... you're so skibidi, you're so fanum tax... I just wanna be your sigma... freaking come here...
Chilli : Someone's gonna end up reporting you to the police. You literally sound like you are going through a sexual inter--
D4rk : Ew. Pervert. So not giving. Gyatt. Mwah. Slay girlypop.
Chilli :Two things :
1. Please just decide whether you're using Gen Z slang or Gen Alpha slang
2. You are braindead and fatherless

D4rk : Wtf ??? So offensive. NINE ONE ONE PLEASE HELP ME A CRAZY CIVILIAN IS PSYCHOLOGICALLY ASSAULTING ME *inserts karen crying noises*

So D4rk is even dumber when he is released free out in nature ?

Let's take a look at Luq and DPK...

Luq : What is your favorite name ? Wario's Shipyard or Wario's Galleon ?
DPK : Galéon de Wario...
Luq : That's the Spanish name...
Cringeh : Oh that makes sense. Real DPK is dating Daisy in Sarasaland Kingdom. I'm a fan so I decided to cosplay as him.
Luq : Correction : You are a stalker and you used his identity.
Cringeh : That's kind of the same thing no !!!1!!1!!1
Is it a French thing to have your braincells sucked out of your brain whenever you are by yourself or in small groups ?

More hope for the Bri'ish ?
Dietsoda : This is such a beautiful city. I wonder how it looks like when it's burning the bloody hell down with the buildings crumbling down one by one like the dominoes that children play with. It must be awesome.
xrunner : We'll end up in jail... but that is a good plan, brother. However, we should practice on smaller villages first, so that we can truly blow this whole place up.

French people are dumb and Bri'ish people are crazy...
But why am I giving my opinion on this ? I am only the narrator... underpaid btw...
But anyways, let's go back to our small group. They entered a grocery store to buy dinner because the sun was already setting ; Feather by Saprina Carpenter was playing in the background.

Pianta : I want to eat homophobic food
Illu : What is that even supposed to be ?
Pianta : Certainly not the gay food you are ordering right now...
Illu : I didn't know food could be gay and feel attracted to food of the same ingredients. Amazing. And btw, it's kalguksu for your fat ass.
Lely : Noodles from a grocery store ? Doesn't sound that good to me.
Illu : Noodles are good whenever, wherever ! Although those ones taste quite cheap. What are you gonna eat though ?
Lely : I don't know...
Osc : I am here you know
Lely : Bitch wha--
Pianta : See this is what I'm talking about. You can't even think straight in all this load of bullshit.
Lely : Shut up, you bought a cucumber and eggplant salad.
Pianta : I just can't afford more you f--
Lely : I'll lend you money. Buy yourself some warrior beans and choke on them.
Pianta : Thank you f-- very much 😇😇
Fiery : See how happy we are on our own ? We feel as light as feathers now.
Nudge : I can't be happy when Lely and Illu are with me. Physically impossible. Mathematically impossible according to the law of--
Krazey : Hey I'm sorry to interrupt you, but where is the bathroom ?
Nudge : This way and as I was saying--
Illu : Wait I'll go too
Nudge : Feel free to walk away we won't miss you ! Anyways--
Osc : Just realized how full my bladder is. Cya Nudge !
Fiery : Bye as well !

Nudge : ...
Lely crossed his legs, shifting his weight to one side.
Lely : ... Can I--
Nudge : You know what -- Just go.
Lely : Thank you *sprints away*

And there Nudge was.
Nudge : You know what, if you didn't want to hear me, you could have just coughed or asked the time because I frankly doubt that you all had to piss at once--
Cashier in the distance : *coughs* What hour is it ?
Nudge : ... Fuck you.

MKPCverse - Season 4
Chapter 3

The end

Um what was that about eating me
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are you making me horny for you?
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Senko wrote:
ok I'm definitely in my vilain arc, tho I don't understand why the fuck I wouldn't care about Lely lmaooo

That's odd, I always remembered you being overly clingy and protective of Lely

Nothing has been the same ever since Noob did his voice reveal
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
ItzD4rk wrote:
Who has transformed me into sussy baka mode by saying gyat in a fanfic? Alright let's go...

jk jk

Just please don't sing that song

The Olivia Rodrigo one or the brainrot one

AI is wild💀 (AKA Post Your AI Generated Movie Posters Here.)

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom

What have I done.

I love Detley Cum

Screw it or don't it? #1

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom

how to create characters in mkpc

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
osc-omb wrote:
Yoshi649 wrote:
Creating characters is a bit complicated, so I'll teach you how to create a character

First we need to use pixel art software to make our character sprites, second thing is the size of the sprite which is 768 x 32, the third is that you have your characters created from scratch, just put them in a kart, sketch your character in the kart because you will differentiate it from the other characters in mkpc, and the fourth thing is to make reference to the character [example] rad was made based on yoshi's sprite, orange robot was made by modifying pac man's orange ghost,
and the fifth is not to steal original characters from mkpc, it is prohibited to download the image of the original character, reply on the website

Uh you absolutely could've phrased that better. Downloading a character isn't prohibited, this isn't some crazy NFT complex, just it's morally wrong to reupload original characters in some cases.

im casing you anime-bomb from now on

i mean i do have a danganronpa pfp fair the fuck enough
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Yoshi649 wrote:
Creating characters is a bit complicated, so I'll teach you how to create a character

First we need to use pixel art software to make our character sprites, second thing is the size of the sprite which is 768 x 32, the third is that you have your characters created from scratch, just put them in a kart, sketch your character in the kart because you will differentiate it from the other characters in mkpc, and the fourth thing is to make reference to the character [example] rad was made based on yoshi's sprite, orange robot was made by modifying pac man's orange ghost,
and the fifth is not to steal original characters from mkpc, it is prohibited to download the image of the original character, reply on the website

Uh you absolutely could've phrased that better. Downloading a character isn't prohibited, this isn't some crazy NFT complex, just it's morally wrong to reupload original characters in some cases.

Pixel Teaches YOU How To Get Better At MKPC

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Kim_Skymin wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
Kim_Skymin wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
i can feel the skill coming inside of me



-ith a seductive smile...


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