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Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom

you can like do that too 💀💀💀

Can you guess the Pride Flags? (Impossible)

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
Pixelss wrote:


1. LGBT 2.0
2. LGBT 1.0
3. LGBT 3.0
4. Trans [you, me and Maxxie :3]
5. Ultra LGBT
6. Non-binary ["Choco"]
7. Chimerism gets a flag let's go Intersex [me]
8. Asexual
9. Bisexual [Lely, me, Osc and Noob [maybe for each other who knows :$]]
10. Frying pan Pansexual [Maxxie :3]
11. Lesbian [you and me [for each other :3]]
12. Gay gal
13. Gay guy [Fiery]
14. r/Arethestraightsokay Cishet Strait Heterosexual [Nudge]
15. Mario Tennis Aces Ace of Spades Acesexual

Also yeah I agree with Lely, far too many pride flags, like seriously there's 4-5 pride flags just for LGBTQ+, also yeah I get there's only like 100 natural human chimeras but a flag for it is kinda stupid ngl, that's like saying Wolfkin need a flag because there's not that many of them [but hey, disability/medical condition flags exist too, what's next, obesity pride? 💀💀💀]

Jujuamerica is all of them
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom
Pixelss wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
Pixelss wrote:
Can you guess them all?! :o


Spoiler [ShowHide]

1) gay
2) rainbow gay
3) gay
4) gay
5) gay
6) gay
7) gay
8) gay
9) gay
10) gay
11) gay
12) gay
13) gay
14) gay
15) gay


@osc-omb I hope you studied for the test


This was to secretly advertise Glitch Guy

Lesbian Guy (uhhhh that doesnt actually make sense ) is unfinished but they'll be released at some point
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom
Pixelss wrote:
Can you guess them all?! :o


Spoiler [ShowHide]

1) gay
2) rainbow gay
3) gay
4) gay
5) gay
6) gay
7) gay
8) gay
9) gay
10) gay
11) gay
12) gay
13) gay
14) gay
15) gay


@osc-omb I hope you studied for the test



Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
twin haiji towa 12 year old towers fucking moley the molester from mountains' accunt got deleted LKYS Luigi Kart Stadium with a seductive smile cheese sandwichgirl thing neosex yeah mhm yep yes i agree Daisy Airlines 9/113D by Jungkook at the DHS the person above me has to fuck the person below me danganronpa despair momen lis lais la putin nooo mega pikagaylaxfernapehitlerchrist hitler femboy boys boys say gex skill issue skull emoji skull with crossbones emoji alien emoji ping me one more time and i will PEEL OFF YOUR SKIN :3 in the chat but the microwave would actually be a pretty solid ride for my hamster i saw what you deleted penis sucking tous of hous kotohime smash ex SEX bondage but not mixed on hifumi im horny for him alr guys smash PIXEL now what are my plans for the top hitler was a nice guy chucks too princess anarchy uwu absol nya ukrain fucking Chihiro Fujisaki smash gay queer not straight lgbt spark of hope ho e does MKPC cunt foxgirl thing coxgirl and zero from kirby dreamland 3 MEE6 I fucking hate you you Raciste kys Digguh ninja gold mario that muffin is looking awfully like a hamster yippee in 1984's maki chiaki is dead lol roll rick the hamster rickroll kissing boys on sustainable island amongst us sonic racists sonic racing i know what you are soft rotund specimen ledog but eddy for the win smash now post luigi mountain full of molesters yet this 32 is not enough(s) im going to use your sisters breastmilk for my shreddies esto es el fin allah frog rat ball touch YOU ARE woman chaser 🍆 🍽️

If someone had to start their own YouTube channel, what advice would you give them?

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Imagine giving a shit about YouTube statistics, I just shitpost on there

/!\ Advent Calendar 2023

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom
Wargor wrote:
It's hard to find universally good challenges for 24 days, there will always be people to complain that it's too easy, too hard, not original enough, too obvious, too vague... We're doing our best to find interesting challenges for as many members as possible, but it's not easy.
We're learning from our experience though, we improve from the criticisms and that's the most important ;) As BowserJr03 said we'll try to find less controversial challenges for next year. Probably more challenges will be made by the staff to reduce the risks and fit the event more. We might also put less extreme challenges at the end, we'll see :)

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the event overall noel
Like last year I distributed a title to all of the participants, based on the number of completed challenges:
- 1-9 completed challenges: Snowy Flake
- 10-19 completed challenges: Christmas Challenger
- 20-23 completed challenges: Advent Adventurer
- 24 completed challenges: Winter Prodigy

The title should appear on your profile.
Congrats to the participants, and happy new year to everyone! tching
C'est dur de trouver des défis universellement bons sur 24 jours, il y aura toujours des gens pour se plaindre que c'est trop facile, trop dur, pas assez original, trop évident, trop vague... On fait notre possible pour trouver des défis intéressants pour un maximum de membres, mais c'est pas évident.
Mais on apprend de notre expérience, on prend en compte les retours et c'est le plus important ;) Comme dit BowserJr03, on essaiera de trouver des défis moins controverses l'année prochaine. Il y aura sûrement plus de défis venant du staff, pour limiter les risques et mieux fit l'événement. On mettra peut-être un peu moins de défis extrêmes à la fin aussi, on verra :)

Enfin bref, globalement j'espère que vous avez apprécié l'événement noel
Comme l'année dernière j'ai attribué un titre à tous les participants, basé sur le nombre de défis réussis :
- 1-9 défis réussis : Flocon Enneigé
- 10-19 défis réussis : Challenger de Noël
- 20-23 défis réussis : Aventurier de l'Avent
- 24 défis réussis : Prodige Hivernal
Bravo aux participants, et bonne année à tous ! tching

I'll be honest and say that I don't think everyone should be able to beat the advent calendar. It definitely should get tough, just not bullshit tough and the curve of difficulty should flow well - which, genuinely, I think this did really well! The only genuinely absurd ones are the memes and the ones that take ages (specifically the presents but I still did enjoy that). But besides that my point is that the Advent Calendar is a special event and it deserves difficulty. Besides if some challenges are really easy people will still beat quite a few. Either way all you get for a perfect 24 is words on your profile and bragging rights. This is all my opinion and you can do whatever next time, whenever that is - it's at least a year away, anyway
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
I'm genuinely really curious how people beat 23 because I kind of feel like I cheated it?
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom

Merry christmas nerds. That was a great event.
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom
look, say i have a skill issue but i honestly don't care anymore. the actual fun in challenges was at the beginning, when we had the VVV challenge and finding Planet Roca Picuda and stuff, but now... i don't even know what to say anymore...
the challenges now are just either annoying or a troll and i honestly hate it
heck, why am i even doing this?! why am i even here?
i quit the advent calendar, it's getting too difficult for me....
I give up even trying anymore. It's pointless.

Fair enough. Some of these challenges genuinely just aren't well designed, and the ones that are are on bad tracks. Anyway, all you're missing out on is some extra challenge points, so who cares
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
today's challenge is really fucking shit, and it's not even hard, it just goes against almost every principle of good challenge design. if you're struggling, check my TT ghost, it will show what to do

Why, pray tell, did you people choose this challenge? You could've done anything, but you go with the challenge equivalent to an enemy spam evel with a dev exit in Mario Maker. Nice job.
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom
This one may be easy, but just know not all of them will be :)

I just hope it's fair difficulty and also balanced so that it gets progressively harder instead of looking like a fucking waveform of Never Gonna Give You Up
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom

Bro think he scrugge
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom
Oh nice, it's happening again. I hope this becomes tradition

Mario Character Relationships.

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Luigi Wario the best track or all time

The OSC Zone

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
You made a topic all about me I'm so flattered

MKPC Tournament

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
xrunner48 wrote:
So many of these rules are pointless, "No custom characters" 😬

I think little fella forgor that in a competitive setting the only custom chars being played will be Daisy stats
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
that is a really incredible good idea to host a tournament the same day you announce it, nice advertising in dms too

also, tf are we considering reverse drifting? pressing the down key while holding the drift button? that's bullshit, there's no real way to determine if someone's using rd

Share your BCP hot takes here

Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
I might as well just give my thoughts on every track since most are hot takes

Paris - Worst track in the game, sorry baguettians
Toad Circuit - It can be fun on 200cc. I don't mind the grass too much. It would be nice with a texture but I don't want to fuck up the colors
Choco Mountain - I like it, and I'm actually really glad not a lot was changed
Coconut Mall - Better than whatever the fuck the foggy hell of the original was. I love this version, but I still don't like this track a lot in general. Though I'll say one thing. I much prefer what was done with the cars here. Gameplay wise, hOLY SHIT IS IT SO MUCH BETTER. The original was complete fucking luck if you'd make it through, let alone hit a single boost. I don't know if I've ever said this, but I fucking DESPISE putting cycle-based obstacles in an on-rails game. The worst part being that this is the penultimate straight before the end. So basically, even on fucking Time Trials, this section is a pile of domesticated wolfs' faeces.
Tokyo - Good, great actually, but why the TC motif
Shroom Ridge - Better playing and looking car track than Toad's Turnpike
Sky Garden - I like the original, but this version is so much better. The layout of the original is such a mess, and it fails to really... have a theming?
Ninja Hideaway - Good style and theming makes a track, and this is proof.
New York - forgettable. I'd rather play Rome.
Mario Circuit Third Number From Zero - I love it. It plays so good, and it actually respects the source material in its background. I never liked what Wii did with this theme.
Kalimari Desert - I like that they used the train tunnel, but it's still the worst desert track in the series
Waluigi Pinball - I've never had many problems with the official versions of this track, I just think it's overrated as fuck. I've only ever properly hated the track in MKPC, because it does not play well.
Sydney - holy shit I love it. One of the best cities
Snow Land - This is my third favourite wave 2 track, with 2nd being MC3 and 1st being Sydney. I love the shortcut.
Mushroom Gorge - I mean, at least I could actually see this going in the first cup for once. But it doesn't really improve on a track I'm already not a fan of other than making the mushrooms actually controllable.
Sky High Sundae - ...Inoffensive. just gets boring after a while. I don't mind a race on it.
London - As someone who's lived in London for a grand total of I believe 7 years (I no longer live there and I'm fucking glad) I can confirm that we are all metal dogs and there's more mist than your average Wii track.
On a more serious note... I like this. Not as much as Sydney, but more than the other cities so far. The music is good, but it sounds more like Jun Senoue than London
Boo Lake - Always been a fun layout, I like what's here.
Rock Rock Mountain - Yall be complaining about the walls and yet in the original they look like god damn concrete 💀
Again, good, just spends a long while on straights gliding.
Maple Treeway - This and MH have always been my favourite Wii tracks, and the BCP artstyle complements this much better. I like it.
Berlin - Better than Sydney. I just like the flow of it.
Peach Gardens - It's boring, but for filler they did a good job
Merry Mountain - NAILED IT. The Christmas vibe is done great here, and the gameplay, if simple, is still fun.
3DS Rainbow Road - I don't need to explain why the original was the best Rainbow Road and this is basically just a small upgrade in every way over that.
Amsterdam Drift - weed/10*
Mario Circuit - I would not have wanted any other DS track. By far, the best circuit track in the series.
Waluigi Stadium - I have never liked this track. It is so fucking slow and shit coloured.
Yoshi's Island - I'll be real, I don't like it when they waste slots on nostalgia bait, but this is good.
Rush to Bang Cock - One of the most odd track layouts in a Mario Kart game, and I like it, along with the theme.
Riverside Park - A fun twist on a fun layout. I can play this for ages.
DK Summit - Janky as hell, though it's still great fun!
Singapore - I struggle to believe this is based on real life, with how creative it is. I love it so much. Best city so far in the list.
Athens Dash - It's actually a nice breather from the more industrial cities. It's a bit jank though
Daisy Cruiser - Filler. Good filler, though.
Moonview Highway - This fixes everything wrong with the original, in that it makes the graphics much better, and tones down the randomness factor.
Squeaky Clean Sprint - I wonder if this is in the same house as Ribbon Road? Either way, really fun and creative.
Los Angeles - Section tracks are cool, and so is this one. Just feel like they could've done more.
Sunset Wilds - *sigh*
Time for a rant. This is not an attack on anyone.
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Sunset Wilds. Is a good track. *gasp* And. *gasps louder* An improvement over the original. *Entire crowd loses their shit*Alright. I'm gonna talk about it. The sun. Setting. Do you fucking idiots not know what sunset means as a description? You all will fucking say "It'S cAlLeD sUnSeT wIlDs BuT tHe SuN dOeSn'T sEt" Have you ever heard somebody say "What a nice sunset"? That messes your entire point. Look at a random sunset. Imagine a track is made out of that image with the word "Sunset" in the name. Sunset Park, for example. Would you object to that name?
Most of the time, especially when naming things after it, sunset refers to the time when the sun is going down. Thinking about it like this, the name Sunset Wilds isn't even correct as the final lap takes place after sunset. Before you ask, I believe that changing the time of the track does not give it an identity, it's simply just a nice touch, even if no other track does it. Seriously though, the time doesn't even affect anything. It's just a palette swap. And sure, okay, it is still nice to include it, but the MK8 lighting engine literally cannot change the lighting of the track in real time like that without at the very least slowing down a hell of a lot. Before you tell me "oh but Tour is a mobile game and this is a port of a Wii U game on the switch!!! Phones can do it, surely this can!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!" Grandma, the platform it's on does NOT determine everything it can do. Limitations come from other things 💀. Being a mobile game doesn't even mean anything - there are plenty of phones decently easily available that are more powerful than a Switch. The only reason Tour is a low-cost game is accessibility. Besides, I just can't be asked to care. The track is still just as good, and I can enjoy it. It is what it is: a nice touch that didn't mean anything that wasn't possible for this game.

tl;dr: The controversy over the time of day change is dumb and I still like the track
Koopa Cape - I don't really feel any desire to replay it, but I never did with the other versions either. It still can be nice to race on.
Vancouver Velocity: The third lap sucks but I like it. Canada is based.
Rome: The coliseum areas are nice. Otherwise not much happens, it's just a simple drive.
DK Mountain - A huge glow up, at least visually. The view from the mountain is so nice. As always, it's a good drive.
Daisy Circuit - Really boring
Piranha Plant Cove - This comes... dangerously close to my favourite track in the game, but I'll only be able to tell if I ever do a ranking.
Madrid - I like the locations. And the music. Fun.
Rosalina's Ice World - Never used to care for this, but the improvements here make it so much fun.
Bowser Castle 3 - Better than the Nitro BC
Wii Rainbow Road - Not nearly as much spectacle as 3DS, but it plays well, and chaotic - but not in a way that's unfair, Coconut Mall.

*Amsterdam is forgettable. I was playing it since random chose it after Wave 6 came out and I genuinely forgot how it went. Perhaps my mind tried to erase the memory, because I was sick on the day when it released in Tour.
Messages 2495 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
jamestown wrote:
jamestown wrote:
Including SNES Mario Circuit 3, DS Peach Gardens, GCN Waluigi Stadium, and GCN DK Mountain, the Booster Course Pass has a total of 11 courses from Mario Kart Wii. Add Wii Moo Moo Meadows, Wii Grumble Volcano, and Wii Wario's Gold Mine and you get a total of 14 courses from Mario Kart Wii

Again, observations. Not shitty opinions like this topic is looking for.
Sorry, but I don't like it when people swear to me


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