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Mario Kart PC Leaderboard

VS modeBattle mode


Place Username Score
8601st gb Stephzhang 8044
8602nd fr Valoche22 8044
8603rd us AustinReed111-_ 8044
8604th us God_is_dead_we_killed_him 8043
8605th fr sachadansle76 8043
8606th mx masterkart 8043
8607th nl BroertjeVanYoshi 8043
8608th us TP4MyDungHole 8042
8609th us Zazibine 8042
8610th us homelessgayboy 8042
8611th jp GGgomigame 8042
8612th us sonicandthomasthetankfan 8042
8613th fr bilal31 8041
8614th us Trent77 8041
8615th gb Linas 8041
8616th fr Pipouchibre 8041
8617th us Mario_Legend 8041
8618th it NickUsername 8040
8619th de bastifantasti92 8040
8620th us kihtrak3 8040
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