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Ask me anything - Ahmad Elkhuffash

Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I’m not really sure but I’ll list a few of them.

1. Add invincibility frames.
2. Nerf the bomb like reduce the radius of the bomb explosion and make it less frequent.
3. Fix the blue shell. Every time a blue shell is thrown, it will hit a player in 1st place only when a blue shell was thrown, not when there is a last moment meaning that the 1st place player could have gotten down to 2nd place and then a few moments later, a blue shell came to you and the 1st place player breaks away.

These are few of my ideas to improve the game which I’m finally glad that Wargor fixed it.
Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Well my story in the 2nd page should tell you already but I’ll give you a small summary. I was searching up for Mario kart maker because I feel like it and then I found this website and that’s how I found this website and be with the community.
Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I know but I just don’t want to do it right now, maybe later. Anyways if anybody have questions about me feel free to put them here.
Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Ehh, I don't feel like it and I like replying without quotes but I might do it one day.
Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Guys guys, calm down. Let's not argue over a question now does anyone have any questions for me?
Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Because I like the default one already.
Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Not really at all. I just want to keep it default. Also I don’t understand much about Arabic at all so if you want to speak to me, speak in English or I will use google translate to translate what you’re saying so I can understand.
Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I’m not sure what you are saying since it has some grammar errors but if you mean me adding an actual profile picture, no I don’t want to add it at all.
Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Guys calm down. Let’s not start an argument and drama over a question.

If anyone else has questions feel free to put them below.
Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I know Toad64 but a lot of people don’t know me at all even though I’m only here for 3 months and I mainly only play the actual game.

Here’s a little backstory. I want to play time trials and always improve my time ever since I joined here and I played online races and battles shortly after I joined and one time I was 1v1 with Veethan23 and back then I had like 10k points but one day he wants to give me an offer and come to the private messages so he can give me an offer so he told me everything about the pro league and how I can join discord and create an account and I joined the pro league and started playing there. That’s how I joined in the competitive scene just in one race with Veethan23 and it was very fun in the league.

Here’s another backstory, I was searching up for Mario kart maker just because I felt like and then I discovered this site where they have a track maker so I started making quick mode tracks because I didn’t know complete mode at all but I left the site at April because I was very bad at making tracks and when I tried to make tracks, it always ended up on a worse version of figure 8 circuit and I didn’t had an account that time and nobody knew me at all which makes sense since I was just making tracks without an account and then I joined back at mid-July to do some time trials and complete Grand Prix on which I did but it was very hard especially with the last cups but I’ll stop now since it’s too much.
Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
And I’m pretty sure other people don’t want to do a face reveal as well.
Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
No, I’m not doing that.
Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Oh okay and I like my real name. By the way my real name is Ahmad Elkhuffash.
Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
No, I live in Abu Dhabi and how do you know Dubai?
Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I thinks it’s pretty good and strange at the same time because there is less moderators than admins.

I don’t know what do you mean by that. If you meant in terms of new moderators and admins, it’s Urban for sure and if you mean’t by moderators and admin as whole well Ryubix is my favorite Admin and Veethan23 is my favorite moderator as of right now but if not that then I don’t know what you mean as the question was so vague.

I think you (Gary) should be a moderator or admin. There could be others of course which I’ll not list them here.

It’s great overall although there has been dramas lately but everything is good besides some players who annoys me of course.
Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
To be honest I’m not really sure and it really depends on some factors like behavior or skills in the game but I’ll list my top 5 pro players based on the skill they have.
Please note that all of them is very good so if it’s not included here, it doesn’t mean they are bad.

5. Vlone
4. JPG
3. Infinate
2. ZeKirio
1. Urban
Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Yeah I liked that last name but not much really.
Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Hello everybody. My name is Ahmad Elkhuffash and this is the first topic I’ve ever created. Gary, Anna, Infinate and Garfield made this similar topic so I thought about doing the same thing. I created this topic because I’ve been here for 3 months and a lot of people don’t know me at all since I was only playing the actual game so I did this so people can get to know each other and see what we have in common and stuff like that. You can ask me any questions but please don’t ask me any private and inappropriate questions because I will NOT answer them at all.

Favorite MKPC Player and why

Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
@BFDI_Ahmad16 - Best at base game
@m26g - Best at pixel art
@hoppingicon - Best at CTs in general

I might be one of the best but not the best.
M26G has some great tracks but definitely not the best at pixel art.
Hoppingicon is good with CTs but he's far from the best.


Messages 556 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29631 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Jey78 wrote:
Ça date d'il y a à peines quelques minutes. Un drama commence sur le serveur MKJDS et je supprime des messages pour éviter que ça gagne sur tout le serveur (ce qui à été malgré ça le cas). Les messages portaient sur des accusations de @LandonAndEmma pour des actes illégaux. J'ai essayé de le défendre en disant que y avait aucune preuve et que ce gars n'as rien fait sur le serv et m'as même aidé pour la partie musique de MKJDS (argument stupide vous vous en doutez). Bref certains membres (je ne les citerai pas pour pas qu'ils aient de problèmes) s'est mis à me traiter de con (après réflexion ils ont eu raison et se verront unban pour la plupart (et oui j'étais aussi vénère que lors de mon ban MKPC)). Après que Fways, Anthcny, Max-Bros et Omega Khalid qui était les derniers admins quittent le serveur je me suis dit qu'il y avait un sérieux problème: j'ai donc décidé de regarder les screenshots de fond en combles jusqu'a trouver plusieurs choses qui m'on convaincues, la première c'est que Landon a une gf imaginaire et qu'il a dit des trucs VRAIMENT étranges par rapport à elle. et c'est pas la seule chose, il a dit que MKPC étaient des racistes des autistes et que Senko (aka pdp de Max bros) étaient leur mascotte (bruh). Bref ce gars a beau être sympa, il a une face très sombre. je l'ai donc ban du serveur MKJDS. Avant de finir ce pavé je tient à m'excuser auprès de Fways, Antchny, Nudge, Max Bros et Omega Khalid. Je me suis calmé et suis désolé pour ce désagrément. J'espère ne plus reproduire de drama. Je compte aussi faire une pause de Discord et réfléchir, après tout je pense que j'en ai bien besoin. Je sais pas vraiment pourquoi je fais mes excuses sur MKPC, après tout ça fait plaisir de vous retrouver.

Hello Jey78. It's great to see that you're reflecting the action you've done which is not something a lot of people does nowadays. However, you will receive a warning for the drama you've caused and if you continue doing these similar actions, you will receive sanctions.

This topic is now locked.

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