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~ Lely's Script Channel ~

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
Everglow wrote:
My overall thoughts about the forum lately : arguments, the good, the bad and the clueless
The forum isn't in the best state ever lately. I feel like there is a lot of arguments and even if it's okay right now, I'll address it anyways.
- orchid : his trolling definitively trigger some people. Personnally I got over it with time. Saying the n word in DMs is breaking the rules, but I do not think a permaban will be the solution since that probably means complaints from Pianta, Fways, Mudky and Kirio. He deserves a warn. Why am I not harsh ? Because it's orchid. We all know he is part of the people who won't give a fuck if we send disagreement about his actions and that he will be defended by the quatuor I named earlier. So let's sanction him a bit so he understands, and Jey will stop crying, but let's not permaban, and apparently he apologized.
- Jey is back in a complaining state of mind. He's got the right spirit, trying to stop a troll from trolling and all of that stuff, but there is no point in that. He is complaining too much and not minding his own business about the current situation. He's got the right spirit but he should adapt to the situation, and we all know orchid is gonna stay that way. Plus he's accusing without proofs and butting onto other people's businesses.
- Max is part of the problem here. Although he doesn't harm anyone in any way, the lack of confidence he has in his decisions is a problem since he doesn't take any action when small action is needed because he's scared if the criticism he will receive. He's a mod after all, even if he receives backlash, he can still take action in that case and if it's not that unfair people shouldn't be complaining. Max has got too much backlash overall but he still needs to work on his confidence about this because it's purely and simply part of his job. Knowing how and when to take action.
- Nudge is strangely evolving in a very good way. I thought he would be either agressive towards the trolls or trolling towards Max and stuff, but he's actually looking at everything in a smart way and trying to help, so his way to act is welcomed in this kind of situation to be honest.
- SCG (the bee guy) is posting a lot of irrelevant content and overreacts a lot to anything, which is simply very annoying and childish behavior.
- Cinnamon is a greag member. So sure, before coming back, his last action was one of the stupidest things ever done and you can't pretend he's a perfect guy without thinking about his past. Although his recent interventions are rather mature overall, so its a positive evolution.
- Coopa and Cringeh just chilled down on their activity and it's a breath of fresh air.

Overall the forum is just in a very arguing state, which is frankly not a good thing. March was low F tier, April was high C/very low B tier, May was low C/mid C tier and this month is low D/mid D tier. It is not fatal but things need to be done, notably around the moderation team.

lets goooo i'm in there woohoooooooo!!! first in the list
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
The current state of the forum.

The forum is in a bad state at the moment. This is why:

Problematic people:
EndOfAnEra - Spam Spam Spam spMa Parma Spam spam a spam snaps a Mapms Samoan sampasmmOaamOMsoMsoazmoemOsamoSmapOSpaonamPsoamMPsPm
KirbyBoy - Crying about useless things via spamming of useless topics
*N word lover* (I forgor his name)  - Toxic Trolling
Tendo - No more alts, right?

Max - Doubts himself
Tox - On 1 minute a day because he’s upside-down
Ahmad + Infi - Forgot the forum exists
Ryubix - Busy with more important stuff
Wargor - Busy making the gameplay better
Me - Sending this message
Jey - Hack the website in order to ban them
Lely - Act as bait



Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
Ive wrote:
Astolfo wrote:
Astolfo wrote:
Your topics aren't even making any sense lmfao 💀 if you got nothing to say don't speak at all..

everglow try to not be grumpy as fuck (impossible)
just let people do whatever they wanna do, i don't think they asked about ur opinion :3
if you don't like shitpost then it's not our problem, just deal with it
your answer was about as useless as the first message of the topic

I'm not grumpy and I honestly doubt this is shitpost, I really think OP's intention was to create a topic because he wanted to and I don't see any joke intent behind it
But whatever you say lol yup I'm embittered
And yes I do lowkey agree with your views but it's been several useless topics made and I really don't think that's sarcasm, just pure irrelevancy

blah blah blah
it is shitpost, seems about as clear as water to me
silly posts like those are trending on the internet, you can see it as irrelevancy if you want who cares tbh

Okay fine, I'll take the L, you're right. I don't feel like arguing tonight and you're right, and you'll probably find better arguments than me. I didn't really know that this was trending, sorry if I don't keep up with silly trends but anyways I'm off, sorry for disturbing

i never tried to seek approval idk why u're saying this, i was just saying my opinion just like you did lmao
anyways have a good night
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
Astolfo wrote:
Your topics aren't even making any sense lmfao 💀 if you got nothing to say don't speak at all..

everglow try to not be grumpy as fuck (impossible)
just let people do whatever they wanna do, i don't think they asked about ur opinion :3
if you don't like shitpost then it's not our problem, just deal with it
your answer was about as useless as the first message of the topic

I'm not grumpy and I honestly doubt this is shitpost, I really think OP's intention was to create a topic because he wanted to and I don't see any joke intent behind it
But whatever you say lol yup I'm embittered
And yes I do lowkey agree with your views but it's been several useless topics made and I really don't think that's sarcasm, just pure irrelevancy

blah blah blah
it is shitpost, seems about as clear as water to me
silly posts like those are trending on the internet, you can see it as irrelevancy if you want who cares tbh
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
Your topics aren't even making any sense lmfao 💀 if you got nothing to say don't speak at all..

everglow try to not be grumpy as fuck (impossible)
just let people do whatever they wanna do, i don't think they asked about ur opinion :3
if you don't like shitpost then it's not our problem, just deal with it
your answer was about as useless as the first message of the topic

vous trouver peach moche?

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
c'est quoi ce topic de détraqué encore

Mario kart Wii or Mario kart ds, which is better?

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
Seriouster wrote:
mkwii, the video game of my childhood:)

salam aleykum bassem ça va ?

aleykum salam akhy
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
mkwii, the video game of my childhood:)

Who is more annoying?

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
both of you hap


Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
Seriouster wrote:
pd contre hetero ma gueule

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
SAH_Fways wrote:
j'aime pas les noirs non plus donc jcomprends totalement mon ami juif ici

en effet #WhitePower
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
nn moi je fais pas hannukah je fais que Pourim  et le Yom Kippour
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
RGX_Vandal wrote:
weshh les guys j'ai jamais fais ça okay!!!!
c'est un montage photoshopifié que orchid a effectué parce que j'ai un meilleur aim qu'elle sur Osiris!!!! :( :( :(

nn c'est juste que t'as le torah buff..
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
alors c inadmissable.....
je tombe de très haut desuka..

[JUDAISME] Torah, l'enseignement divin du judaisme.

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
Bon, Alessio la ptite tchoin qui perd ses couilles et qui refuse de call car je suis un dieu divin np, mais scorer 30 à chaque war à la A7 sa devenais chiant de trimballer une merde comme toi les aigles ne vole pas avec les pigeons on a été suffisamment gentil avec toi ma petite, tu crache derrière le dos à tout le monde tu osais même pas call e' war avec moi et Vex je te comprend t'avais peur de notre supériorité divine, nico tes gros Sasa se sert de toi comme trempoline gros lard elle fais son sport sur ta graisse, j'ai jamais voulu être Gun petit anecdote en 2015 cobra ma test pour la FR il était satisfais mais le délire des 5,6 guns a la FR m'ont déplus ils montrait leur caca au toilettes et leur cul, désolé jsuis pas gay allez en tchetchenie svp sa fera du tri, ma Gun est rempli de PD plus le temps passe plus les gun se converti à l'homosexualité c'est chaud cosmos kroma kroen akiyo le prochain c'est nico qui finira bi il se prendra la teube à cosmos dans le cul et le godmichet à Sasa dans la bouche ce fils de lâche avec son corps rempli de gresse sa vie se résume à mkwii le pauvre il saute il fais l'effet du pow ce charcutier prédestiné
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
Lely wrote:
buyhands wrote:
Bon, Alessio la ptite tchoin qui perd ses couilles et qui refuse de call car je suis un dieu divin np, mais scorer 30 à chaque war à la A7 sa devenais chiant de trimballer une merde comme toi les aigles ne vole pas avec les pigeons on a été suffisamment gentil avec toi ma petite, tu crache derrière le dos à tout le monde tu osais même pas call e' war avec moi et Vex je te comprend t'avais peur de notre supériorité divine, nico tes gros Sasa se sert de toi comme trempoline gros lard elle fais son sport sur ta graisse, j'ai jamais voulu être Gun petit anecdote en 2015 cobra ma test pour la FR il était satisfais mais le délire des 5,6 guns a la FR m'ont déplus ils montrait leur caca au toilettes et leur cul, désolé jsuis pas gay allez en tchetchenie svp sa fera du tri, ma Gun est rempli de PD plus le temps passe plus les gun se converti à l'homosexualité c'est chaud cosmos kroma kroen akiyo le prochain c'est nico qui finira bi il se prendra la teube à cosmos dans le cul et le godmichet à Sasa dans la bouche ce fils de lâche avec son corps rempli de gresse sa vie se résume à mkwii le pauvre il saute il fais l'effet du pow ce charcutier prédestiné

Literally wut?????
Does anybody else understand?

This is "French" and the amount of weird words is preventing me from understanding anything. I also noticed some bots spammed that during the DDos attack



Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
tu veux pas recréer un compte discord pour jouer la tri-nation mec

non lol invu n'a pas le droit c'est illégal!! martine judith juif


Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
meh just quit, happy bday tho

@Invu , il est juste chiant tbh le défends pas

Why I'm leaving Discord

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
KC_Kurama wrote:
bonjour à tous, je me permet de faire de la pub pour Mudkip Kart Adventure vu l'activité du topic
hey everyone, i'll allow myself to advertise Mudkip Kart Adventure due to this topic activity

Oh oui je vais aller y jouer de ce pasbisoulove:$:$
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs18298 pts ★ Master
battle5053 pts ★ Novice
orchid wrote:
orchid wrote:
orchid wrote:
Fways wrote:
Anthcny wrote:
Senko wrote:
Anthcny wrote:
Ok but you know, you can just create a new account with a different email address, and chance it once your account will be deleted

Ok mais reste que tu l'as report, et honnêtement je te pardonnerai jamais, en plus la raison du report (que tu ne pensais pas qu'il arriverai jusqu'au bout) c'était juste une blague sur le fait qu'il ne connaissait pas vraiment Kinder, mais tu te fous de notre gueule tu viens de briser quelqu'un pour ÇA ?!
Non mais srx cette situation de devrait pas exister, et toi tu report une personne pour une raison stupide + il y a pleins d'underage sur le serv de Lounge et mêmd peut-être certains sur le serv principal sans qu'on le sache...

Bref je te déteste maintenant, mais vrm


The reaction thumbs up exist right? You already know that this type of message us useless?

oh ta gueule

bien dit bblove

Et je pense que j'ai un bon gros avis sur ce message. De 1 : Tu vois des gens faire des trucs interdit tu te dit que c'est bien de faire pareil et ça c'est problématique. De 2 : Ce bien dit bb, je ne sais pas a quoi il sert, de plus je suis sur que tu ne le connais pas. Le voila le problème de certaines personnes. En plus qu'il brisent les règles ils encouragent ceux qui font n'importe quoi

Mais ferme la je connais surement + fways que toi lmao
faut arrêter d'être aigri comme ça c'est fou

Non mais alors la pour commencer, je ne suis pas "aigri" j'explique, parce que il vient de perdre de l'argent, et toi derrière quesque tu fais? Tu commence a faire n'importe quoi. Bah purée jolie 2023

Mais s'en ranleeeeee

Déja tu viens d'enfreindre les règles a plusieurs reprise et si c'est pour faire n'importe quoi juste arrête et ignore tout le monde au lieu d'en rajouter pour au final ne rien dire d'intéréssant

s'en ranle x2

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