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Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
i've made another level!
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{"ver":"v8.beta26.3","style":2,"name":"SMB 1-1 Recreation","authors":"-MNL-","start":{"map":"1-1","p1":{"X":1.5,"Y":23}},"lives":2,"timer":500,"maps":{"1-1":{"size":"200,30","layers":{"Objects":{"dat":"o,,0,0","objects":{"0":"b2,6,20,C[o1]","1":"b3,9,20","2":"b2,10,20,C[i1]","3":"b3,11,20","4":"b2,12,20,C[o1]","5":"b3,13,20","6":"e1,11.5,23","7":"pi1,16,23,E[2]","8":"pi1,23,23,E[4]","9":"pi1,31,23,E[7]","10":"pi1,40,23,E[7]","11":"e1,27.5,23","12":"e1,34,23","13":"e1,38,23","14":"b2,11,16,C[o1]","15":"b2,49,18,E[,,,,1],C[il1]","16":"b3,60,20","17":"b3,62,20","18":"b2,61,20,C[i2]","19":"b3,66,15","20":"b3,67,15","21":"b3,70,15","22":"b3,71,15","23":"b3,73,15","24":"b3,75,15","25":"b3,76,15","26":"b3,74,15","27":"b3,68,15","28":"b3,69,15","29":"b3,72,15","30":"b3,79,15","31":"b3,80,15","32":"b3,81,15","33":"b3,82,15","34":"b2,83,15,C[o1]","35":"e1,66,14","36":"e1,68,14","37":"t5,55,29,E[300,10,75]","38":"t5,54,29,E[300,10,75]","39":"t5,53.5,29,E[300,10,75]","40":"t5,55.5,29,E[300,10,75]","41":"b3,83,19,C[o1]","42":"e1,87,23","43":"e1,89,23","44":"b3,91,19","45":"b3,92,19,C[it1]","46":"b2,100,19,C[o1]","47":"b2,97,19,C[o1]","48":"b2,100,15,C[i2]","49":"b2,103,19,C[o1]","50":"e5,97.5,23","51":"e1,105,23","52":"e1,106.5,23","53":"b3,109,20","54":"b3,112,15","55":"b3,113,15","56":"b3,114,15","57":"b3,119,16","58":"b2,120,16,C[o1]","59":"b2,121,16,C[o1]","60":"b3,122,16","61":"b3,120,20","62":"b3,121,20","63":"e1,114,23","64":"e1,116,23","65":"e1,118.5,23","66":"e1,120.5,23","67":"pi1,155,23,E[2]","68":"b3,160,20","69":"b3,161,20","70":"b2,162,20,C[o1]","71":"b3,163,20","72":"e1,166,23","73":"e1,167.5,23","74":"pi1,172,23,E[2]","75":"b3,186,23","76":"o29,185,23","77":"o15,190,23,E[15,1,14,,1]"}},"Tiles 1":{"dat":"t,,0,0","2_Grass":"3580x-1,0,2,197x-1,0,16,5,196x-1,0,16,4,5,146x-1,9,2x-1,9,10x-1,0,2,2x-1,9,30x-1,0,16,2x4,5,145x-1,0,5,2x-1,3,2,8x-1,0,16,5,2x-1,3,2,28x-1,0,16,3x4,5,144x-1,0,16,5,2x-1,3,17,2,6x-1,0,16,4,5,2x-1,3,17,2,26x-1,0,16,4x4,5,143x-1,0,16,4,5,74,80,3,4,17,2,4x-1,0,16,2x4,5,2x-1,3,4,17,2,24x-1,0,16,5x4,5,18x-1,53x1,2,2x-1,0,86x1,2,2x-1,0,53x1,53x4,5,2x-1,3,86x4,5,2x-1,3,106x4,5,2x-1,3,86x4,5,2x-1,3,106x4,5,2x-1,3,86x4,5,2x-1,3,106x4,5,2x-1,3,86x4,5,2x-1,3,106x4,5,2x-1,3,86x4,5,2x-1,3,53x4"},"Tiles 2":{"dat":"t,,0,0"}},"editL":"Tiles 1","bgc":"0,99,189","music":"11","pal":0,"mg":{"src":"2_bhill","dat":"1,6"},"fg":{"src":"2_fhill","dat":"1,6"},"entryways":{"enter bonus":"1,Objects,40.5,20,exit,bonus room"},"destinations":{"back from cavern":"2,Tiles 1,16.5,22.5"}},"bonus room":{"size":"26,15","bgc":"0,0,0","editL":"Objects","layers":{"Objects":{"dat":"o,,0,0","objects":{"0":"pi3,2,0,E[2]","1":"o1,9,8.5","2":"o1,10,8.5","3":"o1,11,8.5","4":"o1,12,8.5","5":"o1,13,8.5","6":"o1,8,8.5","7":"o1,8,7","8":"o1,8,5.5","9":"o1,9,4","10":"o1,10,4","11":"o1,11,4","12":"o1,12,4","13":"o1,13,5.5","14":"o1,12,5.5","15":"o1,11,5.5","16":"o1,10,5.5","17":"o1,9,5.5","18":"o1,13,7","19":"o1,12,7","20":"o1,11,7","21":"o1,10,7","22":"o1,9,7","23":"pi4,23,9,E[2]","24":"pi1,24,8,E[17]","25":"o46,17.5,10,1,E[26,15,,,,1],T[hi, i'm mnl. i'm assuming you saw me lazing  around in mario and the ice outbreak. if so, then cool. also uhh can you carry this to the end for me? it's my walmart package. sorry, the 1-ups weren't in stock, unlike in my actual first level, which hasn't released yet. (i know this is technically time jumping but WHO CARES)][MNL],C[o49,C[o28]]"}},"Tiles 1":{"dat":"t,,0,0","2_Cave":"7x-1,12,6x13,14,252x-1,0,6x1,2,11x-1,7x1,8x4,11x1,78x4","2_Grass":"258x-1,2x42,24x-1,2x42,104x-1"},"Tiles 2":{"dat":"t,,0,0"}},"music":"12","pal":0,"mg":{"src":"2_fcave","dat":"1,6,0,0"},"destinations":{"exit":"4,Objects,2.5,0.5"},"entryways":{"enter":"3,Objects,22.5,9.5,back from cavern,1-1"}}}}

/!\ Report / Signalements /!\

Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Alexbeaup wrote:
I'm really like my PC.

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The PC is not fixed this game

the day alexbeaup says something actually useful is the day pigs can fly
Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
@DCC2 for spam
(also, no matter what track they see, they will reply with "I hate Wario!" even my most recent track)

something's telling me he JUST might hate wario.
Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Alexbeaup wrote:
UraniumMan wrote:
Alexbeaup wrote:
Alexbeaup wrote:
I'm not calling the Police

But i don't lose the paper

Please shut the fuck up

Your don't Swearing for the god.

It's fucking allowed


so like there's this cool fucking thing called the mkpc rules, you should read them to double check your previous statement
Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Alexbeaup wrote:
Poowa wrote:

Miles AAAAAAAAlreAAAAAAAAdy reported him, but mods sAAAAAAAAAAAAid they weren't AAAAAAAAAn AAAAAAAlt

wait are you screaming like that dude.

Because he thinks he's really funny (he's not)

do i have the rights to call it a "message gimmick"
Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Alexbeaup wrote:
UraniumMan wrote:
Twilight wrote:
@RedHotSonic posted this message in one of his topics (and yes i have reported him with the report button)

Don't worry he got banned thankfully


But it's Mario dance

y'know what i hope andresthegoat hacks you
Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Alexbeaup wrote:
Alexbeaup wrote:
Do not repoting, Only one play with Online mods in Mario Kart PC.

RedPikmin95 has had a fatal error trying to understand what the fuck you’re trying to say

Press any key to restart

What a Error

an error is basically a mistake, like you are
Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Also d's rainbow road sucks too NFL too thin need to make it thicker

This isnt a report go put your crying somewhere else
Boy shut ur  mouth monkey

Your ass is lucky I’m not black otherwise I would cuss you out

@Yoshi649 @OneWoopyBoi why facepalm?

They just have a opinion (although a rather weird one) let them breathe

No that is stupid reasoning I want to hear why they did that not for them to just do that randomly and hide behind “bro it’s just my opinion let me breathe” also I had to change my message for some random guy and AluminiumGuy the same yoot that said womp womp to a guy getting a HORRIFIC injury so sorry for that sweet poor little guy

yea i find it kinda stupid they facepalmed your message because there wasn't anything that was obnoxious or didnt make sense (also im still upset about MetalHuman saying womp womp to an injury)

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(also there's been
what's next, steelsperson?)
Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Can some one tell a dev to make the bots there actual stats of the character bc I raged trying to get link 👿😡😡😡😡 and I still have n gotten it  so tell them to make bots actually fair

Bots are supposed to be difficult. You can not change that!

i already know what tappy's gonna react with
Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
UraniumMan wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Also d's rainbow road sucks too NFL too thin need to make it thicker

This isnt a report go put your crying somewhere else
Boy shut ur  mouth monkey

You know this is the wrong topic right? You're not reporting anything
U know what else we need to report your life so pipe down monkey

If you wanna cry and be mad, just hop off MKPC for a bit then come back when your donesuper

sorry about that guys, i just gave him a sample of my angr-cola, it has a few side effects.
Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Senko wrote:
Senko wrote:
i'm surprised tendo hasn't been banned yet for what he did (also sorry for not saying context but i said something along the lines of "brb, gonna kill some [UTTP] officers" and coneur (tendo) responded with the message i sent in this forum)

Like I said he should be affected by the ban because one of those accounts was his alt and the ban was an ip ban

weird, doesn't show he's banned. maybe its just a graphical glitch on my part

I also don't see his ban on my screen

He literally needs to log back on his account so it can be affected by the ip ban, if he doesn't do that then it won't show up, but otherwise his account is still cooked sooooo

question: is his IP ban temporary or permanent? (with no second chance)
last time it was a more than year long ban so i don't think he's coming back, to say the least https://i.postimg.cc/SKQ18KML/image.png
Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Senko wrote:
i'm surprised tendo hasn't been banned yet for what he did (also sorry for not saying context but i said something along the lines of "brb, gonna kill some [UTTP] officers" and coneur (tendo) responded with the message i sent in this forum)

Like I said he should be affected by the ban because one of those accounts was his alt and the ban was an ip ban

weird, doesn't show he's banned. maybe its just a graphical glitch on my part
Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
i'm surprised tendo hasn't been banned yet for what he did (also sorry for not saying context but i said something along the lines of "brb, gonna kill some [UTTP] officers" and coneur (tendo) responded with the message i sent in this forum)
Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
https://i.postimg.cc/Y03nPcjt/image.png more forum kids?
Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States

how does he manage to forget EVERY single time
Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Seriously...are you guys building that much rage and angriness just because I said that word (n word)? I know it is quite offensive and I was quite rudde but to stop it all we need to reflect and understand that mistakes can be made, and they teach us not to repeat them.

well if you say the n word in mkpc you DIE in real life/j but seriously you can get banned for THREE months for saying it
Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
the penis tracks don't stop, do they?

i don't think this one was intentional
Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
EXE wrote:
[Edited by Senko - Message got censored]

wait mods can change messages? oh well, i sure hope a mod doesn't change this to make this message immature
Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States

sorry, i didnt mean to, i wasn't paying attention
Messages 1488 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Anthcny wrote:
This track has a nsfw thumbnail https://mkpc.malahieude.net/circuit.php?id=156373
Direct link of the thumbnail: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/creation_icons/uploads/mkcircuits-156373-1716737969.png

As you can see the ID of the track matches the ID of the thumbnail

i regret looking at the thumbnail

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